...with guitar.
Know your rights. All three of them.
Number 1: You have the right not to be killed. Murder is a crime. Unless it was done by a policeman or an aristocrat.
Oh, know your rights.
And Number 2: You have the right to food money. Providing of course you don't mind a little investigation, humiliation, and, if you cross your fingers, rehabilitation.

These are your rights. Oh, know these rights.
Number 3: You have the right to free speech. As long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it.
Know your rights. These are your rights. All three of them.
It has been suggested in some quarters that this is not enough. Well, get off the streets.
The official website is here. Listen today here.G:TB's definitive Clash post is here.
one of the silver linings of surgery is getting to sit on my couch and listen to the current's clash day programming.
I'm tuned into KEXP. Loving it.
I'm really looking forward to the play-by-play of TR's bowel cleanse and colonoscopy.
We termed our Ireland intake the Guinness Cleanse. It was... interesting.
I have audio tapes of some of my memorable moments on the throne in the last 24 hours. I’ll send one to you!
I am home w/ a slightly chapped bung, but (more importantly) a healthy colon. The only highlight of the process is the “I’m gonna fight it” mentality when they give you the nap juice. For five seconds, you think you can win.
real clash fans fucking hate international clash day.
Kill Devil Grill on the OBX used the image from the London Calling album cover on one of its t-shirts. I remarked to the bartender how cool it was that the band gave them permission to use it. He smiled and said, "Yeah, it is pretty cool. Don't tell 'em."
It seems Bezos had his own public service announcement today.
RIP Frank Robinson
Are we at the point yet where Whit becomes Governor of that tarnished Commonwealth?
Whit, the Flat Hat already did the homework:
Holy crap, that story is crazy. I never ever heard the word slave used once. College Dems are shooting first and not asking questions at all.
the notion of auctioning off humans has a pretty ugly connotation, in general. but it's a long leap from our stupid tradition to condoning slavery and racism. agree with tr that the college dems are leaping to a conclusion without much thought. if you haven't seen mark herring's statement about his blackface incident, it's worth reading - pretty forthright examination of his behavior and his current feelings about it.
Pledge auction was about fundraising, and drinking enough to overcome any potential for embarrassment. For all of the offensive stuff I witnessed and/or participated in the walls of unit M, I don't recall anything remotely racist. Ever.
I strutted my stuff to Devo's "Whip It", which seems insensitive now. My favorite memory of it was Heavy Doug McD, in ski goggles with Howlin' Wolf's "Built for Comfort" as a soundtrack.
It must be blatant if Rob agrees w/ me.
My favorite College Democrat / College Republican memory from college is when both groups were at Confusion Corner. The Dems had “Abolish the Death Penalty” signs, trying to get cars to honk. The Republicans had “keep the death penalty in place” signs. One group had gotten there first, and the other piled in to give a counterpoint. The groups were loud and aggressive and doing nothing of value. Was epic futility.
There were College Dems and College Republican groups when we were in school? I clearly wasn’t paying attention back then, or just focused on more important things. Like Tribe Basketball and $4 pitchers at the Delly.
Not any sort of suggestion of carte blanche, mind you, but worthy of consideration in all that's happening:
To arrive at a just estimate of a renowned man’s character one must judge it by the standards of his time, not ours. Judged by the standards of one century, the noblest characters of an earlier one lose much of their lustre; judged by the standards of today, there is probably no illustrious man of four or five centuries ago whose character could meet the test at all points.
Mark Twain
In other news, I’ll be at the Drive-By truckers/Lucinda Williams show tonight at the anthem in DC. I may have an extra if anybody wants it.
happy charter day, everybody!
another woman accuses justin fairfax of rape. i believe them. that dude has to resign, too.
Virginia is for....politicians who think they can get away with anything?
Virginia is for you and me, Rootsy, decent peeps who enjoy each other and are nice to folks and love life. End of story.
Well said. Cheers!
did the sneakerheads see this in deadspin?
Virginia is still very much the south. Despite how a few counties slant it during elections. I say this from the Trumpiest county in Florida. It’s a bummer to confront how many “good” people we know are racists but it’s necessary.
I have some counter arguments for some of the Tribe re: past behaviors during the frat days. But those are better conducted sober and in person. Reasonable people can disagree and all.
All that said, I don’t do shit. I bitch online (not as much as Rob) and I donate to worthy charities. Am I really making a difference? No. So, I’m still mostly empty rhetoric at this point.9
Mark...Brevard Achievement Center... worthy...
And whatever you do, that’s terrific. Love it.
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