When the missus and I downsized in preparation for our move almost four years ago, one of my least pleasant chores was purging my music collection. Growing up and starting work in the 1970s and ‘80s, I used an inordinate amount of disposable income to buy music. I owned 400-plus albums and another couple hundred CDs, after they supplanted albums.
All of the music had made seven previous moves with me, but we were relocating to a house that was almost one-third smaller. Our new house didn’t have the storage space, and my old-school, component stereo system – receiver, turntable, CD player, cassette deck, two speakers – was in rapidly declining health. The layout of the living space in the new house didn’t quite lend itself to a replacement stereo system, either, and I entertained vague notions of updating my music collection with streaming services and Bluetooth speakers and whatnot.

I saved a greater portion of my CDs – easier to store – and play them on a modest, little component system my wife kept and that sits on a corner table. As for updating and replacing the music I purged, well, a combination of laziness and techno-aversion prevailed. Shoot, I lean on the G:TB community and this site to keep me marginally current and to remind me of music I’ve forgotten.
Fast-forward to Christmas 2018. My wife and I keep gift giving with each other to a minimum, since we don’t need to further clutter our space with more stuff. But this Christmas, Suzanne brought out a box about two feet square and a foot high. She came across it while shopping for something else and decided to take a flier – a Victrola turntable, with self-contained speakers, an old-school radio dial and Bluetooth capabilities. Nothing fancy and relatively inexpensive. She kept some albums that she bought and thought it would be a kick to be able to play hers, as well as mine.

(Brief aside: digitizing voices, sounds and instrumentation and delivering tunes via electronic devices seems perfectly logical to me; but embedding music into the narrow grooves of a thin, round piece of vinyl and transmitting it through a stylus as it spins?!? That’s some goddamned wizardry.)
Records, and by extension, turntables appear to be making a comeback. Well, probably not a comeback. More like they climbed off life support and are now resting comfortably in an assisted-living facility outside Princeton, N.J. According to an October 2018 story on the music site Auxoro, vinyl purchases plummeted from a peak of 340 million people who bought records in 1978, to only 4.9 million people in 1991. Fewer than 900,000 albums were bought in 2006, according to the Record Industry Association of America, but in 2017, that number jumped to 14.3 million. Analysts think the number approached 20 million last year and believe that sales are likely higher, since the RIAA tracks only new record purchases and not used albums or indie-store traffic. A local music store here on the Outer Banks sells albums. The Barnes & Noble in Newport News, Va., sells records, as well, and not just remastered classics like the Beatles or Led Zeppelin or Aretha, but I saw the Lumineers and Panic! At the Disco. B&N also has a fair online album catalog.
Turntable purchases, according to a statistical aggregate site, jumped from 49,000 in 2012 to 67,000 in 2017. A high-end turntable manufacturer based in the Czech Republic, SEV Litovel, saw its production jump from 32,000 in 2009 to 125,000 in 2016 and spent $7 million on a new plant and expanded staff to meet demand. You can spend anywhere from $50-$60 to upwards of $10,000 on a turntable.
To be sure, records are a niche market, for oldsters such as myself who can’t give up the ghost, for audiophiles with deep pockets who regard music and its presentation as aural experience akin to art galleries, even for curious Millenials and GenXers who are intrigued by album art or liner notes or just the opportunity to hold onto a functioning piece of history. I believe that museums ought to have an exhibit, alongside the pioneers in covered wagons and Native-American villages, of a guy with shaggy hair and bell bottoms leaning over a turntable to place the needle on a record, with posters of Diana Ross and Carlos Santana on the walls behind him.
Today’s technology makes music access and storage so much more convenient and efficient and sensible. I begrudge no one’s attempts to streamline their existence. Hell, I should do more of it, myself. But a little impracticality and inconvenience helps keep you honest. And if there’s music at the end of the process, so much the better.
virginia tech held nc state to 24 points. in a basketball game, in raleigh. pack made 9 of 54 shots. ewww.
In Okemo, VT w/ Sammy the Bull and our families. He and I met a grizzled old local on a lift y/day. He said it’s his 69th season skiing, and the only year he missed was ‘69 b/c he was in Vietnam.
Thanks for this Dave! I'm spinning some Ramsey Lewis and enjoying a cocktail right now. I know people will say it's bullshit, but I think vinyl sounds better. Plus, they're just something about the deliberate nature of putting the record on the platter and starting it up that enhances the listening experience.
TR and Sammy the Bull looked like a pair of super cool dads clicking in their ski gloves, I presume.
love Okemo. How is the snow? we were going to go this weekend, but both alex and i got sick . . .
clicking in their ski gloves? is that a euphemism?
Conditions are great. Only issue y/day was super cold temps. Was high teens and sunny today, at least until mid-afternoon winds rolled in.
Will be 35 w/ no wind tmrw. Hopefully the Pats fans will not be on the mountain.
yeah, tomorrow should be desolate . . .
I own a pair of Technics 1200s. I had a pair when I was young and single and they wore out and being adult kept me from getting them fixed. My wife got me a refurbished pair for Christmas a couple years ago. I have a pretty extensive 90s and early 2000s hip hop vinyl collection. Nothing quite like playing some classics/old favorites on vinyl. If it wasn’t so damn expensive and cumbersome I’d have a ton more vinyl.
somewhere, there's a group of guys in their early 30s getting ready to start boban: the blog.
Of course Mark has a pair of Technics, much like Jeru he’s a technician.
I got my father a USB turntable for Christmas about 10-12 years ago, you can plug it into your computer and rip records into digital format. It also comes with software to help you clean up and hiss and pop. It takes much longer than ripping a CD and the software cleanup takes time. This was great for him, however, because he was recently forced into mandatory retirement and he has no friends or hobbies so it kept him busy for weeks. His large record collection merged with his wife’s when they got married, then with my grandmother’s when she died (she might’ve had the largest collection of Hungarian folk music records in the northeast) and he has OCD so once he started ripping one record he couldn’t stop until he had them all done. This was also great for his wife because it meant he was busy doing something other than trying to spend time with her, so great in fact that she went to the thrift shop and bought every record they had. She slipped them into his spider hole and a few days later he emerged and exclaimed “I had no idea we have so much Earth Wind and Fire!”
I hear all the Zmen like to have things slipped into their spider holes.
I told tiara to keep that between us!
hey, guys! what’s everybody doing?
Is there a game on tonight?
I’m cleaning my spider hole.
Why is Adam Levine dressed like Brad Pitt’s character in Snatched?
This game is....ugly
A first half like that warranted a halftime performance like that.
I need a one of those Atlien jackets.
The Rams’ performance is going to make a lot of people clamor that the Saints should be here instead.
The Rams’ D has been great today. Giving up 10 pts in 53 mins should lead to victory.
great post
boring football game
Buckles won 3 of the 4 quarters with out squares offering. Mother effer.
I actually thought the second half of the game was pretty entertaining. Chess match and whatnot. I watched it with my Dad though so that made it better than usual. I need to watch more games with him.
Finally got around to reading the full post. Great stuff Dave. Spent way too much time going though liner notes the last time I was a Chez Teej.
I'd sure like to get into Zgrandmothers' stash of Hungarian Folk Records, if you know what I mean.
i'm still digging out from a week away, so if anyone has anything to post for tomorrow, get after it
Ditto. Ouch.
Should I preview and recap my colonoscopy on Thurs? Pls advise.
down with polyps!
holy shit. just got back from snowboarding with my son in poconos. perfect conditions. snow was firm but it got up to sixty degrees. we were in t-shirts. it's 66 back here in central jersey, so now we're going to play tennis. great way to celebrate having off for chinese new year (i actually have a in-service workshop day but what can anyone teach me? i took a personal day) this is going to make the rest of the winter seem really long and bleak.
Bartolo Colonoscopy?
Do they have an in-service workshop on humility?
He already took that one. Aced the test. Well, he would have but they didn’t have one. They’re stupid.
Buzz Aldrin - great American, horrible tie-tyer.
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