“Vanna and I would go across and have two or three or six and then come and do the last shows and have trouble recognizing the alphabet. They’re really good tapes to get a hold of,” said Sajak, adding that his average number of drinks was “cuatro” or four.
“I had a great time. I have no idea if the shows were any good, but no one said anything, so I guess I did OK,” Sajak said.
Anyone have Pat's contact information? I think we've found another FOG:TB.
In other news, Dave invited me to go to Belmar for Jersey Shore barbecue in an email (copied below). On a weeknight. He's either got a seriously skewed sense of geography, or mistook me for a man of the cloth in his acquaintance. I couldn't go, but the thought of barbecue and the Jersey Shore is an interesting one.
i know this is a long shot for most people, but my friend's
band is playing at jersey shore bbq tomorrow night. it's in belmar and they
play from 6:30 to 9. the bbq is amazing and it's byob. i am trying to leave
before six. so far, i think connell is in and i might be picking up terry on
the way-- terry confirm this-- but that still leaves some room in the car if
anyone else can get out early (and you'll be back to HP by ten . . . unless we
stop at the park pub on the way home).
I was pleased to find a new entry for my Christmas gift list.
And finally, in a story that mixes our love for design with our fondness for drink, here's a story about the creation of an infographic. About cocktails. Mix away.
Have a great fortnight.
If you want to laugh at me on the radio, go here at 12:20 today:
Lunchtime fun.
Really? I have a kid and it doesn't make the cut for the G:TB fortnight? Nice.
And TJ, yes, I do hate "Doin It". Largely because girls at my high school played it constantly but also due in large measure to my dislike for nearly everything LL has done post Def Jam. Just a cheeseball rapper and wannabe male model. Sorry.
Linkedin sent me an email to let me know that Rob has added "mentoring" to his list of skills. Congrats, Rob!
mark, that's an egregious oversight on the editors' part. send me a pic and i'll rectify it.
geoff - indeed. how do you think the teej's burgeoning sports radio career got off the ground?
LinkedIn sends me emails. I just delete them.
Can you add any skill you want to your LinkedIn profile? Can I add "freestyling"? How about scatting"
That's a yes, Mark. And that would be fun to do...if linkedin wasn't such a steaming pile of crap.
yeah, linkedin blows donkeys. i wonder if they list that as one of their skills.
My LinkedIn skillz include:
Rhymin' and stealin'
Poppin' and lockin'
TJ doing a solid job on the radio. He demonstrated an encyclopedic knowledge of NBA rosters, which led to the host asking him who the best GM prospects are to replace Ernie Grunfeld...and TJ had to punt.
I sure did. Kicking myself.
the teej did a nicenice job on the air. need to get those guys talking about college hoops next time. and i think shlara would be a good choice for the next wiz gm.
You should have thrown out a couple of our names and the guy's totally would have gone along with it.
TJ--one more thing--I think you are now officially the only person I know under the age of 60 who isn't on facebook. And here's what your missing: People are annoying, and they take pictures of their kids.
For the GM question, if you don't want to remember names, just think of a good team and say "somebody who's been schooled in the Spurs/Thunder/Bulls way of building a roster."
Or "anybody who lost their job in the Portland fallout". And then you can go on to make fun of Paul Allen.
I second Geoff's feelings on FB. I'm on there maybe once a month and quickly am reminded of why I don't go on there. Twitter is far more fun, and useful.
am disappointed that i had to miss out on the teej for another birthday lunch. wheeeeee!!!!!
I am not on FB. Proud as fuck about it. From what my high school friends tell me, my entire high school class is on it. They frequently get into arguments on poliitics on a 3rd grade level.
Dave - what Belmar bar were you at? Bar A? Paul's?
I took Zman out around that area a couple times in our early 20's. One time he got loaded and drunkenly said something offensive to a trshy girl I went to high school with. It was great. For us, not her.
Another night, he vomited an entire thin crust pizza from Pete & Elda's in/on/around a toilet at a gnarly Irish pub in lovely Neptune. I'm blanking on the name because the place is a pit of despair.
I'm not on facebook either. I was on for a month or two and found it toolish.
my name is danimal and i am a frequent visitor of facebook.
So Mitch Mustain hasn't played baseball in 8 years, yet he hits 90on a radar gun. That's pretty ridiculous.
The best part about that pizza incident - the guy at the urinal next to the toilet on (not in) which I puked had on ostrich-skin cowboy boots, which I modified into ostrich-skin-and-pepperoni cowboy boots.
People who argue about politics on FB should be sterilized.
what about people who argue about politics on twitter?
fingers crossed
Sure. Why not? I'm generally in favor of sterilization.
free vasectomies for everyone! nice. just don't tell the gop.
Jerry, I kinda went that way on the GM question.
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