Somewhere in southwestern US, John Hughes' body has been tied to a chair and is riding down the highway on the roof of a station wagon . . .
The writers at Gheorghe: The Blog have assembled to pay tribute to dearly departed director/producer/writer John Hughes with a post about . . . the writers at Gheorghe: The Blog. (That's what we do.) In an doubled-edged effort to salute one of the finest moviemakers of our formative years, we're going to grant you readers a touch of insight into who we are. We present to you, straight from our home office in Shermer, Illinois:
The writers at Gheorghe: The Blog have assembled to pay tribute to dearly departed director/producer/writer John Hughes with a post about . . . the writers at Gheorghe: The Blog. (That's what we do.) In an doubled-edged effort to salute one of the finest moviemakers of our formative years, we're going to grant you readers a touch of insight into who we are. We present to you, straight from our home office in Shermer, Illinois:
The List of Gheorghe Contributors as John Hughes Movie Characters
As an hors d'oeuvre, we're going to throw out there a nice pair: our steady female commentors, KQ and Shlara. There was much debate over whether they were Weird Science's Deb & Hilly or Samantha Baker and her fairly hot friend she rode the school bus with; the last minute winner, however, was depicting our two lady-friends as The Princess and The Basket Case. And it was pretty obvious to us which was which.
Perfect Quotes:
"Do you know how popular I am? I am so popular. Everybody loves me so much at this school"
"Do you know how popular I am? I am so popular. Everybody loves me so much at this school"
"I've done just about everything there is except a few things that are illegal. I'm a nymphomaniac."
When conducting this exercise, we first asked folks which character they saw for themselves, and just like 15 years ago when Rob picked Michael J. Fox to portray him in the movie version of our lives when we all knew Gary Burghoff would get the nod, he aimed high. After inducing a chuckle with a pretty good wisecrack ("I kinda have to be Jake Ryan, right?"), he amused us with more serious suggestions as well: the guy everybody wanted to be -- Ferris Bueller -- and Eric Stoltz's Keith Nelson character in Some Kind of Wonderful, attributable to Rob's unhealthy sexual
obsession with Lea Thompson that has lasted beyond all statutes of limitations. He did provide more self-deprecating offerings in the form of AMH roles -- Gary Wallace and Brian Johnson, but the rest of us already had someone else in mind. It came down to his diminutive stature, his likable qualities (also diminutive, said one entrant), his quick-witted sarcasm, and his "pining for the wrong girl in high school," as one person put it...
He's Duckie.

He's Duckie.
Perfect Quote:
"His name is Blane? Oh! That's a major appliance, that's not a name!"(making fun of less-than-masculine names to take the attention off the real issues, of course)
Just because most of us have never been in the same barroom (or any room, for that matter) as Mark doesn't preclude us from labeling him with a Hughes character. Far from it. We had lots of suggestions, from "BOTH robbers from Home Alone" (presumably Pesci's height and Stern's intellect) to Chet Donnelly (Mark's not dickish enough... not quite) to John Bender (same, and Bender has good hair) to the bald biker from Weird Science. All good stabs, but they're all in some way superficial

Nah, on second thought he's Charlie Sheen's character in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Perfect Quote:
Boy in Police Station: Drugs?
Jeannie: Thank you, no. I'm straight.
Boy in Police Station: I meant, are you in here for drugs?
Jeannie: Why are you here?
Boy in Police Station: Drugs.
Dennis doesn't come around these parts as often as, say Teejay, so this should be highly informational for you readers. We had suggestions such as Rusty Griswold, Dick Vernon, the loogie-hocking pickup driver in Planes, Trains, &
Automobiles, and Blaine McDonough. Hard to get a bead there, eh? This should help: Dennis is someone of upstanding moral character in his community, but when he breaks bad, look out. He's not just a tough guy but the kid with brooding intensity, intelligence, and emotion; he's the one who comes off bad-assed and strong but who's suffering deep down and just wants to go crazy, to wail on Larry Lester's buns or dance like crazy in a tank top. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Dennis, or as he's known in celluloid, Andrew Clark.

Perfect Quote: "If I lose my temper you're totaled, man."
Ah, the ever elusive TR. Once known as Rhymenocerous, also The Iron Sheikh, also Tim the Enchanter. (TR is actually his initials: Thad Rigby is his real name.) And when it came to picking characters, there were just as
Perfect Quote: "Mornin' Clark. Shitter's full."
Got just a few picks here, a Jack Butler (Mr. Mom), a Cameron Frye, and a Jake Ryan (self-pick). And some commentary about
leading men, strong and handsome, the guy who always lands the hot babe, etc. Yeah. The consensus soon enough indicated that I am indeed . . . Clark W. Griswold. Equal parts lovable family man and inept clown, there seem to be enough parallels that there was no protesting Sparky. Time to pack up the Truckster and head to WalleyWorld, I guess.
Perfect Quote: "My credo is . . . if you have to have a credo, you know . . . 'Go for it' . . . pretty much."

Perfect Quote: "My credo is . . . if you have to have a credo, you know . . . 'Go for it' . . . pretty much."
And finally we get to Teejay. It's here that we have our first tie. Fortunately, both characters are played by the same actor, a late, great funny man with

Perfect Quotes: "Art Linkletter was right. Kids do say the God damnedest things."
"Six bucks and my left nut says we're not going to be landing in Chicago."
(but I also love this exchange...)
Del: You play with your balls a lot.
Neal: I do NOT play with my balls.
Del: Larry Bird doesn't do as much ball-handling in one night as you do in an hour!
Neal: Are you trying to start a fight?
Del: No. I'm simply stating a fact. That's all. You fidget with your nuts a lot.
Neal: You know what'd make me happy?
Del: Another couple of balls, and an extra set of fingers?
Friday, August 7, 2009.
Gheorghe: The Blog.
Dear Mr. Vernon, We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Friday morning coming up with this post for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did *was* wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write a blogpost telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. You see us as Duckie, Kevin, or the stoned guy, Andrew, Eddie, Clark, Buck, and Del. Correct? That's the way we saw each other at 7:00 this morning. We were brainwashed.
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Won't you come see about me?
I'll be alone, dancing you know it baby
Tell me your troubles and doubts
Giving me everything inside and out and
Love's strange so real in the dark
Think of the tender things that we were working on
Slow change may pull us apart
When the light gets into your heart, baby
Don't You Forget About Me
Don't Don't Don't Don't
Don't You Forget About Me
Will you call my name?
As you walk on by
Will you call my name?
Or will you walk away?
Will you walk on by?
Come on - call my name
Will you call my name?
I say: La
La la la la
La la la la la la la la la la...
Friday, August 7, 2009.
Gheorghe: The Blog.
Dear Mr. Vernon, We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Friday morning coming up with this post for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did *was* wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write a blogpost telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. You see us as Duckie, Kevin, or the stoned guy, Andrew, Eddie, Clark, Buck, and Del. Correct? That's the way we saw each other at 7:00 this morning. We were brainwashed.
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Won't you come see about me?
I'll be alone, dancing you know it baby
Tell me your troubles and doubts
Giving me everything inside and out and
Love's strange so real in the dark
Think of the tender things that we were working on
Slow change may pull us apart
When the light gets into your heart, baby
Don't You Forget About Me
Don't Don't Don't Don't
Don't You Forget About Me
Will you call my name?
As you walk on by
Will you call my name?
Or will you walk away?
Will you walk on by?
Come on - call my name
Will you call my name?
I say: La
La la la la
La la la la la la la la la la...
Lando Griffin approves of this post.
"Do you swim"
"Pfff. Sure I swim. I'm proficient in many strokes. In fact, I could've been in the Olympics."
Shouldn't TR be Cousin Eddie's son who has "a stack of noodie books this high"?
Whit, expect an angry note from Sentence Dave for excluding him from this prestigious list.
When he didn't show up this morning at Gheorghe HQ for our all-hands mandatory meeting, I took that as a sign he'd be okay with it. We can add him, but we need to reconvene and nominate/vote on who he is.
I'd like to add two more: Zoltan is Brian Johnson and Mayhugh is Lasky.
Baldwin has been Cameron Frye for the past 15 years or so...
i do love me some lea thompson. even after she fucked a duck.
When Baldwin was in Egypt's land, let my Baldwin go...
Tyson Jackson just got $31 million guaranteed. That is absurd.
should i know who that is?
I think that's the fat, lazy LSU DE that Mark loathes...
He was the 3rd pick in the draft (Chiefs) and yes, he played at LSU. I don't really think he's fat or lazy, just not a real game changer. Technically sound, plays the run well, etc. I just think/hope an organization would want more than that if you're going to commit $31 million in guaranteed money to a guy.
Love the post. Love John Hughes movies. I can still probably recite most of Sixteen Candles by memory.
I always saw myself as a "Samantha Baker" but I think you guys might be more correct pegging me as Ally Sheedy. Scary.
And we're off...courtesy of an eleventh hour ticket offer from Work Jerry (a diehard Bills fan), we are in the car on our way to the Pro Football Hall of Fame induction ceremony in if only I had something to wear to blend in with all the Bills fans...hmmm...
Breezewood, PA. No matter how many times I come through here the place still amazes me. And not in a good way.
I think I'd much rather live in New Beaver, PA than Big Beaver, PA.
Ohio sucks.
Does one tailgate for the HoF ceremony?
Ohio does suck...terribly. And, I think you'll be surprised by how small the Pro Football HOF is TJ. It's still nice, just feels like there should be more there though.
Even if you really take your time it can't take more than an hour to see everything.
if he were with me right now stuck in traffic on i-64, he might murder two people in cold blood.
If you're trying to snag a ride back to the hotel after the ceremony, do NOT ride with Bruce Smith.
Not to give Whit an even bigger head than he has, but the Bills contigent I am with quite enjoyed the Bruce Smith barb. Let's put it this way...they are a lot happier for Ralph's induction than his. Plus, we have bets on how many times Berman drops "circling the wagons" in Ralph Wilson's intro.
I bet TJ is a fucking hit with the Bills fans in Canton. In other news, I now have an answer to one of life's nagging questions..."who the fuck goes to HOF induction ceremonies?"
"Dudes that are offered free tickets, and morons in Rod Woodson jerseys for 500 Alex"
Don't eat the parm fries at Muonsons. At least the Yanks are up and red bull TJ is back!
Say what you want about Florida but I've spent the day at a bar on the beach doing some surfing and drinking in some of the most beautiful weather you could ever want. I'm willing to make that trade for the ocassional meth lab in the neighborhood.
Tj 1
Marshawn Lynch 0
Correction....TJ 1, LenDale White 0
Well then...the Mayor of Canton just decalred this "Buffalo Bills Day""...and followed it by playing Don't Stop Believin'
Bad things man
Nice Airwolf heli entrance for this...are either Ernie Borgnine or Jan Michale Vincent still with us?
Oh boy, Berman time...
This place is 80 percent Bills fans.
Ralph Wilson...old as dirt, but jesus was he talkative (with loooong pauses).
Better #8 jersey: Kitna (Lions) or Moorman (Bills)?
Ralph looks better at 90 than I do at 34.
We should've started a new post for Married Jerry and TJ to post jokes to themselves. Or...they could just talk to one another...
If you want to have an idea of how much the NFL game has changed over the years, consider this:
Roger Staubach is inducting Bob Hayes into the Hall of Fame tonight. He and Hayes combined for 11 total TD passes.
Evidently Bob Hayes is from Florida (good God this state produces football players)...and I'll be damned if he doesn't have one hell of an interesting history.
He sure does can you get Staubach off the stage?
Starbauch should write a speech beforehand next time.
Man...Rich Eisen should probably just shave his head, no?
And, am I the only guy who got a little sick when Josh Hamilton immediately referenced Jesus in his defense/disclaimer about his drunken/cheating incident? I mean, come the fuck on man...Jesus doesn't have shit to do with you getting drunk and hitting on 20 year olds.
Honestly...Rod Woodson has kind of slipped through history's cracks. Dude was legitimately great at two positions...
is staubach's company public? 'cause i'd like to short the shit out of it after listening to the ceo speak.
Why is Swint not a huge Rod Woodson fan? Or is he?
double front pockets on woodson's buddy's suit. fancy.
and curse you teejay and married jerry for making us watch this.
The Lord Jesus Christ got Rod Woodson into the Hall of Fame?
Josh Hamilton might be on to something...
i'd like to thank God for giving carl pickens that coke problem, so he forgot his route that one time and allowed me to take that pick to the house.
Julia Child's is Rod Woodson's mom?
Does Derek Jeter have to choose?
In case you don't know, Rod Woodson comes from a small town.
Why do HOF recipients wear a boutonniere? This isn't the fucking prom.
Woodson's bust has an impressive stache...
Woodson and Oates made some sweet, sweet music together...
Why did Rod Woodson kidnap those three white kids?
Hey Whit, Nats just won their seventh in a row...
TJ is multitasking like a motherfucker right now. I, on the other hand, am drunk and rocking out to Camp Lo...
I am a big Rod Woodson fan. huge fan. played at snider high school, which is not a high school that I would want to attend. I somehow remember the press conference when he decided to go to purdue for college. it was big news in fort wayne.
anyone want four little girls who don't have the common decency to sleep in? anyone other than mark?
I'd like to thank Rod Woodson and the Lord Jesus Christ for this IHOP breakfast I'm having...
Leave me out of this, Rob. And I'd like to thank Jeebus for my lack of hangover today. Nothing quite like 12 hours worth of drinking with little to no after effects.
I'm 21 again! Outta my way!
Goodbye Canton...Teejay and Work Jerry have left the building.
I couldn't figure out why some lady crossed the street and looked a bit frightened just now while I was walking my dogs. Then I remembered that I am bearded, bald and heavily tattooed and I'm walking to full grown pit bulls. I guess it makes sense when now...
We just left Ohio, and I shit you not, the minute we crossed the state line the sun finally came out for the first time.
I didn't watch the HoF induction, but Mark's description of the Woodson bust has me picturing the sculpture made by the blind chick in the Hello video.
Seems my brain took a little break right around 11:27 am.
And, you're pretty close Mayhugh...
Rob: I see your sleep deprivation and raise it with two infant crying spells in the middle of the night and one half-empty bottle of red that was needlessly consumed with pizza after I ran out of Carib beers.
At least I don't have to get up at 5:10 AM every day next week for work. Oh wait...
Eldrick is pretty much making Padraig Harrington shit in his pants today.
From the rough, 176 yards to the pin, he pulls out the 9 iron and leaves it within a few feet.
Harrington will be lucky to be within 4 strokes by the time this thing is over.
Jay Cutler is a tool.
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