Pat offered the world this nugget last night: #WorstBasketballPlayersEver Gheorghe Muresan
Rather than insulting the clearly misguided lad, we offer him some knowledge.
Fact #1: Gheorghe Dumitru Muresan played parts of 6 seasons in the NBA, starting 207 of the 307 games in which he participated. Anyone who starts more than 200 NBA games can clearly not be labeled the Worst Basketball Player Ever.
Fact #2: Gheorghe averaged 9.8 points, 6.4 rebounds, and 1.5 blocks per game in his career. Not All-Star caliber numbers, to be sure, but certainly above league average in toto. Again, Pat (if that is your name), not the stuff of a WBPE.
Fact #3: In 1995-96, on his way to being named the NBA Most Improved Player, Ghita averaged 14.5 points, 9.6 rebounds, and 2.3 blocks per game. He led the league in field goal percentage at .584 (and did the same thing the following year, improving to .604), and finished in the top 10 in offensive and defensive rebound percentage. One could convincingly argue that he was one of the league's top 5 centers that season. You feeling me now, Pat?
If I didn't know better, I'd think that our friend Pat thinks that beauty is skin deep, that because Gheorghe looks a little different he must be some kind of incapable freak. We all know differently, don't we? We're all freaks in our own way, for sure, but our Gheorghe was a very capable freak on the hardwoods.
And now you know, Pat. Tell your friends.
He also made $6.9 million (with rounding) playing basketball.
Now, if we're talking Worst ACTOR Ever... maybe Pat has a case.
hellz yeah!
and don't forget all the tail he certainly got. play-uh!
Are we really stooping to dedicating posts to debunking stupid tweets? Postcount!
That said, of course you're right. Butt Pat (if that is your name), I do commend you for one thing -- as Whodini told us, "you could say what you want, just spell my name right." Way to not not fuck up the big man's name.
you bite your tongue, eric
you, too, igor. are you really complaining about a post on the topic of gheorghe?
So Angry Teedge left a voice mail on my work phone last night. He seemed agitated I didn't answer. Like he wanted me in the office at that hour. Bastard!
I just lost my shit at work. Fucking morons.
According to Zman's mom, the hardwoods wasn't the only place where big G was a freak.
Here's my nominee for WBPE ever. I had great seats to a Knicks-Clips game in the late 90's and saw him covering his ears with his hands during the National Anthem, when it wasn't remotely loud.
Under similarity scores, this dude appears:
Mamadou N'diaye
What does the E stand for in "WBPE ever"?
You worked my mom AND Keith Closs into one comment!
you said he worked your mom. hehe
Best Keith Closs fact. He has a full back tattoo with a picture of earth, and two hands with middle fingers extended that reads simply, "Fuck the World".
Also, this clip is fun:
He's stealing your shtick.
He is Vitas' all time favorite basketball player.
I thought Mark Twain said the quote in the first line of the post.
Though Abe said a lot of cool things.
Leave it to Mark to be a Keith Closs expert. In all fairness, he is an exceptional fuck-up. Keith, not Mark.
What is Geoff hiding?
No TR. I'm a huge fuck up too.
'honest abe' is what mark twain's friends called him
in actual fact, there seems to be a discrepancy regarding the quote's provenance:
abe is good enough for me.
Me too, Igor. Since I never really cared in the first place.
"Mark" is Mark Twain?
he's also honest abe. have you seen his beard?
Abe was apparently jewish. Just found this out....he was shot in the temple.
oh, danimal...
that's what passes for comedy in winchester, teej - cut the man a break.
that's hilarious. just admit it. though i will say it is much funnier when i deliver it live and in person.
I thought Mark had a Mennonite beard. If Mark is Honest Abe (who also had a Mennonite beard) then I doubt either are Jewish.
i would love to witness teej losing his shit at work. i'm still amazed that he goes to a place called "work."
I think "Pat" is actually Yinka Dare, trying to deflect attention from himself.
I imagine that TJ's place of work is actually one of those coin operated kiddie cars outside of a K-Mart.
I'd like to comment, but then the drive-thru is gonna get all backed up again.
I thought Teedge operated a piece of plywood painted to look like a kid riding a pony with a hole where the kid's face is, allowing people to appear to be the kid riding the pony by standing behind the piece of plywood and sticking their faces through the hole.
Like this.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Mayhugh doesn't know Yinka Dare is dead.
Which is really weird...because unless Mayhugh is secretly on twitter following me, he would not know I made a Yinka Dare reference earlier today.
And have had people telling me he was dead all day long.
I forgot he was dead.
I was one of those people who told TJ that Yinka was dead. Then I looked at his mentions and realizes the entire internet decided it needed to tell TJ that Yinka Dare was dead. Sorry, Teej.
And I don't have a mennonite beard. There's a mustache there, just not a very large one. But I am a Jew. Huge Jew.
you know it was a wild night when you receive a video in your inbox the next morning of you playing guitar and singing in a bar packed with people and you neither rehearsed, planned on this, or really remember playing.
i assume you'll be posting it
Did you perform the bear? Or dirty girls?
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