SANTA FE, N.M., June 5 (UPI) -- Virgin Galactic, a New Mexico space tourism company, said it has received severalWhat have we learned from this? Well, for starters, Dr. James Logan wants us all to know he's a bear in the sack. Five minutes not enough time? I disagree Doc.requests from couples seeking to be the first to have sex in space.
Will Whitehorn, president of the company, said the approach of Virgin's first planned space tourism flight, which is expected to take place in 2009, has led to many curious couples asking the company about sex in sub-orbital zero gravity, The Telegraph reported Thursday.
"We've had a variety of people inquire about it," Whitehorn said of space sex. "One got in touch about a charter flight so they could be the first to have intercourse in space and get in the Guinness Book of Records."
Dr. James Logan, an expert in space medicine, said the zero gravity portion of the first space tourism flights will last only five minutes, leaving very little time for intercourse. He said couples would likely find sex without gravity to be more trouble than it's worth.
"Sex in zero gravity would more or less be a flailing exercise quite frankly," he said. "Sex in Martian gravity might be pretty appealing though."
I guess the other useful(?) piece of information is that sex on Mars might be appealing? Does Martian gravity make it seem like you're having relations in a vat of jello, cause honestly, I think that would be pretty damn cool. But that's just me.
I hope you can all read the tagline on that "Space Nuts" poster.
drill? get it?
better than skinless sausage.
Can't let it go, can you.
You'll go blind that way you know.
I don't know much about having sex "in" jello, but I know that my big brother Mr. Guy had some hometown friends that used to have sex "with" mayonnaise (with the help of a microwave).
If you think it's gross and hard to imagine, well, you're just like me.
i mean...
the red sox just drafted a kid who was born in 1990. i'm feeling a bit chagrined.
Rob, this ought to add a little insult to injury:
It will always be Burma to me.
You there on the motorbike...sell me one of your melons...
If you bet on a horse with 20-1 odds to show, what kind of payoff can you expect?
I know there may be other variables in place, but what's a ballpark estimate?
(Tapping my left forearm for Marlin to come out of the 'pen and comment here...)
The odds on the tote board are actualy only the "Win" odds. However, you can use them to give a rough estimate of what the "Show" payout will be. It is usually about 1/3 of the win payout. $2 to win on a 20-1 shot will usally pay out $42 beans, so show will pay $14.
However, in horse racing, you are not betting against the house as in a casino, rather, you are betting against all the other people who have placed bets. Thus, on a day like tomorrow where the favorite is going off at such a short price, you will likely have much few people betting a different horse to win - thereby resulting in 20-1 odds for your horse, but lots of people looking for value betting that same horse to show - creating much lower "show odds" for that horse.
The best way to tell what the payout is going to be is to look at the "show pool" totals to see how they relate to the win pool #'s. That will give you a ratio which you can use to estimate the the acutal payout. However, if I had to guess, I would think that a 20-1 shot in the Stakes will pay about 10 or 11 bucks on a 2$ bet.
Bad Idea Jeans:
Danny Bonaduce, Dennis Rodman and Dustin "Screech" Diamond are heading into the ring to compete in CMT's upcoming reality series Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling.
Also on board are Todd Bridges (Diff'rent Strokes), super-heavyweight boxer ButterBean, Trishelle Cannatella (The Real World), Erin Murphy (Tabitha Stephens on Bewitched), Frank Stallone, '80s pop star Tiffany and Playboy playmate Nikki Ziering.
I haven't seen that many washed up people in one place since my days in the Turkish bathhouse.
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