Since I'm stuck out in Frank Wolf's 10th District, my strategy for reducing stress and adding a few precious months to the grand total looks a lot like this, which not so coincidentally reminds me where I'd so much rather be right now than my current deskbound location:

OK, any guesses as to what size rob's feet are? I say a woman's 4.
they're probably closer to that than they are to yours, in truth.
I say size 12. You know like the size that small chidren wear.
You appear to have pretty normal arches, which is more than I can say for Swint or I.
my feet are dead sexy. my ankles, however, are well on their way to resembling a retired catcher's knuckles.
Shockey to the Saints...
for a 2nd and a 5th, meaning that the saints value him roughtly as much as the skins valued jason taylor. i need to process that for a minute.
Today's almost-Darwin Award winner:
NEW YORK, (Reuters Life!) - A New Jersey man trying to exterminate insects in his apartment blew it up instead, the New York Daily News reported on Monday.
Isias Vidal Maceda was unhurt in the incident, but 80 percent of his apartment was destroyed, Eatontown, New Jersey police told the newspaper.
one of my most vivid childhood memories is of watching the apartment across the courtyard from ours in germany explode into a fireball. the occupant was cleaning his motorcycle in the kitchen. gas stove + motor fuel = jerry bruckenheimer's wet dream.
It seems somebody at KSK might be a fan of G:TB. The brilliant Bert & Ernie/M.O.P. mashup in over there today
yes, and we appreciate them crediting us for it.
oh, wait. that didn't happen.
dick joke's on us, i guess.
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