From the ridiculous of John Daly's pants to the sublime of this gentleman's statement of support, G:TB is all about sartorial splendor this week. Tomorrow, Robin Givhan declaims lengthily about the social implications of Teejay's Simspon jersey.

(h/t to the Sportsbog, whose coverage of the Caps has been terrific.)

(h/t to the Sportsbog, whose coverage of the Caps has been terrific.)
I know I'm thread jumping here but the "texts from last night" blog is tremendous.
i'm a bit apprehensive about going there from work - how do they get the texts?
You submit the texts on the blog's site. You type them in yourself, so they may not be real text messages.
(603): I puked a lego.
I enjoy the inclusion of the area codes as well. Adds a little touch, like, "Wow, people in New Hampshire are hardcore, puking legos and such."
My firewall let's me through just fine - and we're pretty tight here at McDonald's. I've sent the link to probably everyone I associate with in the office...
Next Zoltan's gonna tell us that points aren't actually huge.
we have a content filter - not worried about the firewall, just the naughty bits.
Rob and his naughty bits...always a concern.
well, there are those indeed....i recommend trying from a coworker's machine while they're in the can
Simmons' worst nightmare got worse.
i blame that asshole duquette.
Wow - Rick Reilly is so painfully unfunny. I just read his stuff on for the first time. Now more than ever I wish I had a time machine.
I recently tried to explain to somebody why I despised Rick Reilly. It was one of those things that was so fundamentally obvious to me that I was unable to effectively articulate hit. He's just a guy I'd like to see beaten up.
Smug, self-entitled, past his prime and not very funny. Thats a good beginning to my list of reasons to dislike Rick Reilly.
So do the Magic actually come out to play tonight?
I say...yes. I think they'll respond well. Then they'll probably blow it late because they can't manufacture anything consistent offensively, other than a jumpshot, in the final minutes against a good defensive team.
The Magic seem like a frustrating team to root for. I mean, it's better than rooting for a bad team, but they've got some consistency issues that could drive a fan crazy.
Absolutely. One thing that makes it a bit less frustrating is that they're so predictable. I've kind of learned to expect the inevitable second half swoon and occasional, but long, period of little offensive movement with a heavy emphasis on jumpshots.
With all that said, I'd really have liked to see this team go through the playoffs with a healthy Jameer Nelson. He was playing at such a high level and was turning into a hell of a 4th quarter closer before his injury.
There is just too much Marbury for the Magicians tonight.
This is fucking ridiculous.
The entire Celtic offense this quarter has been Stephon Marbury and Glenn Davis. Marbury wouldn't even shoot against the Bulls and this is the second time he's gotten hot this series.
At what point does Orlando start to cover Big Baby?
I'm thinking Game 6.
wow, the magic are melting.
this is stunningly bad. shame stan van gundy isn't alive.
Just give it to Redick. Nobody else wants to shoot.
As Mark predicted, there's no movement on offense for Orlando.
Swint has the under and the only way he loses is OT. This is amusing to watch.
I can't stand the intentional foul up by 3. It's a good strategy, but it sucks balls for fans.
As I predicted, the Magic blew a late lead because nobody can create a shot for them or their teammates. And therein lies one of my biggest problems with Rashard Lewis. Despite having a mismatch on the perimeter with Davis and the fact that he was having a good night, he didn't want any part of the ball in his hands.
He's a fucking max player whose best asset is scoring. The only problem is that he won't go get the ball late and exploit mismatches and take over games. That my friends, is some motherfucking bullshit.
Finally, the game was a 1 point game for a veeery long time late in the game. And, it shouldn't have been. Ray Allen's 3 in the 2nd was clearly a 2 and the refs refused to review it. Ultimately, the Magic blew this game themselves but this is the second straight year that the refs ahve screwed the Magic in a major way in a pivotal playoff game.
/rant over
Tom B?
(732): ok shes still asleep, should i pee on her and say she did it herself? and by the time you respond to this ill probably have already made the decision
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