Of course, Estelle being older than most American universities doesn't obscure the fact that she was...an all around awesome broad. I mean, could Bee Arthur have pulled off Estelle's role in Stop! Or My Mom will Shoot ? Hell to the no, she's a damn foot taller than Stallone for Christ's sake. And don't get even me started on that whore Betty White. Annnnywho, this is all really an excuse to show the remix to the Estelle Getty Workout video that was posted over at EDSBS earlier today, which is possibly the world's greatest blog with a University of Florida graduate on staff, excluding this one, natch. So without further ado:
Now, I might be hungover as shit, but this appears to be the most awesome post in the history of ever.
Ever I say.
My god, this is beyond amazing!! :D
amanda vanderpool fashion
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