Fittingly, on the weekend of Gary Burghoff's birthday, science is finally getting around to confirming something I've been saying for years: short people are evolutionarily superior to tall, gangly, long-nerve-having freaks*.

(* - This may not be a completely accurate reading of the source material, but it is a near-certainty that it's a quicker reading.)
cleveland's guards are killllling them.
I just heard LeBron complain about the officiating...and I couldn't believe my fucking ears.
yeah, that's a little bit of frustration talking. that, or code for 'hit a fucking shot, mo'.
I know that LeBron's teammates aren't exactly setting the world on fire right now but I'll put last night's loss on him. He settled for jumpers all night long (Why would he ever do that if he wasn't insanely hot?) and ended up shooting 10-28 and 1-8 from 3. Orlando will live with LeBron shooting deep jumpers all day because he's still just an average shooter.
LA's defense is awful. They are making JR Smith look like Magic Johnson right now. And Jerry's boy Kobe is damn near asleep defensively when he's off the ball.
To Mark's point about Lebron's hangers-on, I'm with him. As much as Mo and company weren't ripping the nets last night, no one is paying sufficient attention to Lebron's atrocious shooting. That's what cost CLE the game. If he had just shot 45% from the field, that's a W for the Cavs. Now, instead, Mark has to go get a happy face tatoo on his taint to commemerate the W.
Kobe's defense tonight has been really awful.
NBA officiating is an absolute joke.
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