Time magazine, Wired, Urban Dictionary, and dozens of other web curators already know about the rise of the Brony. Bronies, or men with an interest in all things My Little Pony, are out there, and they have been for some time, drawn by the highly refined production values of the new cartoon version of MLP. They've even got their own Brony Wiki, where one can display his own My Little Pony creation, like The Wastelander, or Atticus, or Scamper Lockstock. (As an aside, there's a better than even chance that Greg uses Scamper Lockstock as his courting name next time he heads out with lady-killing intent.)
It should come as no surprise to avid FoG:TB that we find this development awesome. And scary. But mostly awesome. We think that the similarities between the Brony nickname and King James' given moniker are coincidental, though Rainy Day sure bears more than a fleeting resemblance.
Stay gold, Ponyboys.
It can't be that big if there's no article her:
Me no like bron bron bc of THE DECISION more than him sucking lately.
When the heck is his coach going to start getting some heat? Pun once again intended. Nice post Z. Sorry you were shortchanged by the schedule adhering editors of gtb.
Anyone heading out to CONGO this week?
zman's wonderful post bumped by a "my little pony" post?
now that is gheorghe. nice work rob.
i fell asleep at the half-- was the rest of the game worth watching? or just more long range chucking? and i don't care if he occasionally makes it, nowitzki's fall away shot should be banned from a purely aesthetic stand-point.
also, i won a cake decorating contest.
details at SoD.
in what may be a first, we plan to repost zman's novella later today so the teej can market it
If we plan to market, then please let me make a few edits.
And the true moral of last night's post is: don't take advice from guidance counselors with bad toupes. They clearly have bad judgment.
i'm impressed by gtb's willingness to listen to its readership.
how do i get gtb to look like it does on my phone, on the computer? is that possible?
We're doing what? And when? Why was I not on the memo?
But no, for reals, I will promote the shit out of that if you'd like...
Courtesy of my high school guidance counselor, I got 1 acceptance (to a mediocre NJ state school I would never attend) and 4 wait-list or rejection responses from very competitive schools. I had no idea that I was totally inflating my own profile. My guidance counselor, a heterosexual woman with a crew cut, was not terribly helpful in this process.
I was forced to cold-call schools and try to sneak in, until W&M came through. And I had to brow-beat the W&M person who reviewed all NJ applicants, telling them that negging me b/c of my sophomore year grades was a bit ridiculous.
Ah, Newark:
Rob, I can't believe you bumped zman's awesome post for men who like ponies.
I'm worried about you...
pony post was scheduled three days ago - it's why i gave z grief for posting on a sunday night. don't worry, we'll re-post z after lunch.
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