I received a deluge of Mesko-related texts and emails after the Patriots drafted him, and again last night after he punted the poop out of the pigskin. After a little research, our Doofus Overlord and I decided that Mesko shall be the first punter to receive G:TB's official endorsement.
I first learned of Zoltan Mesko when the zsister texted me this photo taken outside the Big House of her with a Meskovite:

I'm always enthused to find more Zoltans. A little yootoob research yielded some gems. Watch for number 11 in this clip.
Very Gheorghe, or at least very Zoltan. Here's another display of Gheorgheness.
Maybe that's more Zoltan than Gheorghe. How about this?
Sounds pretty Gheorghe to me. Go get your #14 Pats jersey now before they sell out.
Posting on Zoltanslist:
The William & Mary football squad travels to lovely Norfolk, VA, to take on its former seedling school, Old Dominion University the night of September 18. Be there.
ODU's Foreman Field seats just under 20,000 people. I figured there would be sufficient interest around these parts, but tickets to this game are extremely hard to land thus far. They're on StubHub for $75-150 a pop. Seriously?
Anyone with a line on tix, let Igor know.
strasburg needs tommy john surgery. best not to make any sudden moves around mike rizzo today. groinpunt.
I moved to Washington, DC in 1993. Since then, the big 4 (then 3) franchises there have gone through 17 years of disappointment, piss-poor management, major letdowns, idiotically ridiculous PR gaffes, and, more than anything else, medocrity. I moved away 5 years ago, and things still haven't returned to normal.
Dibble still thinks he's a pussy.
Wow, not one of you degenerates has anything to say about the zsister?
Do Not Comment on zsister. She will kick your ass, TJ.
igor, d-train: just ran into coco at a local dining establishment. hilarity ensued.
John Wall is somehow going to be a bust, and McNabb will miss all but 3 or 4 games due to injury this year...lock it up.
Did Coco invite you to listen to some really smooth music on his yacht?
Greg, why aren't you at the lunch location decided upon? 1pm eastern time dude.
got stuck in a meeting...am heading over soon.
Hey to Coco. Tell him to keep the fire.
Oh Greg...always running on Mountain time. Fuck Mountain, that is.
Guess an eta?
There's an agency in the Department of Labor named the Employment and Training Administration, called ETA in the perpetually used gov-speak acronym-only vernacular.
Their people were always late to our interagency meetings. Every time, I'd say, "The irony." Every time, I'd get a mix of blank stares and annoyed smirks. I'm lots of fun at eight hour meetings.
We never did have that lunch...
File away "the lunch with Greg that never happened" next to "That time Greg was supposed to meet me at bar xxxx" Volumes I thru XXXVII
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