Among the co-sponsors of the Party of God's once-more-into-the-breach attempt at a Federal Marriage Amendment: Larry Craig and David Vitter. Because who better to defend the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman than a glory-hole connoisseur and an admitted purveyor of prostitutes? At least my hypocrisy has carefully considered boundaries.
Rob, in their defense...neither of them ever tried to marry a man/prostitute/glory hole.
Note that Brownback, a former presidential candidate and rabid social conservative, is a co-sponor. So Brownback still considers Craig and Vitter legitimate political allies? Amazing.
i bought teejay that t-shirt for flag day.
Did it get lost in the mail? Don't tease me like that robert.
torres' pace is making a big difference in this match.
torres! wow!
was this one of the guys who was "tapping" in the men's bathroom?
craig was, indeed, that guy. all vitter did was frequent a normal, red-blooded american prostitute. can't blame the guy for that.
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