The idea: The CAA New Year's Bash, a "season opening hoopapalooza" that brings all 12 conference teams to one location for games on December 30 and January 1. Simple in concept, genius in terms of generating interest and excitement. (Genius may be a bit strong; would you settle for very, very cool?)
The CAA currently kicks off league play with a single, out-of-place game in December. The standings then freeze for three weeks or so until teams come back from Winter Break with a four-games-in-eight days frenzy. The Bash would mitigate the negatives from both while giving hoopheads a New Year's destination and the league an opportunity to showcase itself during a fallow period for college basketball.
Litos offers Philly as a site for the event. I don't hate the City of Brotherly Fuck Off as much as I used to, and it's a useful sop to the league's northern outposts, so I see the logic. And Philly's got great restaurants and nightlife, if you can ignore the locals. I've already pledged the entirety of G:TB's advertising revenue to the project, so we'd likely get a chance to sponsor a cocktail hour, or provide lanyards.
The only negative I see is that the idea's too good for the CAA to keep to itself. But that first year will be a doozy. Who's coming to Philly with me?
So you want to hang with VCU and ODU students and alums in Philly on New Year's Eve? Better you than me, my friend.
oh, no, my friend. we'll isolate and consume as always.
philly. caa basketball. new year's eve. you are married, right?
I was there on January 2 of this year for Drexe - Hofstral after being in AC for New Year's Day. I think it's a great idea by Mr. Litos but I would have it over two days, sort of mini CAA Tournament. And have it at the Palestra!
i will be there! i love philly-- cheaper than nyc with better food and bars.
nearly everyone here in sea isle city is from the philly area-- though we are in new jersey, the license plates are all PA.
just had a day-changer of a mid-major build. life is good.
i think danimal just took a satisfying shit, but i may have misunderstood him.
Speaking of which, my son shat with such force and such volume that his grey-green putty of a turd shot out the sides of his diaper. He did this completely silently so no one noticed. Zwife, concerned that he was too hot in his pants, plopped him on her lap in naught but his onesie and proceeded to smear his greasy excrement on her pants. I took hold of the boy while she retired to fix her attire. I changed him and realized that were I to pull his shitty onesie over his head I would streak his face and hair with the foul matter, so I cut the onesie off him with a pair of scissors. Though she appreciated my forethought and application of emergency room techniques, she thought this measure was a bit too drastic and suggested that in the future I secure his diapers more tightly.
So it goes here in zhome.
that too is a day changer.
baby shatting stories amuse me when baby is not my own.
and speaking of drexel, their dance team was on my flights from singapore to atlanta last week. they weren't too shabby. i'm pretty sure they noticed me too. 41. average height. balding. usually does the trick.
So which one of you clowns is posting comments on Examiner op eds under the name "Jambonin"?
I had to go see what Geoffrey was referring to, and now I am laughing quite a bit.
Help a brother out an provide a link whydontcha?
Guilty. And it was Jamboni, not Jambonin'. One is a name and the other is a lifestyle.
Yeah, one of my colleagues thought a union thug was making a threat. I assured him that was not the case. Did you also make a similar suggestion on the Washington Time op ed?
I made the Jamboni reference one time on one op ed. It was the op ed where you expressed conservative views. You know, that one.
And I'm pretty sure just about every comment there was trying to rip you a new one. You should be proud.
This is a quality website:
Ah yes, the one where I made expressed anti-union sentiments and advocated for a less intrusive federal government. That was a good one.
is that considered a humblebrag? the geoff "op-ed" comments? regardless, nice work.
Absolutely. Look at me...I'm important. I was published in a free newspaper.
internet winner?
i haven't had to wipe excrement in something like a year. good times.
Enjoy this link too:
Dave, sorry to hear about your epic constipation. All those tacos, and nothing?
i thought maybe he had a colostomy bag.
Representative David Wu, a Democrat from Oregon, has announced that he is resigning in the wake of allegations that he had engaged in unwanted sexual activity with a teenage daughter of a donor.
His master scheme to get away with this didn't really work out. (The Wu Tang Plan.)
In Oregon, they have already renamed a body of water Lake Wu-be-gone.
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