National Signing Day is a huge event for college football fans. If you're a marginal college football fan (or less) it's common (and easy) to call a day comprised of overdone college announcements by 17 & 18 year old kids "creepy", "stupid" and even "meaningless". I'm with you on the first adjective, maybe even the second, but I can't go with you on meaningless. Far from it. The future of many college football teams will rest on this day. Look at the top classes over the last 5 years and you'll see the names of many of college football's elite programs over and over again. As Ron Zook was so fond of saying about college football, "It's not about the X's & O's but the Jesse's & Joe's". Zook's right kinda. This is only partially true. You must have elite talent to win in college football. You also must develop and coach this talent at a high level (Zook has always been able to recruit, though somewhat's the whole "coaching" thing that's been a thorn in his waterskiing side).
Another thing that many people who I'd describe as "anti-NSD" like to point out are the number of busts. 5 star recruits who never pan out. And there are plenty of these. To these people, the 5-star bust is proof that these recruiting rankings are way off base and don't really matter. That just isn't true. For proof, look at the classes Florida and Alabama brought onto campus in 2006 and 2008. Those classes were loaded with future pros and played enormous roles in leading their respective programs to conference and BCS Championships. What's interesting about these classes (to me at least) isn't just the 4 & 5 star recruits who panned out, but also some of the under the radar guys who became major contributors.
In my opinion, that's where an elite coaching staff really separates itself. They definitely need to be able to pull in top tier talent, but they also need to be able to even out the class (Randy Shannon recruited wonderfully at Miami on paper. However, deeper inspection reveals classes with 7 LBS and 6 WRS and embarrassingly thin along the lines.) with talent at all positions as well as players who can develop and become big time players later in their time on campus. Because that's the thing about some of the elite recruits in high school, many of them have peaked physically or looked better than they were due to port competition, or maybe they're just satisfied and lazy. While this often happens, some 2 & 3 star recruits end rated lower due to a number of factors outside of their control. Whether they're late bloomers, came from a below average high school program or were playing out of their natural position due to the needs of their high school team. A perfect example of this is Ahmad Black. He came to Florida as the 7th recruit of 7 to sign with the Gators out of Lakeland High. In a group that included the Pouncey twins, Chris Rainey and 5 star DT John Brown, few people even noticed Ahmad Black.

So, anyway, NSD matters. In fact, for my alma mater this particular NSD matter a lot. If you even casually follow football, you know Florida was bad this year. Really, really bad. The program is in transition and Urban Meyer's multiple "retirements" left a cupboard somewhat bare. Not of talent in general but talent at key positions (OL, WR, DBs) and depth across the board. Currently, Florida stands in the top 5 (depending on if you follow Rivals, Scout or ESPN) nationally amongst recruiting classes this year. However, much is at stake today. As many as 8 different 4 & 5 star recruits with Florida amongst their leaders will announce their intentions today (one of them, WR Stefon Diggs, is waiting until 2/10) and Florida's class will be heavily affected by how things turn out today.
The last time I can remember Florida's fortunes depending so heavily on NSD was in 2003. Ron Zook was the coach of Florida at the time and his success, or failure, was thought to hinge largely on the strength of the 2003 class. At the time Zook

The Gators are in a similar position this year. They have a new, still unproven coach and plenty of holes to fill. Many of these holes, Gator fans hope, can be filled today. Grantland ran a brief NSD piece late last week where they identified the top 10 still undecided prospects in America. Of that ten, five currently have Florida in their top 2. Today could be HUGE for the Gator Football program. Or it could be a day that permanently injures the career of Will Muschamp at Florida. Or, it might be neither of these. See that's the thing about NSD. It is a big deal. Its just a big deal that we won't be able to truly understand until 3-4 years from now.

And even if you don't care about any college football team in particular, NSD is worth paying attention to because of scenes like this:
As well as the stories behind these scenes.

Mark, looks like some kid named Dante Fowler might decommit from FSU to Florida...
r.i.p. don cornelius, a name that never before graced g:tb's pages.
That kid definitely stuck it to his mom with that decision. Awesome. She was probably hounding every day to go to LSU.
The Soul Train has left the station. One of the weirdest clips might be David Bowie doing Fame on the show.
Recruiting is a really weird enterprise. So many of these guys are heavily lusted after and turn out to be busts or marginal players. But then some of them are so good that just one of them changing his mind at the last minute ends up having massive implications for college football.
It's interesting to go back and look at the old football/basketball recruiting rankings from time to time. CFN does some retrospective analysis for each class and Rivals keeps their recruiting databases online. It's such an inexact science -- #4 and #5 might end up being Pro Bowlers while #3 and #6 might barely make an impact in college. Also, a lot of them get arrested.
Jerry got me good with the ending of that comment.
I work for an investment bank headquarted in Birmingham. Our CEO is a super-superbooster for the Tide, as in he rolls through NYC with the AD a few times a year.
There is a young kid working in our bond department who played under Saban. He was a lineman turned tight end/3rd string type reserve. He "voluntarily gave up" his scholarship his senior year. He soon found himself with a pretty good banking job right out of college. Probably not a coincidence.
Saban's an evil genius. He and the Bama fanbase are a perfect match. A seemingly tough day for Florida so far. Missed on a number of high profile guys. Class will still be good, could've been great (on paper).
Also, Florida lost two in-state kids to USC. That really annoys me. Mostly because I can't stand Lane Kiffin. And I really wanted Tracy Howard (CB). I love signing elite corners. He ended up at Miami.
To back up Jerry's point on arrests, Ohio St. will not sign their top WR recruit as he was arrested on two counts of rape yesterday. Urban Meyer Effect!
mark, if you had a boy you could have named him "craphonso"!
I will be on phone calls between now and 330....could someone do me a solid and let me know where ronald darby ends up going? I will be connected to Gheorghe The Blog. Cheers.
Darby announcement pushed to 3pm, danimal.
Reports are that he's eating lunch at Checkers.
I would love some Checkers right now.
same brain
Darby to FSU, Dan.
and thanks.
This gentlemen just called my office and asked that my organization endorse him for President. For real.
So was the bald white guy or the black version of Neo running?
A good laugh makes us better friends with ourselves and everybody around us.
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