I'm a sucker for a Lichtenstein homage. |
Naked and Famous Jeans are made in Canada from denim sourced in Japan. According to their website ("We love rare and unique fabric!"), they mix kevlar, cashmere, silk, wool, linen, and any number of other fabrics with their denim to create their collections. As they note, "So much culture and history is poured into the fabric so that it can be appreciated by the denim purist." We'll ignore for the moment the idea that such a thing as a 'denim purist' exists.
Because now, Naked and Famous
offers scratch and sniff denim. In both wintergreen and raspberry scents. While founder and chief designer Brandon Svarc says, "If you want to get rid of your body odor, you should definitely wear deodorant," those of us that go 10-12 wears between washes know the score.
from sam berns to this?
i won hey gheorghies last night!
jarring juxtaposition is our stock in trade, dave. also, fuck off.
Wouldn't a "denim purist" be opposed to denim that contains non-cotton impurities like "kevlar, cashmere, silk, wool, linen, and any number of other fabrics"?
Rob- I hope you saw who I mentioned in your coke tweet to me from last night. And that he replied.
And Kellen Winslow Jr was arrested in NJ in November for masturbating in his car and possession of synthetic marijuana while in a Target parking lot. He is indeed a soldier. A weird, perverted soldier but still, a soldier.
let he who hasn't rubbed one out in a big box retail parking lot while stoned cast the first ballot.
and mark, i saw the exchange, but i don't know who 8ball is. should i?
It's the extremely coked up version of Clemson's mascot. Because, Twitter.
Is synthetic marijuana illegal? I'm not sure I even understand what that is.
Did the folks at Grantland affirmatively decide that their new format would include low resolution versions of high resolution images?
Yes, they based it off the low spark of high heeled boys.
Random programming note: Pilot for the new HBO show True Detective was phenomenal. Get involved.
True Detective is on my list of things to watch after I get through Orange is the New Black. I'm trying to convince zwoman that we should stop watching Downton Abbey.
And mr kq is bringing the noise AND the funk today!
Synthetic marijuana is now illegal in most states. Though there are numerous weird loopholes that often allow for its sale at gas stations and convenience stores. It's sold as 'potpourri' and the like.
It's also way worse for you than actual marijuana. Has caused major mental issues in a number of cases and can be addictive. Not surprising, I guess since you are, in fact, smoking something similar to potpourri.
I second Geoff 's rec on True Detective. Loved the pilot. Would've liked a better/more original series title though.
I'll put the Morgantown Kroger up against any Target for stoned perv activity. So I'm told.
"Mark's watching True Detective" would be a good Elvis Costello lyric.
As a surprise to no one, I enjoy Downton Abbey...and Season 2 of Orange is the New Black begins 2/14.
We're two episodes into season 4 of Downton and it's so depressing that I want to kill myself.
Yes, death, rape and struggles with social status are a bit of a downer...but on the upside, at least everyone is uptight and generally not that attractive. I can't really identify why I enjoy it, but I find it highly watchable.
The wife watches both of those (her job affords an ability to watch a ton of TV whilst working). She's pushing me to watch one of them. I'm leaning toward Orange is the New Black. Because...prison, chicks and (I assume) tattoos.
Speaking of which, that's where I'm spending my Friday afternoon. At a tattoo studio, not prison.
I assume you enjoy all the griping about the death tax, Geoff.
I think we can all agree that Lady Mary Crawley has been to hell and back. And hearing anybody say "Mister Bates" makes me chuckle.
Also, Elizabeth McGovern is the worst actress ever. All she does is make a weird smirk that looks like she's trying to squelch a fart.
We needed this in college.http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/11447722/rubber-band-machine-gun-0
TR, she can't be a worse actress than Talia Shire...right?
As Ice Cube said of Lady Mary, "bitches like you is bad for my health."
Thanks for the spoiler on episode 2, Geoff.
gheorghies, hello.
tj quinn told me this evening that gtb is 'consistently smart and funny'. he's very kind. and a good liar.
and rhett miller still brings it every time out.
Hello Rob....and Gheorghies.
Coming to you LIVE from the Winter Park Volleyball Club in beautiful (?) Orlando, FL. Here for a full day of girls 12&U volleyball. Get excited, kids.
On the bright side, there is a go kart track across the street (I'm definitely going in between games) and apparently Bojangles has moved into the Orlando market. Gonna introduce the wife to the majesty of the Bo Berry Biscuit soon.
Mark, is it snowing in Florida? If not then stop complaining. Or pick up a shovel and clear off my driveway.
Tell TJ Quinn that this blog is only smart and funny because we all take five pounds of Adderall a day.
There's a good match on NBC Sports. A feisty Sunderland came back from a 2-0 deficit to tie it up at home. Every point is huge for them as they try to fight off relegation.
see, that's funny, z. smart, too.
every sunderland point kills a fulham backer's puppy
It isn't, Z. And I'm not shoveling shit.
Bojangles was splendid in case you were wondering.
Everyone should watch Kenneth Faried's block of Dion Waiters from last night. Even TJ. He destroyed poor Dion.
Actually, here it is http://youtu.be/vSp-AqjLLVI
But you have to root for Jozy over Clint. Clint is basically training w/ Fulham. Jozy is there full-time.
The other interesting American-related plot is Everton staying in the Champions league race. Timmy Howard is out of his tits these days. Would be good to see him on the big European stage next fall. Would be HUGE for Everton financially.
Not good times for Darren Sharper.
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