Monday, April 19, 2021

Gheorghasbord: From Wieners to Cocks

Hope your respective weekends were good. Just a few tidbits to keep the good gheorghies tuning in and the postcount up.

Tubesteaks have dominated the discussion here for a while. Frankfurters, I mean. Question(s)for you...

  1. Do the meats in the video below count as hot dogs?
  2. Any interest among the gheorghies?
  3. Is there some shortage of wiener buns?

On a related note, 6 years ago this article muddied the waters on an ongoing debate of whether a hot dog is a sandwich: National Hot Dog and Sausage Council Announces Official Policy On ‘Hot Dog as Sandwich’ Controversy.  The long and short of it was that they claim that hot dogs are in their own category and therefore not lumped into the sandwich category. But check out the USDA Regulatory Definitions of a Sandwich in that link.  Thoughts?

30 years ago a few of our guys went through a parallel debate of whether a BLT is a sandwich, with the non-obvious argument throwing its eggs into the "bacon is a topping not a primary meat" basket. This one wasn't and isn't much of a debate, but I certainly enjoyed the ridiculous banter that it offered a while back.

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It was once written, "Washington: First in war, first in peace, and last in the American League." New York is the epicenter of everywhere anywhere (just as a New Yorker; they'll tell ya). First in business, first in fashion, last in the American League. Meanwhile, rob's Red Sox are in first place, even as he sandbagged our annual case o' beer bet and has the Sox +10 wins versus the modestly Amazin' Mets. Conventional wisdom says those spots will be reversed by Memorial Day, but one never knows...

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QB Alex Smith retired today. Much will be said about him, and hyperbole will abound, as is de rigueur, but what he did to come back from a gruesome injury and subsequent infections cannot be overstated. He faced amputation and played a couple years later in meaningful NFL contests. His acquisition set the WFT back a costly bit, as it turned out, but the team's fans are Alex Smith fans all the way.

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Speaking of football, I have twice as much incentive to get to an SEC game this summer. My younger daughter came to the end of her miserable run during the college admission process. It's been a rough road for her and for her peers because of a few factors:

  • Would-be rising sophomores from last year who took a gap year and are coming back. According to at least one admission office, one-quarter of their freshman slots were taken by this population, so this year's crop of kids were starting off short-handed.
  • The SAT wasn't a requirement this year. My daughter did well (highest in the extended family), so this would have helped her. Instead, it saturated the candidate pool.
  • With the effect the pandemic has had on the economy, large state schools (the relative bargains) have been flooded with applications. My girl applied nearly exclusively to large state schools.
  • Among other things working against her, some recent grads from her high school were embroiled in a cheating scandal at UVa; that and a progressive push from colleges for DEI and a new era of wokeness did not help the students at this decidedly unwoke preparatory school. Sounds like there's a shake-up a-brewing at Norfolk Academy, though enough of the Board of Trustees all have MAGA stickers on their Bentleys and Range Rovers that it's not a given. I do know that when a high school is more expensive than a number of the colleges for which it offers tutelage and trajectory into, its numero uno metric is college acceptance, and when that ebbs mightily, look the fuck out.
  • At least in these parts, it's just been a crappy year to try to get into colleges... and to be a senior. All the fun stuff and privileges have been cancelled, virtual learning sucked, in-person learning was definitely not the same, and now the process of moving forward has been disappointing at best. A friend who's a UPenn alum sits on interview panels for local applicants. He said that they usually have an acceptance rate of 9% to 14% of the kids they see. This year they interviewed 98 applicants. 1 got in. 
So... bad luck for my daughter and her peeps. All that said, she's going to college! That's more than many people across many years could say! She came to a decision late last week, and we're happy for her.

Maddie will be joining her sister in Columbia as a Gamecock for the University of South Carolina. 

I'm happy for a variety of reasons. She's done and moving on with the next chapter in her life. The first place she thought she might want to go when this process began was USC. She only had reservations because the cat left the bag and a lot of her schoolmates loudly announced how much they wanted to go there, when she wanted an element of getting away from much of what (and who) she'd known before for a new adventure. 

I'm especially happy because my two daughters really are great friends as much as sisters, and they want the experience of going to college together. I definitely don't take that for granted. Plus, now I can see them twice as often on my college visits. And it's a bargain.  Oh, and football.

As football comes back in earnest for attending fans, I am looking to join the fray. November is a fun month at Williams-Brice Stadium; Clemson finishes off the regular season there. Before that, Auburn comes in looking for revenge. And before that, the Gators hit town on Nov. 6. Already starting to make plans.

Go Cocks.


zman said...

Congratulations Whit, and to your Whitlette. I tangentially wrote about the USC mascot here once before:

TR said...

I don’t have time at the moment to read this all. Will dig in later. Promise. But I wanted to share one of the more random texts I’ve ever gotten.

My realtor had the appraiser in today. The appraisal is important, given the rally in housing. We don’t want our sale going sideways after a soft appraisal. I texted her to ask how it went with the appraiser. She said: “All good. He knows my friend Kelly Tripucka.”

And yes, she did mean the ex-NBA player. I know this b/c I responded “Do you mean ex-NBA player Kelly Tripucka, who had an awesome mustache?” I included a pic of him w/ a stache on the Pistons. She confirmed it was the same person.


Danimal said...

One of the all-time ND greats right there

Whitney said...

Kelly Tripucka also was the king of the short shorts. Like second only to Stockton, if that.

Danimal said...

And congrat Whit - cool beans!

Danimal said...

I'm curious to know if Kelly Tripucka has to work. I'm guessing so, but is pretty comfortable.

rob said...

let’s go cocks!

Danimal said...

about $5.5M in 6 years...85-91...nice coin. the inflation calculator tells us that's about $12m in today's pesos. throw in another 4-6m in endorsements...quick guess...he doesn't need to work unless he laettner'd his dough.

rob said...

those things are not hot dogs, and i am not interested in baloney patties.

Dave said...

so convenient! it's the best when siblings do the same thing and you can kill two birds with one stone. cat and i just attended our kids' first varsity tennis match. ian (the younger brother) is first singles as a sophomore-- he beat out his brother alex, who is second singles. this was ian's first match ever because he lost his season to the pandemic last year and he won in a tiebreaker. alex lost in a tiebreak-=- too bad, but still awesome to go to a match and see both kids playing next to each other. i hope they go to the same college like whit's girls.

rootsminer said...

I was top golfer on our team as a junior, then senior year my little brother came to our school and put me in my (second) place. I recall calling home from my freshman year and hearing that he'd shot 68 in a tournament...yep, better than me for sure.

Glad to hear Whit's girls will be in the same locale. My boys have gotten to be much better friends over the past year - hidden upside of the pandemic.

TR said...

I think two siblings at the same school is great. Huge tailwind for the younger one. I may be in the same boat down the line, with two boys two grades apart.

My wife started her collegiate career at South Carolina. She transferred to Maryland after one year to be a bit closer to home (in NJ). But she had fond memories of that year. When we went to Charleston for an adult trip two years ago, we stopped for a day for her to visit an old friend in Columbia. Cool campus. And we saw Tony Siragusa in the bookstore. His son was a student there. Hot stuff. Big man he is.

The internet says that it's less than a 6-hr drive from Nah-fuck. Not short, but bearable. Good luck to both of them. Southeast state schools are where it's at.

TR said...

Unrelated story - when I was about 33 y/o (guessing here), I had to fill in for my boss and make a presentation to a Board of Directors overseeing the mutual funds that my team's group was managing. The Board had some heavy hitters, including one household name.

I entered the room fully cognizant of the public speaking concerns I had at the time. I sat for 20 minutes, waiting for my turn. There was a crowd around an impressive conference table. There was a member of another investment team speaking. Next to him was this household name person. He was asleep. He had his head tilted back and his mouth open. No doubt about it. And it was impressive b/c the speaker was next to him, about 3 ft away.

The speaker finished and I was called up next. I wanted to: a) not fuck up, and b) not have this person sleep while I spoke. So I did my thing. I spoke lucidly and loudly and this person stayed awake the whole time. I left after speaking for about 15 minutes, happy I didn't throw up on my shoes.

That "household name" was Walter Mondale. I kept that guy awake with my voice. Rest in peace, sir.