Despite this very misogynistic but musically traditional woman-as-object cover art, Action Bronson is very Gheorghe. Seriously, he must have watched yesterday's cottage-cheese infused post before he put this gem together.
Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
Nice elevation, Z.
Nice stealth vaporizer usage 78 seconds in...
Does anybody under 30 understand what Action Bronson means?
Note that he lifted the beat from EPMD's "Rampage," more famously known as Track 5 from my bangin' old school mixtape.
Zman turned me on to Bronsolino a couple years back. I became and remain a big fan. Even got to see him in Orlando last year. Great show. He's extremely prolific and I look forward to Saab Stories.
Cool side note on Bronson: He was a respected chef in NYC before becoming a rapper.
Bronson also cares about the ballot casters among us. That vaporizer is us very own custom g-pen.
Why do I keep getting spam email from ChristianSingles.com?
I get them from Christian Mingle and J Date. It's possible they think I am Neil Diamond.
Based on my spam, they think I am Nell Carter.
Or the most Irish person in the world.
I keep getting spam emails in the form of random, often inappropriate pictures from some guy named Thomas.
tiny dictator demanded a preview of William and Mary's NCAA tourney baseball game today...it is up now
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