After those and other influential campaigns, we've turned our efforts to a far more fundamental pursuit. We're changing math.
In partnership with Briton Rob Eastaway, our very own Zman has pioneered an entirely new way to think about computation. Friends, we give you zequals (

Let's allow Eastaway to offer a description:
Zequals means you have to reduce any number to a single significant figure, followed by Zeroes (so the Z is for Zeroes, and also for the ZigZagness of the symbol). For example 67 becomes 70, and the calculation 7 x 8 = 56 becomes 7 x 8Ultimately, zequals is extremely valuable when precision is less important than general directional sense. If we need to know roughly how many cans are in 18 cases of beer, 400 is good enough. If I need to figure out whether my kid's 98.8 degree temperature requires a trip to the doctor, 100 is probably a bit imprecise. But as Eastaway himself notes, "Many people develop the knack of estimating when they discover a real need for it: business people assessing the viability of a project, engineers looking at how long a job is going to take. In these examples, it’s the ballpark figure that’s important, not the number to its third decimal place."60.
Eastaway explains the concept in more detail in the video below. And while he doesn't credit Zman, we'll not take offense. We all know the truth, and that's good enough for us.
I am clothed in immense zpower.
Note that I haven't taken a math class since high school calc, so all of this zequals stuff may be wrong.
I learned this year from a CPA and prof of accounting that when doing taxes, estimates are completely allowed and encouraged by the IRS!
this makes sense now! i have been using "zequals" in place of "equals" for years!
and here is a link to grantland stealin our shit:
I feel like there's a Schoolhouse Rock song asking to be made here
Because she kept bootlegging' my shit.
z(equals)'s the magic (estimated) number/yes it is/it's the magic (almost) number
i get a little worried when i find out things that dave and i have in common from a mental processing perspective.
I have nothing valuable to add. So, kind of a normal day.
Watched it last night. I fear the dilution of the characters on this show. There were plenty of storylines as it was, several of which haven't even begun to play out and now a new firm is added to the mix which surely will bring several new players into the fold, no? For Realz?
Does that zequal "risky" or am i just being a little too dramatic?
I've already spoken on my love of Joakim Noah in this space but Jimmy Butler deserves some love too. His back story is sad and inspiring. He also guarded LeBron last night, played 48 minutes and had 21-14.
Apparently Butler has played all 48 minutes in the past three games...maybe even four now...
Just looked - he has played 144 of 144 possible minutes in the Bulls' last three games.
And while I'm not as concerned as you, Danimal. I see your point. This sort of thing was an issue on The Sopranos and Weiner was surely involved in storyline development on that show.
That's a ton of minutes. And most are spent on the opposition's best offensive player. Deron Williams and now LeBron.
Sorry if I sound like an asshole, but ... Mad Men's storylines are pretty straightforward. It's not like Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones where everyone has a screwed up name and comes from some fictional place with made-up customs. Mad Men revolves around people sticking their junk in places it doesn't belong, just pay attention to who's junk is where and you're fine.
and that' to grow on.
what is mad men?
That's a good guide, if a bit oversimplified, Z.
no apology necessary. it's not the storylines, just the # of storylines, taking time away from the storylines that are the most entertaining to yours truly. that is all. asshole.
Have any of you all seen the Armstrong body language video where an expert decodes it? Title is bad but expected.
It's 20 minutes long but being a psych major I find it pretty damn interesting when they break down micro-expressions and patterns in his body language.
Who has made the monkey face?
What channel is Mad Men on? We are so behind on all the cool hip shows. We are anti-hip when it comes to TV shows. And I'm blaming that on my wife and her boring reality shows. Thank god for the NHL playoffs.
AMC. Same channel as Breaking Bad. I highly recommend both.
I spent some time in a bit of a "Mad Men" rabbit hole on the interwebs last night--read about 15 different analyses of the latest episode. And then caught up with Tom & Lornenzo's Mad Style blog posts for this season. I realize you guys aren't students of fashion, but I think you woudl still enjoy the blog.
I am a professor of fashion.
Say Teaneck!
I'm hurt, Shlara. And offended and hurt.
here with jaycee dugard, steve largent, and bryan cranston. just another tuesday.
OK, let me clarify---students of fashion HISTORY, with a focus on the 1950s and 60s
I have three pairs of Rod Lavers. I know 60s fashion ... sneaker fashion, but that has to count for something.
28-2 run right now for Knicks? Allrightythen
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