She just released a new album, entitled Violin Lullabies, which reached number one on the Amazon Bestselling Classical list on the day of its release.
I'm quite certain a readership as refined and erudite as ours already knew all of this. I'm sure most of you already bought her new record. But I'd be willing to bet that very few of you were aware of Ms. Pine's alter-ego and the breadth of her musical interests.
The same woman who records as part of the Jupiter Chamber Players is also one of the keys to the sound of Earthen Grave, about whom no less an authority than HellrideMusic.com said, "If the doom gods are with us, this band will stay around and continue to produce the kind of unique, powerful and thoughtful music contained on Dismal Times." I don't always listen to doom/thrash, but when I do, I prefer mine heavy on the metal violin, as in the recording below for Blood Drunk, the first single from the band's self-titled 2011 release. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did.
In a radio appearance on The Bob Edwards Show, Pine spoke at length about the similarities between doom/thrash and classical, and how her passion for the former informs and expands her ability to connect with audiences of the latter. I don't know a thing about either genre, but hers is a cool story. Rock/chamber on, Rachel Barton Pine.
Aren't all graves earthen?
watery graves, such as the one belonging to Davy Jones?
Davy Jones is dead? He was a great RA.
If you dig rob's post then check out the Cello Chix.
Pretty interesting Rob. Though I'd rather hear something from the band whose self title album Clarence spurned in the comments on the last post, Tentpole of the God.
I'm going humgry.
I always preferred Alice im Chaims....especially that tune "Nam im the Box"
Pity about Lame Staley.
Yes, I recall Alice im Chaims album Dint playing quite a lot in the unit M basement my freshman year.
Buddy Nix, no longer the punching bag GM of the Bills.
poor duddy mix
his lasting legacy could be the choice of JE Mamuel
Manimal was very under-rated.
"Duddy Mix" is my favorite Najor Mazer song.
this is the dumbest rhombus ever. i love it.
conedy pyranids can imdeed be a thimg of beauty
I believe it's merely a rhonbus.
It's some sort of parallelogran, which is also the name for when two octogenarian lesbians make sweet, sweet love.
Thimgs just took am umfortumate turm.
Geez Clarence went all Staples Swingers on us - he took us 'there'. Maybe we need to shoot some snack and mellow out to some Stone Tampon Plots.
Caps' season fading to black.
Mets' season, too.
Oh it's just so great. It's like the old days in Verizon - so quiet we just got a very audible Potvin Sucks.
5 years of suffering continues. Or is it 6?
Fantastic. And I'm going to get to watch a Rangers playoff game with an actual professional broadcasting crew. Let's Go Rangers.
bruins, eh? you want some hot nhl playoff betting action, jerome?
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