Among other results, Utah reports directly reducing energy costs by $1.8 million by limiting demand for electricity and saving 12,000 metric tons of greenhouse emissions. Sales of weak, low-alcohol beer have skyrocketed, as well. On the downside, Utahans have had 20% more time to contemplate the fact that they live in Utah.
The politics of the G:TB effectively span the spectrum, so I'm interested in the responses to this post. Does Utah have it right? Would you prefer to work this schedule? And how would you market a four-day workweek if you were smoking pot at the same time?
Is that Loverboy? Working for the Weekend? Awesome.
Great Loverboy pic. But I prefer this one. Not that time's been kind to me or anything, but...
Duuuuude...what was the question?
can you blow me where the pampers is?
"It’s difficult to get in sync because of all the fucking Mormons out here. And you can quote me on that."
A local government contractor (that I once worked for) does 9/80 pay periods with every other Friday being a day off. Essentially, every other weekend is a 3 day weekend. That job sucked, but the 3 day weekends were awesome.
I have long bemoaned the pathetic state of weather prognostication and technology's inability to improve it over rain dancers and saliva-moistened fingers in the wind, but we have a new low. The Weather Channel website is reporting that it's sunny and 93 degrees with 0% chance of precipitation in my zip code right now. Right outside my window, a summer storm rages with thunderbolts galore.
as a teacher who has never worked a summer in his career, i prefer to have the rest of you people at work on fridays so i can enjoy the beach, movies, mountain biking trails, community pool, and local pornography booths in relative peace.
The Friday off plan is great for employees and employee morale. Conversely, it is my belief that it is not beneficial to customers and productivity...based on no research or empirical data.
The key element in the Utah case is the government aspect of it. Productivity is likely minimal either way, but now you can turn the lights out.
A fair and accurate point, based on years of first hand experience.
I agree with Geoff. You get less productivity and actual time at work with the four hour work week. When people work 5 8 hour days, you are probably really getting them in the office for about 8.5 hours a day (or 42.5 hours/week). If those people are adjusted to a 10 hour work week, they will not stay a minute late because of the "well, I've already been here 10 hours" mentality.
I have a problem with the Utah bashing. I would seriously consider living there if I could get a good job. The highways and airport are modern, the outdoors options are spectacular, Vegas is a 6 hour drive, Cali beaches are less than 2 hours on a planet, and it's very clean. Throw in Moab trail riding, the ridiculous ski/snowboard options, and a bit of the big sky vibe, and you've got a great place to live. It's possible to wake up in a Salt Lake suburb in March amid 60 degree weather, drive less than 30 minutes and get out of your car at the base of a sick mountain enjoying a fresh powder day.
In Salt Lake, the Mormon population is less than 50% and the mayor is not Mormon. Tells you a bit about how the town is progressing.
And if you have a problem with the watered-down beer, man up and drink scotch.
You had me at fresh powder.
Me too. Until I realized he was talking about snow...
lack of sleep is making tr cranky.
Careful, TR, your wife might think it's the polygamy that's enticing you to Utah.
the moab trail is amazing and it would be nice to ride it at a time other than summer-- when it's 120 degrees.
let's all move to utah. i'll host the first thursday night 3.5 beer party.
Happy 219th Birthday to the U.S. Coast Guard. Sorry the only Hollywood movie about you featured an, ahem, washed up Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher.
Mark, are you the mastermind behind the new TLC program "Police Women of Broward County"?
"Uninterrupted sleep"
A phrase that has not been in my lexicon for the last couple days. And won't be for a while.
At least the Yanks and Jays appear to be wrapping things up in a snappy 2.5 hours.
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