Like the salmon flocking to Capistrano, some things are so predictable as to strain credulity when a self-respecting editor deems them newsworthy. To wit, courtesy of the Wilmington (NC) StarNewsOnline:
(Wilmington, January 29.) The aroma of marijuana lingered in the parking lot, and moonshine measured three-quarters full in a quart jar on the tour bus, officials said.
But, despite citations given Thursday night to six of singer-songwriter Willie Nelson's band members for allegedly illegally possessing the substances, the concert was scheduled to go on – that was, until it was announced Nelson wasn't feeling up to playing, according to information from the N.C. Alcohol Law Enforcement Division agency out of Wilmington and a news release on Nelson's official Web site.
We do note with significant approval the lede stylings of reporter Shannan Bowen, whose channeling of Elmore Leonard offers a not-so-subtle signal that she's destined for bigger and better things.
One of my favorite college memories is passing a half-gallon jar of Roanoke moonshine around the back porch one Spring afternoon. Less harsh and more delicious than the Everclear-esque taste I was prepared for. You just don't get a lot of that in the Dirty Jerz.
Franklin County moonshine is the best in the country, according to the folks from Franklin County. And I agree, although it's the only moonshine I've ever had. The pickled plums make it even more worthwhile.
Willie's proclivity to vote yes on 2 is renowned so I'm surprised that this doesn't happen everywhere he goes.
thus the 'dog bites man' nature of the editorial decision
it's probably not very often the tribe loses a guy to notre dame....
that can't be a good sign for domers.
This story makes you think that Rip Torn and Willie would probably really enjoy each other's company.
it's funny the disparity in the rankings of recruiting classes...probably by all accts, UF is #1 as they should be...ND has a high ranking of 7 and a low of 21 w/4 different agencies tallying.
Allegedly, Rutgers has the 4th best recruiting class in the Big East. Whatever that means.
Your 2010 Tribe Football recruting class. . . Get Excited. . . onr not.
I'm worried about the Tribe hoopsters. Maybe if I start ignoring them, the team will play better...
I've been ignoring them for over a decade since I graduated and it hasn't done much for them.
agreed, shlara. the good teams seem to have them figured out. and the caa certainly appears to be a heckuva tough league.
Rob's ready to be an NFL color commentator with that use of heckuva. Aikman and Madden are smiling right how. Madden's smiling because he probably just ate a chili dog, but you get my point.
that opening sentence is too poetic for elmore leonard. it's more raymond chandler.
and i had a heckuva good shot of fucking moonshine from winchester once.
I too had a heckuva good shot of fucking Moonshine from Winchester once but I passed because she had hairy armpits.
I remember the Roanoke moonshine as well with Scotty B. If I remember, he brought it out to the golf course with us. I took a few swigs and was instantly relaxed. really took the edge off the day. Soon after, I drove a golf cart straight into a tree.
dave fell for the english teacher bait.
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