Bouhraoua approximates no one as much as your irritating little brother on the pitch. A mere 1.67m (just shy of 5'6") and 65 kg (143 lbs), he's essentially my size, but he's fearless, mixing it up with men who outweigh him by a hundred pounds in some cases. The smallest player on any Sevens World Series roster, Bouhraoua leads seventh-place France in both tries (16) and points (99) through the first five events of the series and is ninth overall in both categories. He's the rare pain in the ass with as much impact on the scoreboard as on his opponents' tempers.
It comes as no surprise, then, that I find Bouhraoua a kindred spirit. A tougher, faster, probably richer kindred spirit, but a (little) man after my own heart, nonetheless. The 24 year-old played his club Rugby for Beziers in the French Federale 1 (which I assume is the first division), while I played my club lacrosse for William & Mary, which doesn't really have a division, to my recollection. Regardless, I know the man's struggles.
Terry and I (and our (wee) man James Madison) both have a message for Randy Newman on this holiday eve.
#2bids4caa got a pretty significant boost in brackebusters. top 6 caa teams all won, headlined by drexel's dominant win on the road against cleveland state. we'll not speak of the tribe's "effort" against vmi.
i am watching the knicks for the first time in years. jeremy lin mania. it also helps that they are regular tv.
Wow, even Dave is talking about Jeremy Lin?
that's the sign of a next-level phenomenon
Spike Lee has a Jeremy Lin Harvard throwback. I guess that's cool? A little too soon for my tastes but I'm not a millionaire with money to burn on jerseys. I used to see lots of #10 Michigan jerseys at Gillette. My all time favorite -- a #98 UNC jersey the night they retired LT's jersey.
It's reassuring to know that in the event I ever hit someone with a golf ball I can just give them a signed golf ball or glove and it's all square.
either a next level phenomenon or a very hung-over dave with no children in the house.
dave, you read any neil gaiman? just got neverwhere because it was almost free on amazon for kindle.
Z-spike also has a Jeremy Lin Palo Alto high throwback. And yes, it is too soon.
I'm not a big jersey guy but I do own a Pete Maravich New Orleans Jazz throwback & a Larry Bird Indiana State throwback.
Those are solid. I wonder if I can find an Oakley Virginia Union jersey. I bet I cannot.
one version of the top 50 college bars in america:
i've been to exactly two. sad, really.
The internet is amazing. I found this in about 6 to 9 seconds.
i assume you'll be sporting it at teejfest in a few weeks. or at least at obft.
Can I wear an Oak jersey to a Bullets game?
Glen Beck's op ed in today's WashPo is so batshit crazy that instead of being offended I'm concerned that Beck needs immediate medical intervention.
I'm pretty I will win the "shirt of the night" contest at Teejfest.
Worst shirt ever - this shirt
Best shirt - same shirt
Are we having a bad shirt contest?
My life is a bad shirt contest.
Too bad you were born to lose.
I think Clyde is wearing a denim suit.
Baron Davis just hit a 3 and brought two fingers to his lips as if to mine smoking a joint or eating a nacho. Not sure which he meant.
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