For the uninitiated, an Orange Julius is a fruit drink, created by blending orange juice, crushed ice, and a mixture of powdered whole milk and egg whites. It has been available since the late 1920s (thank you Wikipedia).
And please, don't ever call a Julius a smoothie. It's downright insulting.
You might ask, how can you dare to label it with such high regard? Um, have you ever freakin' had one? They're absolutely delicious...plus, they are one of those few items that bring you immediately back to childhood. Nothing wrong with a little nostalgic escapism.
Almost impossible to find around these parts, I happened to be in Arundel Mills Mall this weekend, and while the missus did her best to help out the economy at Ann Taylor Loft I went on the prowl for some Julius. I found it...right across from that bastion of good food and great entertainment, Medieval Times (in case you find yourself in said mall I am trying to save you miles of walking...those damn Mills malls are a workout).
It was the best purchase I've made at a mall in years. Jonesing for a Julius now? Check out the website for locations...and yes, I did just join the OJ Quench Club.
Teejay is in a club with a similar name.
Yeah rob, you sure do seem to like your Orange Julius.
that's funny.
so, brett favre. anyone care? me, i'd rather have sage rosenfels, given the choice. minnesota is dumb.
sportsbog has the story today on what happens to hats thrown on the ice after hat tricks. always wanted to know that. bog does not explain whiny bitch sidney crosby's problem with flying headgear.
i thought it was your "uncle" julius and the linen closet that always brought you back to your childhood.
it's a trick post, dave. teejay wrote the content, i just found the picture. it's opposite day.
do you really think your fans can follow these convolutions?i have a hard enough time understanding your blog on a regular day.
Yeah, we post some real tough to follow stuff over here. Hope that Deluise video didn't confuse you too much.
Orange Julius drinks rule.
Auntie Anne pretzels blow.
i feel your pain, dave. i read this one blog on a daily basis that consists of but a single convoluted, tortured, oft-demented, frequently grammatically correct, once-in-a-while brilliant, generally obtuse sentence. hard to follow, like gtb, but sometimes a penetrating glimpse into the human condition. also like gtb, come to think of it.
Cinnabon will smack the living shit out of Orange Julius...
that's wrong and ridiculous. also, apples and, um, oranges.
Seriously, Mark, put down the pipe...
and pass it this way.
Every time I see a Cinnabon sign, I think of Geoff's Steve McNair story. It makes the urge for a brown roll covered with white icing disappear pretty much immediately.
Thanks Geoff.
There's one in Potomac Mills across from the Lego store.
I'm telling you, the Mills malls are the only places I have found an Orange Julius in the greater DC area.
Rob...you're wrong and ridiculous. And apples will work for my purposes but I don't think oranges will. Though, I'll cede to TJ's expertise here.
there used to be one in springfield mall, but i haven't been there in years, so i can't vouch for its current presence.
Oranges equal fail (for what I'm pretty sure you're asking about)
I'd guess that the Springfield Mall will be completely shut down by mid-2010.
Obviousl TJ, I was just giving your prodigous fruit mending skills some credit...
It's a real shame I couldn't quite pull off that block of cheddar...
i don't know, jerry. springfield mall is hard by a metro stop, and across the street from a large apartment complex - it may still drive decent revenues. it's also a haven for gang activity, so there's that.
Wow, for a minute Rob I thought you had a second family in Maryland, not to mention a palate that I knew nothing about despite our almost fifteen years together. Thanks for clearing that up. :)
Rob does have a second family in Maryland. He's like the coach from the MTV show "Two-a-Days", Rush Propst. Its nothing personal Samantha, its the Alabama in him.
varlamov is standing on his head. and i can't believe i got caught via gtb. stupid orange julius.
how big is rafer alston? he looks tiny.
The Rays Jason Sonnanstine came into tonight's game against the Yankees with a 6.75 ERA. After six shutout innings against a laconic Yankee squad, his ERA has fallen to 5.46.
AJ Burnett's ERA, after giving up 3 runs in 6 innings, is 5.26. Sweet.
Alston's listed at 6'1". I'd bet 5"11 and 160.
Nice show of maturity by the Magic to not be satisfied with their Game 1 win and come out ready for Game 2. Oh wait...
Sonnanstine's ERA down to 5.29. The crowd is about to reprise the "We Want Torre" chant that they did last night.
TR, I have Jason's brother Andy on Line 1...
caps on the power play down 1 with 2 minutes left. says here they don't score - they've played poorly all night.
wow - i'm not usually wrong quite that quickly.
Good guess rob.
That's a surprising turn of events. This looked like a Pens win for the last 15 minutes.
sox are about to lose to carl pavano. neat.
Rafer Alston, what the hell are you doing?
this overtime is a little bit silly.
Really Eddie House, that's how we're going to play this?
This one is for Geoff:
Don't you dare blaspheme Cinna-bon!!!
The MLB network is spending a lot of time on my TV screen these days. The only flaw as I see it is the somewhat abrasive Greg Amsinger as anchor. He opts to channel his inner Michael Kay (which comes from the colon, I am told) way too much, and he seems like an ESPNews kind of guy. Matt Vasgersian, however, is on the money. Anchors aside (away), the content is killer and it's just so damn much baseball that it has to have guys like Mark just giddy.
wow. manny out 50 for the cheating. they're all guilty. all of them. that's refreshing, in a way.
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