Don't take it from me, though. In the words of David Coverdale, "It's a bodacious, cheeky little wine, filled to the brim with the spicy essence of sexy, slippery Snakeyness ... I recommend it to complement any & all grown up friskiness & hot tub jollies ... Is this love? ... I believe it is ..."
Bob Bradley might need a bottle or six.
Why is Tawny Kitaen (circa '87) not featured on the label?
FAIL David Coverdale. Fail.
She was too busy beating the tar out of Chuck Finley.
this was the reverse jinx effort - worked almost perfectly
I enjoy a glass of White Snake Zinfandel in the still of the night.
Am I the only one here who caught the Whitesnake/Great White tour in the Summer of 1988?
And am I the only one here who has Adrian Vandenberg's autograph?
Use the googles if unfamiliar. And then come back here to mock me.
sports illy's grant wahl says the call on the disallowed goal was a foul on edu. that's some grade a horseshit.
missed that tour tr.
adrian vandenburg = Rock God....and terrific hair!
whitesnake!!! FUCK-EEEENG A!
My father got an iPad and now all his emails conclude with "sent from my iPad" and for some reason that annoys me much more than "sent from my iPhone" or "sent from my mobile device."
Zman, if you didn't have anything to complain about, you'd complain about not having anything to complain about. Sack up and deal with life's little annoyances.
sent from IGOR!!!!
i have something to complain about - listening to chris berman do golf.
i have something to be grateful for also - the US still being in it. we were given a gift in game 1, and very fortunate today to come back. let us just all be thankful. amen.
I have something to be thankful for. I've gotten drunk with TJ two days in a row. Viva la Teej!
Thanks Igor. Now I'm going to have to hear Z-Man complain about you complaining about his complaining when I see him tomorrow.
I'm not complaining. Just commenting. Go Algeria!
I stick with what I do best.
Viva la Teej!
mark, did mike schmidt ever punch the teej last night?
Since I started actually calling him his real name this morning I think I defused my douchebaggery from last night, to a kid I've never even met.
I really am an asshole...
no shit, The Teej
I like the Teej. No complaints from me in that regard.
TJ's a fun asshole though. Always makes my visits to DC worthwhile...ngs.
Dubliner was worth the trip this morning despite the cornholing by the ref. Now it's on to NYC.
This is the guy you should hate:
no shit. what did we ever do to mali?
and i can't believe nobody's commented on the 'slippery snakeyness' of the whitesnake zin.
We needed the tie. Good.
Hold on...I know we are happy with that tie, but shouldn't we now be a little worried that Algeria isn't the poopy team (I at least) believed they were?
we control our own fate - win and we advance
That tie was huuuuge for the point Rob just made. We now don't have to worry about 3 teams finishing with 5 points. If we can't beat Algeria, we don't deserve to advance.
If we want to really get ahead of ourselves, we should decide if we want to be first or second in our pool. The teams that advance from our group will play teams from Group D. I care less about finishing first or second than I do about avoiding Germany in the knockout stage. But Germany's loss to Serbia muddles that pool a lot. Serbia or Ghana could win that pool.
there's an 18 year-old two shots off the 36-hole lead at the us open
oh, for fuck's sake, tr
For once England's miserable fuckup actually benefits the US. Thanks wankers.
for twice if you count rob green
I am sitting at the gate in Chicago waiting to board my flight back to NYC. The flight is delayed because of weather, which has resulted in the gate agent having to make lots of announcements. For some reason, this assclown thinks it is cute to mention that NY is the "home of the 27 time world champion yankees" every single time he makes announcement. He has done it 6 or 7 times now. Schmuck.
speaking of schumck, right on que is berman referring to a green as...."skippy"...he drives me f'ing crazy
(i'm on tivo delay)
hopefully this isn't anyone you know....
I don't know her d-train, but she looks kinda feisty - I'd give her a shot at the title.
This Netherlands-Japan game is incredibly frustrating to watch. Somebody is flopping on every other contested ball. There was an especially terrible sequence which involved the following:
A) a Japanese guy came into 'contact' with a NED guy by brushing elbows with him
B) the NED guy flipped over like he was submarined by a Miatta at high speed,
C) NED guy's momentum carried him so that he fell at the feet of another JPN guy, hardly making contact with his shoelaces,
D) That JPN guy fell over top of NED guy like he was guillotined, and writhed on the ground holding his face and grimaced broadly (cut to closeup of the JPN guy screaming in pain and holding his face like the Phantom of the Opera)
E) Play continued, split second goes by and guy screaming in pain jumps up and chases the ball.
This sport still has some work to convince this guy to watch if it consistently presents games like this as a product.
And half the guys on the NED team look like Bradley Cooper. For some reason this is annoying me.
i am rapidly trying to recover from the longest day of soccer drinking in my short life-- starting at ten with the US game and went right through the games until midnight, and now we have ten kids coming over for a birthday party . . . karma. and does that ref have to explain his call to SOMEONE, even if it's in malinese?
apparently he will NOT have to explain his call.
Once again, random Asian comment bot sums it up prefectly
Cameroon has the best uniforms.
True, Teej, but I'm not sure that makes up for this.
RIP Manute Bol...
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