That's all I know about bobsledding. I have no idea if the sledders steer the sled, let alone how they do so. I don't know how to tell if the sledders are sledding swifter or slower than they should be, if they're screwing up, or if they're doing an especially superior job on any particular run.
But I still watch the event, even though I don't know the nuances, because the goal is simple: go faster than everyone else. There are no judges, no referees, no objective points for artistic merit, no vote swapping collusion. Just speedy sleds. And fans with cowbells. It's a pants-splittingly splendid event.
I bet Brian May loves that clip.

So here's an excuse to watch TV instead of working on your honey-do list: root for the US women's bobsled team and in turn support the Tribe.
Or so I thought. Shortly after I wrote this breezy missive, I realized that the alumni magazine described Marcum as a team hopeful and not a team member, so I decided to double-check my facts. The US bobsled federation has a women's team and an Olympic team. It appears that Marcum is not on the Olympic team. I'm sure that she is, however, rooting for the US team. As you should too.
Need another reason to watch bobsledding? How 'bout this: Gheorghe Muresan will. Romania has won 1 (one!) medal in Winter Olympics history, despite missing only the 1924 and 1960 Olympics. That medal was a bronze in ... that's right, 2-man bobsled. It stands to reason then that Romania's best shot to medal in Vancouver is in bobsled, so Gh-Unit will be watching. Join him.
Snowpocalypse '10 headed to DC...
So is this a bad Valentine's Day gift for the wife? reference to your winchester/hairy armpits comment earlier - eeeassy big guy on the chester! there's a lot of sweet action that comes out of that town. (hello? patsy cline!) trust me - have been rejected there by many and often.
I've never ventured to Winchester, I was just making fun of Dave's sentence structure. I'm sure that the ladies in Winchester are delightful to behold and that they are naturally hairless in places where one would like them to be. Just like all the other ladies in Virginia.
it's difficult to use "heckuva" in a coherent sentence.
heckuva good bobsleigh preview. you've continued my slant of reporting more on people who aren't on the team than the folks that are . . .
Ok, so there's a potentially vicious rumor going around that the local weather people are withholding the real total expected snow accumulations to avoid mass hysteria, and that actual totals could approach 50". Not buying this yet.
but wouldn't that cause people to rise up en masse and drive the weatherfolk from their homes for not warning us? via snowplow, snowshoe, and toboggan, of course.
If that is true, well, I hope to god Snake Plissken knows how to get to Shirlington...
Or Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal.
I can't think of a legitimate reason for withholding this information if it were in fact true. Aside from local outrage at weather people that are by default perceived as typically inaccurate, it just seems too irresponsible for any recognized organization to not provide this information.
i'm quite sure rahm emanuel has something to do with this.
It's going to be in the 80s and sunny here tomorrow. Just thought you guys like to know.
try not to get run over by a senior citizen
Are you kidding me? Those old bastards better hope I don't run a whole pack of them over. (I'm looking at you Red Hat Ladies)
Tell your local government to invest in snowplows and rock salt. Buy a Subaru maybe. Grow a pair of testacles. Then you'll be fine.
What are testacles?
trial spectacles - used for deciding whether or not you look cool in glasses.
They're a type of testicle found in the scrota of idiots who can't spell.
I don't foresee a scenario where I would be purchasing a Subaru by tomorrow morning.
Note to Gov of Va: I don't think you're allowed to declare a state of emergency BEFORE said emergency even remotely occurs.
That is all.
my kids' schools are already closed for tomorrow
TJ--you, Mrs. The Teej, me and my sister should trek up to Cap City and toast the Snowpocalypse this weekend.
It's nice to be within walking distance of a bar in a snowstorm, isn't it?
Hoth Happy Hour?
Damn you all. I want a snow day. Or, in my case, a Hurricane day. I didn't get a single one in 2009 and I feel cheated dammit.
You know who's pretty damn good at hoops again?
Lon Kruger's unibrow is powerful and wise.
bama/florida is funnnnn
i expect chandler parsons to do something crazy here
wow, nobody can stay in front of walker
Walker is awesome. I couldn't love his game or his gigantic brass balls more, no homo.
Is there anybody alive who looks more like a bird than Trent Johnson?
how come that I can't be invited to Cap City? I live within walking distance. Is Shlara too good for me? wait, no need to answer that.
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