Because a) we're big fans of the Daily Sentence of Dave and b) muffins are part of a healthy Ceai Complet, we bring you today's Sentence in its entirety in flagrant disregard for copyright laws and common courtesy:
"Yesterday, there was a giant spread of junk food in the English office, and as usual, I was
drawn to the worst thing on the table-- a box of glazed mini-crullers-- but just as I was about to put the donut in my mouth, some other impulse took hold--DEMONS OUT!-- and I whipped it as hard as I could across the room at the little metal trashcan and, to the surprise of the people in the room, it went in . . . and I think my relationship with junk food will be different now: I have conquered the urge to be a glutton, and my reward is that I am now unerringly accurate (although two periods later I did eat six mini-muffins, and I cut each one in half so that I could have more surfaces to coat with butter)."

Dave's sentences have a real James Joyce feel to them...
look at the big literacy on teejay.
except that dave's hate for the irish is legendary.
So, Dave, are you one of the "cool" teachers the kids love to have? Or are you a real dick to them, like in real life? I'll hang up and wait for your response.
Enjoy this clip and all of its Cocker-ness:
note to self:
muffin posts may not be the way to go the day after a deadspin link if increased traffic is the goal.
Top o' the muffin to you rob...
There's some buzz that Mark has an NBA Draft post brewing...somewhere...perhaps it's a 2009 Draft post.
There's some buzz? Really. Where? I've heard nothing.
all the kids over at are talking about it.
Its up, unlike TJ's WNBA Draft Preview(s)...
thanks! i love being plagiarized, and, tj, to answer your question-- i pretend to be a dick but i'm such a bad actor that the kids know it's an act-- so they kind of half-go along with it, they think i like to think that i'm a hard-ass, even though i'm not-- so everybody wins, the kids are pretty well-behaved, but they think they're doing it of their own acccord, because they know i'm really not a dick, but like to act like one so i have good self-esteem.
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