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Is there any way that on the 3rd day of Gheorghemas that TR can get us the reviews on the top three Topps sets of the 80's?
blog de travesty, indeed
What is a "wasteband"?
Apparently this is real (and likely NSFW).
i love the ghooghles, but whenever i google the terms, i get the ghooghles. wtf?
igor needs to do an xmas vajazzling post.
That's meta Dave.
Dave - I frequently google "dick sex anus" and I rarely see the ghoogles in my search results.
perhaps if you have enough filters on your search, then "dick sex anus" comes up g:tb.
I hope never meet Russ Francis in a bar, because he may kill me.
...but I bet he anazzles.
Pete Sampras: thrifty bama of the week.
There's awkward...there's really awkward...and then there's Agassi calling out Sampras for being a bad tipper at that charity tennis tournament last year.
Ghostface is going off right now on twitter.
What the hell is "The Source". No clue from this whitebread kid.
If any of you were thinking about buying jewelry for Xmas, I suggest you check out Ghostface's Twitter feed first. Nah mean?
Squeaky- Its a formerly great hip hop
ah. Actually heard of it, never read it.
I guess it would be akin to buying your flannel shirts from the back of Spin.
And she loves to show me of course.
Smiles every time my face is up in The Source.
"off" of course. I should never butcher Biggie.
Twitter doesn't work for me at work any more. Is GFK again tweeting about how to brush your teeth or wash your butt?
Squeaky only reads Word Up magazine.
@GhostfaceKillah, twitter genius:
Nigga go to cash in your little bullshit jewels your shit worth like 5 dollas. Nah mean, those stones ain't real son!
It's all along the lines if what TJ posted. Advice for jewelry purchases and/or owners.
Hey wow, good work blogger...I only posted that an hour ago.
Hey wow, good work blogger...I only posted that an hour ago.
and apparently twice
urban meyer...toast.
um, what?
I'm floored. Pretty sure I'm done working today. Jeremy Foley should be on the next plane to Starkville with a contract for Dan Mullen.
what's the deal w/that? seems like kind of a puss move...would he have done this had he had a 9/10-win season and didn't have some of the heat he has had?
I'm a moron...and put a new post up...
But we need to talk about this Urban Meyer thing...
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