Because I'm gonna end it on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, one of my favorite places. In honor of that impending trip, this space will host an homage to the best local restaurant in all the world in a few days. Until then, though, we'll celebrate a few other things that make me smile, like Robert Trujillo's bassline styling, and Jenny Lewis', well, Jenny Lewisness.

Photos courtesy of
Pitchfork's coverage of Bonnaroo.
Yep. Jenny Lewis is just so darn...well, you know what I want to say. Love the music, too.
Have a great week in OBX.
I don't know if MSNBC or CNBC is going to re-air yesterday's Meet the Press tribute to Tim Russert, but if they do I highly suggest you record and watch it, and I suggest you have a box of Kleenex on hand when you watch. I was choked up more than once.
And Greg, you ever gonna let us know what the going rate for a squeezer is?
So Javon Walker was found badly beaten and unconscious on the strip in Vegas last night. Umm, so, he might just want to stop going out, huh?
Or he should stop messing with Money Mayweather's crew...
Spraying Vegas night club crowds with 15 bottles of Dom two nights in a row is not a smart move.
I like that it was Mayweather's crew and not Mayweather himself. You know, because Floyd is like 5'5" and a buck fifty.
And I agree with TJ, spraying champagne in a nightclub is one of the more idiotic displays of one's wealth I can think of. Even worse when you consider that this is, reportedly, what touched off the whole Darrent Williams murder.
Hey, at least it's not like some team paid him $10 mil a yr to catch 35 balls...oh wait.
Mark makes a good point because I often murder people who splash drinks on me at bars.
It would be good to know if alcohol played a big role in his unconsciousness. Was he beaten unconscious, or he did he pass out after being popped in the face and stumbling around for a few blocks?
At least half the murders I've committed have been a result of drinks being spilled on me or people scuffing my shoes in the club. Then again, I am very, very tough.
The best part of this whole thing is that on the message boards that are carrying the Mayweather rumor, the discussion immediately turns to how this will affect the fantasy propsects of the other Raider receivers.
The answer: JaMarcus will still overthrow all of them.
Courtesy of CNBC's Darren Rovell:
"There was a measurable decline in trades on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday while Tiger Woods and Rocco Mediate played their U.S. Open playoff.
According to Rovell, the average volume between noon and 4 p.m. over the last 30 days has been 781.5 million shares traded. The volume yesterday between noon and 4 p.m. was 709.9 million shares traded. That represents a 9.2% decline in trading, and it made yesterday the NYSE's slowest day since the day after Memorial Day."
I thought Rocco Mediate was funny in "Night at the Roxbury."
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