To all of our friends, families and readers, the staff of Gheorghe: The Blog would like to wish all of you the merriest of Christmas days. Now go forth and spread good cheer and tidings to all those you love. And even those you loathe. Seriously, do it now or we're sending the official G:TB Elf over to kick your ass.

Believe me. You do NOT want to piss him off.
Mark, nice shot of Brandon Banks...
Merry Christmas G:TBers.
merry xmas.
i have already assembled a bunch of plastic battling tops that fight each other in a little arena. absurd.
check out the xmas miracle at SoD.
Hey Dave, Feliz lick my balls.
he might have said that . . . i need to learn more spanish.
merry christmas, boys and girls. i just sneezed and spilled coffee in my lap.
Well, put down your thimble and grab the corner of a napkin to clean it up. you know who that actually is a picture of?
Nate Robinson?
I'm guessing it's one of Mark's bastard kids. Is that Ike Hilliard Hughes?
Merry Xmas all. Last night's traditional meat fondue dinner has segued into today's traditional post-coffee diarrhea. The wine chugging probably didn't help.
My wife got me a "Boston Sucks" shirt for Xmas. She is awesome.
It is indeed Lil' Nate. If my bastards were anywhere near that athletic looking I'd consider talking to them.
Merry Xmas Gheorghers.
For some reason this cracking me up this morning. Gift my Mom gave my son. She is so gangsta.
I'm lazy long like to follow.
i hope all today's nba games feature xmas-themed uniforms. it's quite eye-pleasing.
Willlllllson Channnnnnnndler
Having your favorite team become relevant is a fun thing.
Those Knicks uniforms are...festive.
I still have food poisoning. I just out of bed to order some soup. I want to die.
Merry Christmas though.
my kids got a wii for xmas. it's turning them into little crazy people.
ian seems to have a penchant for magnetic darts. does thsi means he's going to spend a lot of time in bars, like his father?
Rob, technically you and your wife's genes made them into little people...
But yes I'm sure the Wii made them crazy.
Xmas day twitter is more entertaining than I expected...
I agree Teej. Makes sense though. Lots of people sitting around with nothing to do.
no nfl network here in socar. buncha inbreds.
Greg and I just went back to back on Karaoke at my future in-laws house. The Patron is officially flowing. Bad decisions abound.
Teej....How ya feeling about ur pool?
Jags football....catch the apathy.
Live by Garrard. Die by Garrard.
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