I suppose an explanation is in order.
Friend of G:TB Shlara is both connected and a little bit of a marketing genius. LeBron and his high school teammates from St. Vincent-St. Mary's High School are featured in a forthcoming documentary entitled More Than a Game (Lionsgate). The movie started as a film school project for Akron native Kris Belman, a 10-minute documentary assignment by a novice filmmaker. The fact that it became a feature length film is nearly as unlikely as the story of our involvement.
One of Shlara's friends is responsible for the film's public relations push in Washington, D.C. One online introduction and several incredulous emails later, we received confirmation that G:TB's voice fit with the film's promotional strategy (I know what you're saying, and I agree. I wasn't aware that we had a voice. Again with Shlara's genius.) And that's how I found myself in a room at the Ritz-Carlton interviewing Dru Joyce III, Willie McGee, Romeo Travis, Kris Belman, and yes, LeBron James as part of a panel comprising three real journalists and one still-bewildered blogger.
We'll provide a review of the film itself closer to the October 2 release date - believe me, we've got a ton of material. Suffice it for now to say that I'd highly recommend More Than a Game to anyone who has a father, or children, or friends. This post is mostly about us. Forgive the indulgence; next time we get into the end zone we'll act like we've been there before.
The PR team confirmed the interview with us early last Wednesday. I spent the better part of the next two days trying hard not to puke. What do I wear? What do I ask? Could I talk about mustaches? I wanted the participants to think I knew what I was doing, even though the last interview I conducted was as the editor of the Woodbridge Senior High School newspaper. And that was probably with one of my friends. I didn't want to piss off the professional writers who were doing their jobs. I sure as hell didn't want to let Shlara down in front of her friend. Did I mention that I didn't want to puke?
Before the interview, Shlara, Teejay and I attended a press screening of the film at Regal 14 Cinemas in the District. (We'd have pictures of Teej with Kevin Durant, but for the fact that Shlara is as technology-clueless as she is public relations-savvy). Father-turned-coach Dru Joyce II opens the film saying, "Basketball is a vehicle." In his telling, it's a vehicle to build character, to turn boys to men, to teach even adults the lessons hard won in failure. In the words of Belman, the director of the documentary, it's also a vehicle to tell a story about loyalty. About fathers and sons, brothers - in arms and in fact - and best friends. About sacrifice and redemption and passion. The movie benefits from a cinematically perfect real-world narrative arc upon which Hollywood's finest scriptwriters would be hard-pressed to improve. And in a great many ways, it's about all of us. As it was pointed out to me earlier today, if the St. Vincent-St. Mary's guys had a blog, it'd be like Gheorghe, only with different YouTubes and more posts about sneaker culture.

After seeing the movie, nearly all of my nerves disappeared. (Nearly, but not entirely all. I almost spilled coffee on myself as I killed time before the interview because my hands were shaking so much.) As portrayed on film, and revealed in a question-and-answer session immediately after the screening, Dru, Willie, Romeo, LeBron, and Sian are a likable, friendly, comfortable, natural group. One of them just happens to be among the most transcendently gifted athletes in the world. The interview itself flew by in an instant. I tried hard to be respectful of the other interviewers, and tried even harder to listen to the conversation instead of thinking about my own questions. My only regret was not asking the group their thoughts about Gheorghe Muresan; that'll be the first thing I ask the next time I talk to LeBron.
Thanks to the enterprising Teejay Doyle, Team G:TB purchased a digital voice recorder in advance of the interview, enabling me to capture the transcript that follows. I'll note for the record that I have a substantial newfound respect for real journalists and how hard it is to both conjure insightful questions and transcribe the responses accurately. I think I did okay on the former, and I hope I've done the latter, with apologies in advance to the Fab Five if I missed a word or two. The following reflects answers to questions posed by G:TB only, though as I noted above, we've got tons of material. Enough for a few more of these posts in the runup to the movie's release. Our loyal readers have become accustomed to redundancy as an editorial strategy, so this should be nothing new.
Willie McGee and Dru Joyce II joined us first. These questions are for them.
G:TB: He (Director Kris Belman) got a lot of stuff from you guys, sort of after the fact (note: the film features interviews conducted with each of the players in the present day). You guys sorta opened up and were really comfortable talking about a lot of stuff. Was that because of the comfort level you guys have with each other, or was it just kinda the guys you are?
Willie McGee: I think it was that Coach Dru gave his blessing. At the time we had a lot of media at practices around at times. He said it was a college student doing his project and really gave his blessing for him to be in the gym at times. Like Dru said (note: in response to a previous question), he really wasn't in our faces. He just kinda let things unfold. Plus, he was a good guy, y'know joking around. And after a period of time, we really became comfortable with him. It was like he was a friend who just had a camera.
Dru Joyce III: I think the questions, when we sat down and started doing our first interviews...we're a real comfortable group. We give you realness and if you ask the right questions and get the conversation rolling, we have no problem sharing our story. I mean, because we've been blessed, you know, been blessed with a great opportunity, and who wouldn't want to tell their story. We've got so much to offer.

G:TB (to Kris Belman, who had just entered the room): We were just asking them how you got them to open up...
Kris Belman: What'd they say?
G:TB: Well, they said they're the kind of guys who like to tell their story anyway. Were you surprised to get that level of openness in some of the interviews and dialogue?
Kris Belman: Well, I think it was kind of two things. I think, first of all, with them loyalty to all five of them and Coach, I think loyalty is one of the most important things. And I think a lot of that was exemplified by the way they grew up. I think loyalty was of the utmost paramount, and, you know, once they did accept me and what I was trying to do I was kind of accepted and that loyalty was given to me. It's one of those situations where when you're on the in, they'll do anything for you. Pretty early on, that trust was given to me. I asked for photos, I called Romeo up and said, 'Hey, I need photos of you', he'd FedEx a giant box the next day of the original baby footprints and original photos of him as a baby. That's unbelievable to me, you know? I'm in college, I'm in L.A., and his family trusts me that much they're sending me his original baby photos. That's the trust that you get when you're on the inside with these guys because loyalty's so important. But as far as getting some of those interviews and so on, I don't know, I feel like it was just because we'd been together for so long at that point I was going back and doing more and more interviews and most of the interviews in the finished film were shot after knowing the guys for five or six years. I think that trust allowed us to go into certain areas that maybe a year in they wouldn't have been comfortable going into.
G:TB (to Dru Joyce III): You could probably look at how tall I am (note to our new readers: not very) and see who I identified most in the film. (laughter from Dru, who stood all of 4'10" when he played for St. VM as a freshman) One of the other things I identified with was that, you know, my Dad was a lot, I think, like your Dad when he was coaching me. And in our relationship there were times when it was kind of strained. For you, watching that again on the screen, what was that like and how do you think that affects you as you want to move into coaching and someday have kids of your own?
Dru Joyce III: I think my Dad did a wonderful job. The film tells the real tough times, it goes into the times that weren't good, but, y'know, our relationship was never broken. I just want to put that in the clear. It was never broken. We were always there for each other. He was always there for me no matter what was going on, that didn't separate us. But, you know, there were tough times where I probably couldn't stand him. I didn't want to hear another word from him. And he was tough on me, but things like that, they pay off. And I'm living the payoff right now. I went to college to play Division I basketball - that was a dream of mine. I'm playing professional basketball - that was another dream of mine. I pay tribute to how my Dad coached me, because he put the basketball in my hand and he made me work, and those things that he taught me can never be replaced.
Note: It's not a spoiler to note here that Willie McGee moved from Chicago as an 11 year-old to escape a tough environment and live with his brother, Illya, in Akron when the latter was a senior in college. And it'll help the next question make a lot more sense.
G:TB: Willie, one of my favorite parts of the movie was your relationship with your brother. I'm 39 years old, I have a 7 year-old daughter, and I don't feel like I'm ready. You're roughly now the same age as he was when you came down. Have you thought about that, and what something like that would mean for you?
Willie McGee: Yes, I definitely have. I definitely give him credit for being man enough to take on the challenge. Because he didn't know what was ahead of him. Two years ago, I thought the same thing. It was at that time that he brought me here and would I be ready to do the same things like that, and I don't know if I would have. But if I had to, I would, for my younger brother. It'd be something we'd go through together and I'd give him everything I had. And I definitely commend him for that.
Romeo Travis enters the room, and Willie McGee leaves
G:TB: You guys played for Coach Dambrot there (at Akron University - Dru Joyce III and Romeo Travis played there after graduating from St. Vincent - St. Mary's for Keith Dambrot, who coached them to two state championships during their first two seasons in high school), right? How was the transition going back to him after playing for Coach Dru (Joyce II)?
Dru Joyce III: It was kind of like a 3-year break. We did 2 years with my father (note: as head coach) and another year while he was the assistant. It was different because he (Coach Dambrot) couldn't approach the game the same way he did as when we were in high school. The passion and his effort was still there, but his philosophy had to change a little bit because, you know, college is a different level. It was kinda surprising to me. i thought, you know, it was just Coach D, we're gonna just pick everybody up from the locker room and we're gonna push the ball until everybody in the gym is tired of looking at us. But that wasn't the case - we had to play a different style. I think it catered more to the rest of the team, but Coach D, what you see is what you get. You seen him jumping in the film, stomping his feet and pointing, still sticking his face right here (puts his hand on his chin) in guys' faces. That doesn't change. That's what he's gonna do.
Romeo Travis: Going to college was like getting demoted.
G:TB: How long did it take you to - sounds like you never got comfortable with it, but how long did it take you to work in that environment?
Romeo Travis: Until my junior year. Well, he was a point guard (gestures toward Dru Joyce III). When you're a point guard they let you lead, but I'm a forward, so it takes a lot longer for me. But once I became pushed to the forefront as one of the better players, it's easy. My sophomore and junior year, that's when it was more like, I can say how I feel and be able to talk to other guys.
LeBron James enters the room with Willie McGee. He's tall, but leaner than I expected. Wore Size 15 Ferragamos. I know because he put them up on the table, completely at ease in the environment.
G:TB: Is there something in the film that really stuck out to you as positive, and is there something that you wish wasn't there?
Dru Joyce III: It's a documentary. It's supposed to tell the truth. I like the film. I don't have any problems. It includes the necessary things for us to get the point across and to tell the story. It's all a positive message, even when we lose our minds a little bit, it shows you that people can get off course but you can always get it back, you can always refocus.
G:TB: When you guys lost to Roger Bacon (in the 2002 Ohio Division II State Championship game. Kind of a spoiler, but it is public knowledge, my friends.), how much did Coach Dru have to push you guys the next year, and how much did you guys just say, 'we're not gonna do that again'?
LeBron James: He didn't have to push us at all. That one loss was an eye-opener for us, so that probably was the easiest coaching year Coach Dru had, our senior year because we was just focused.
Romeo Travis: We governed ourselves that year. If one of us actually did something, somebody else would yell 'get it together'. So it was like that loss changed our attitudes.
At this point a revealing discussion regarding the number of sellouts in the history of Cleveland's Gund Arena (now Quicken Loans Arena) ensued. It was probably my favorite part of the interview.
LeBron James: ...only sold out two times that year [their senior season]; once when we played and once when Michael Jordan came back with the Wizards.
Dru Joyce III: They only sold out [Gund/Quicken] two times in history.
LeBron James: ...hmm, yeah, before then. It's probably happened a few times now. They sell out a lot now. (smiling, eyes twinkling, while the others groan)
G:TB: Alright, so when he does stuff like that, do you guys give it back to him? Is it different now? (Yeah, that's right. I just broke LeBron James' balls. Sort of. A little. Tiny. Bit.)
Dru Joyce III: It's coming right back.
Romeo Travis: What I've learned is, you can't really listen to half the stuff he says. It's just gonna be outlandish. (laughter) It's just gonna be out of control. If you try to [accurately] depict everything he says, you're gonna be frustrated.
G:TB: As you look back, you know, six/seven years ago [when you were in high school], is there something you wish you could have carried forward to today that you don't have anymore?
Romeo Travis: I wish I didn't have to pay bills.
Dru Joyce III: I wish I was still playing with these guys, man. I never had teammates who shared that passion for winning and wanted to work hard to win. At all levels, I just never was on a team that had that same passion. It makes it tough at times. It's frustrating when you get guys out there who really don't care if we lost, it's not a big deal to them. Because it's a big deal to me. And I want everybody to feel like it's a big deal.
G:TB: You still feel it every game? Every loss?
Dru Joyce III: Man, I hate losing. (note: I take it back. This was my favorite part of the interview. Dru Joyce III will be a terrific leader of men, as a coach or whatever he chooses, when he retires from basketball.)
(L-R: Romeo Travis, Your Humble Blogger, Willie McGee, LeBron James, Dru Joyce III)
Morning boys...I knew exactly what was coming today, and I'm still floored by all of it.
And rob, I sure as hell hope that bottom picture is your Christmas card this year. I'm sure your wife and daughters will understand.
How do we follow this post? Tough to top.
So Rob, which one of us G:TBers is which guy in the film?
whit - that may need to be a follow-up post.
i would pay good money (like seven dollars!) to see a clip of that introduction.
way to work in a short questioon.
too bad about the documentarian that followed my basketball career. although that montage of shots clanging off the backboard was documentary gold.
Just really fucking awesome. Nothing else to say.
While I try to read G:TB as often as possible, I am not a loyal poster. But I have to just say that this was very, very cool and I look forward to all of the follow-ups. Well done guys.
Either Mark is not awake yet, or he is just finishing up the letter bomb to rob...
Kudos, men. That was strong to quite strong.
Amazing! All I got.
You're welcome Sisler. It was a real team effort. A lot of us* put in a lot of work.
*By "a lot of us," I mean a lot of them.
But it some excellent efforting. I plan to post my own celebrity follow-up soon, tentatively titled "The time Kyle McLachlan washed his hands next to me at an NYC film premiere for a weird Japanese flick."
I was really worried I was going to be disappointed after the build-up last week. Expectations met, and exceeded. Good work Rob and big ups to Shlara.
tr, we will be posting a follow-up of all the people teejay spoke to in the men's room at the screening. if the cavs play more zone this year, you'll know why.
Hey Mayhugh, f you.
This was worth the hype. You should see of some of these guys will give G:TB a few guest posts on sneaker culture.
So. Fucking. Awesome. I'm both I impressed and impossibly jealous.
I've seen the trailer and it looks terrific. I'm also pretty sure I want to fight Rob.
A guest post would be amazing. Hell, it would be cool to have one of them drop a comment on us from time to time.
I guess I need to get cracking on that Tebow interview.
Mark, not that this should surprise you, but Kevin Durant is huuuuuge...I felt like rob standing next to any of us when he stood up.
re: the guest post, i'd not go so far as to say i'm one of the guys now. that's probably a bridge too far. but if zoltan wants to write something about sneakers, we'd be happy to post it. that'd obviously be the next best thing.
I'm probably as jealous of you guys meeting Durant as anything. My mancrush on him is formidable.
Was Beasley there? I'm interested to know how tall he looks in person. I've always thought he looked a lot closer to 6'7" than 6'10".
So, apparently we are a documentary sort of crowd....
The takeaway here is that TJ spilled nary a bean for over a week.
Clicks, boys.
Did not see Beasley in the crowd, but did have the aforementioned urinal chat with Mike Brown (breaking my own rule about talking to dudes at a urinal) and also said hello to John Thompson, who is also a mammoth guy.
I'm just glad this lives up to the hype. :-)
dennis, whit and i were momentarily pissed at teejay b/c we assumed that line meant that you knew. a few beans were spilled, but we did a pretty good job considering we wanted to tell everyone we knew.
I literally bumped into Don King one time. He's huge, probably about 6'9".
i don't know, shlara. we'll see when the traffic numbers come in.
uh-oh. now the pressure is on me! I'm working on it...
you're the connected one, remember?
should also note that shlara got mentioned (by description, not name) in michael lee's washington post blog on the day after the screening.
What was the description?
He referred to me as a “Wizards fan/LeBron hater” because at the end of the movie I said “oh, I kinda like LeBron now—this movie humanizes him.” Then 10 mins later when someone in the audience asked LeBron a question about the rivalry with the Wizards, he got all “you have to win some games for there to be a rivalry” and I started rolling my eyes and snickering…back to hating.
Once again you have managed to prove that you missed your calling. You should be writing about sports for a living. I'm so excited for you, and I know at least one mother/son team who will be heading out to see the movie in October.
Man, Little Sister is even commenting on G:TB now. It won't be long now until Little Brother is cutting a G:TB theme song. We're about to hit the big time.
Little Brother is pretty Gheorghe. There aren't too many mc's who say stuff like "Baby all I have to offer is 15 minutes of passion on my mama's futon."
"These hoes ain't impressed by Applebee's no mo..."
Top 5 Rejected Questions for Rob to Ask the Cast of More Than a Game:
5. Will the DVD have the deleted scenes with the full frontal nudity and bloopers?
4. I can't remember from the movie - which of you guys was supposed to be covering Jimmy Chitwood?
3. The original LBJ was famous for giving people "The Johnson Treatment." Have any of you guys ever gotten "The Johnson Treatment" from LeBron?
2. Which of the five of you do you think could be phased out of the group most seamlessly?
1. Is it true that there will be a sequel called More Than a Game II: Electric Boogaloo starring Ted McGinley as LeBron?
Yet another thing for Mark to be proud of...
GAINESVILLE, Fla., Aug. 16 (UPI) -- Police in Gainesville, Fla., say they have arrested a man who allegedly threw a slice of pizza at his daughter's head after hurling a racial slur at her.
Question: why don't the Nationals just sign Strasburg to whatever absurd deal Boras wants and then turn around and trade him to the Red Sox or Yankees (or Angels or Mets etc etc) for four or five players?
I don't know but I'm guessing there's some ridiculous MLB rule that states you can't trade a draft pick for something like a year after they are signed.
Also, my prediction is that they do, in fact, end up signing him. The PR hit would be too great, even for a franchise this clueless.
i predict they don't sign him. boras is on a crusade to completely blow up the mlb draft/free agent system and strasburg is his leverage. kid's gonna get sacrificed on the altar of his agent's agenda.
raiders coach tom cable broke the jaw of one of his assistants. oakland still putting the 'fun' in dysfunction.
We enjoyed your coverage of More Than A Game. You guys are our choice for blog of the week! Thanks for your support.
So I'm thinking you leave this post at the top of the page for at least the rest of August...right?
Please, you know how many quality posts are just waiting in the pipeline? This thing is just clogging up the works.
so i nailed the strasburg thing, huh?
and thanks, bjoe, for the kind words.
simon & simon season 3 out on dvd today for you mustache fans.
i'd rather have mike vick on my team than brett favre. yeah, i said it.
Well, Vick is 29 and Favre will be 40 in two months. Hopefully Vick has been humbled and just wants to find a place to contribute; meanwhile, the stupid media circus that follows Favre isn't as disruptive as the purported me-first prima donna attitude that he brought to the Jets' locker room.
I don't think either one's your tip-top choice. Then again, I don't see Jason Campbell atop those lists, either. (Or near the top, or top 1/2, etc.)
I'd take Favre on the Redskins. I mean, over the past decade, I'm used to plenty of heartbreaking, should-have-won losses and boneheaded decisions, so Favre would just put a new spin on all that.
I'll set the over/under for "number of guys who start a game at QB for the Skins this year" at +/-2.5 and I'll take the over.
I wrote this last year and I'll repeat it this year:
Favre will lose as many games as he'll win. If healthy, he'll throw for 20+ TDs and 20+ INTs. The Vikes won't come close to the NFC Championship game.
FYI - One of the QBs in the battle to start at Rutgers is named DC Jefferson.
Yes...this came up last season...which spawned the expanded use of said name. Its on your "Best of G:TB 2008" DVD.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you get called Jabu Lovelace a bit less frequently than DC Jefferson.
As is the Cereal Mascot All-Stars. Ah, I remember when baseball was funny ha-ha, instead of funny the Mets' last healthy guy got drilled in the head with a 93-mph fastball.
I spent about 30 seconds contemplating whether or not that was a secret derogatory nickname for me that I was unaware of...and then quickly thought to google it.
This made me smile...
The following breaking news has been translated from English into Brett Favre-Hypese: MINNESOTA -- Favre favre, favreity favre-favre, favreful favring favrosity favre favre. Sources close to Favre confirm favrity favring favre favre favre favre with favre on top. "Favre favre frickin' favre Flava Favre favorite favre-flavored favre favre favre," Favre said. ... We will continue to monitor Favrings as Favres develop. Until then, go Favre yourself.
"You could try Spam, Egg, Sausage and Spam. It's not got much Spam in it."
♫ Lovely spam, wonderful spam ♫
I think TR blacks out sometimes...maybe its the kids, or the oil cans or the complete disregard for any of us.
Whatever it is, sometimes I feel like I'm talking to my grandpa (not true...he's dead, but you get the idea) when he comes on here an announces things like this DC Jefferson revelation or even when he brought up Jozy Altidore's transfer about a week late. Admittedly, if TR was my grandpa, he be the coolest grandpa ever, but still...
you got it Rob. We've added you to our blog roll!
Did you know:
"Lake Tahoe holds 39 trillion gallons of water, which, if emptied into area the size of California, would fill the state to a depth of 14 inches."
I did not.
Florida is a 73-point favorite in their home opener against Charleston Southern.
And I'll be there. I'll probably be drinking at The Swamp by halftime and the game won't be remotely close but there's still nowhere Id rather be on a fall Saturday.
And no, grandpa, I did not know that.
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