I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that if this isn't your first time at Gheorghe: The Blog, you might be okay with what I term "Juvenilia." People falling down stairs is funny. Whenever someone, anyone, says the word "homeowner," you hear "homo" and laugh. When it's time to repair the gaps between bathtub and tile, it's simply yet another opportunity to talk about pulling out your caulk and amusing yourself with an array of related jokes. And it's all really, really funny, even as the mature (emphatically pronounced "ma-toor") people you know grimace and shake their heads in a condescending manner.

If you enjoy such Juvenilia, you will love the August-September 1951 issue of the Batman comic. (Worth mentioning that nothing's been edited for comedic purposes. A strict reprint.) The key panels are highlighted here (worth the full look), but here's a taste:

For tips on how to "force someone into a boner," contact Gregory X. Halberstram.
Big Bob Bryden?
I've known a few ladies who wish they had that talent.
Richard Stabone?
I forgot about the illustrious Bone Smuggler...somewhere in a southern VA courtroom, a judge is hearing the words "And for the defense, Boner Bryden, Esquire..."
And may I reiterate that the childish among us should definitely follow the link and read the entire series of panels -- these two are merely the tip of the iceberg.
Warning: Beavis-like chuckling may ensue.
Funny that you mention Mr. Bryden. I ran into him at the Addison L stop in Chicago last weekend. He was on the way to a Cubs game on Friday. He was in town for a wedding and going to the game sans wifey who was doing wedding things.
Sadly, I was not going to the game that day. I was getting on the El to go downtown and visit Michigan Avenue. In case anyone was wondering if the Banana Republic in Chicago is different than the one in DC, don't hold your breath. dagger.
Did you say "Boner? I hardly know her!"
Dogger...I am reminded of Elaine's trip to Europe with David Puddy:
"What do you think The Gap in Rome has that's not in The Gap on Broadway?"
I did call him Boner, but then switched quickly to Rob when I introduced him to the wifey.
Yeah, when I ran into him in Richmond several years ago when he was in law school, I got the "Dude, I'm trying to leave that nickname in college" from him.
wait, what?
When I lived with him after college I got the "Dude, I'm trying to leave that nickname in college" from him. So then he became Roberto Brydeña, Latin lover extraordinaire.
Boners and jokers. Pretty much wraps up my college dating experience.
welcome home.
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