We had to get the technical staff from Gheorghe: The Design Studio involved because of the low quality of the initial photo. We're keeping the name of the photographer anonymous out of concern for the professional reputation of her brother, a noted ESPN reporter with a number of huge stories on the performance enhancing drugs beat to his credit.
There are too many amusing aspects of that picture to even begin to comment on it. It took me a couple of minutes just to figure out who, in fact, was in the picture.
I'm pretty sure it's Scott Van Pelt and Rick Moranis.
Today's NYT has an article about a "breast whisperer." I thought to myself "I would like to have that job" but then I started reading more and it turns out that the article is about a lactation consultant, a job in which I have no interest. So don't fall for this trick.
Did the guy on the left lose 20 pounds or is it just the funky image manipulation?
I'm pretty sure that's one of the images that flashes across the screen during the intro of Good Times.
I know I'm digging kind of deep here, but the doubles bowling on ESPN features a couple of above-average chicks throwing the rocks. Yes, one is a little goth/manish and the other is a little bottom-heavy, but it's doing the job.
Who is that leader of men?
ovechkin just planted jagr in center ice, leading directly to a turnover and goal. awesome.
nbc's running a miracle on ice retrospective. i'm such a sucker for this story.
eruzione scores!
Me too Rob. I watched an ESPN piece on it this morning and I just watched the NBC piece. Definitely got a little dusty in my living room over the last 5 minutes or so...
never fails. that story is covered in dust.
I can't be the only one here fired up for USA-Canada. John Vanbiesbrouck says it would be a bigger upset than 1980. Moron.
to be fair, the beezer used to practice without a mask
When I was a kid my stepfather got me an autographed photo of Mike Eruzione. His signature is on the opposite end of the cool autograph spectrum from Mickey Mantle's. He just wrote his name in all capital letters with a black grease pencil. And if you've met my stepfather you know he's not crafty enough to do that himself, so I think it's really Eruzione's handywork.
that's great-- rating coolness through graphology.
i've got an awesome signature-- if only i had some talent to go with it . . .
that's a nice start for the usa
41 seconds in. Wow.
nice deflection, crosby
I'm still chowing through a bag of dicks that started out with more dicks in it than Madonna's delicates. The bag is now down to Jessica Simpon's coochie's level of dicks. Which is to say, I have a few dicks left to eat but none of them are particularly impressive.
A lot of moxie shown by this young American squad. And a lot of lazy stickwork by Brodeur. Both goals came from poor clearing efforts by him.
I wasn't gonna fill out my census form...but then I caught that commercial where the male Olympic ice dancer asked me to fill it out. Now I'm definitely going to fill it out. In pink highlighter.
The end of this 2nd period is so exciting it actually gave me goose bumps. Great hockey is as entertaining as any sporting event.
Love the way our guys are playing.
Al Michaels may have to shake the dust off his "Do you believe in miracles" call.
You get the feeling Canada is going to unload on us in the last 10-12 minutes. Miller is going to need to be very special.
Was trying to decide if it would be awesome or hokey if they had Michaels call a potential USA-Russia medal round game. Leaning towards awesome. Is Ken Dryden alive/available?
Miller is awesome. Whoever he is.
Soft goal. Canadians love hockey almost as much as Crosby loves having sex with men.
I'm waiting for an actual kitchen sink to hit miller in the chest.
This is unbelievable.
America. Fuck and Yeah.
How many shots did Canada have on goal? Like, 80?
ryan miller, giant among men
Suck some American balls Sidney.
Looking ahead, tonight's Sweden-Finland game is very important for Team USA. The #1 overall seed will face Switzerland/Belarus. #2 gets Slovakia/Norway. Big gap between Slovakia and the rest of those guys.
Both Scandis are on 6 points. Any OT result gives USA the #1. If Finland wins in regulation, they get #1. If Sweden wins in regulation, they'd have to win by 6 to pass us on goal diff.
If TMZ quoted Jerry in print, it would be "love...guys....playing"
Canada/Russia in the QFs. Maybe the 2 best teams in the tournament.
If TMZ quoted me in print it would say,
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