Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Confluence of Random Inanity

Today is rob's birthday and whenever I think of rob I think of kids doing the robot in the infield. Shlara recently directed us towards NPR's music site where I was stunned to stumble across Major Lazer and I reported my stunnededness here. And many of you like to post the comment "dagger" when someone does something meaningful during a sporting event.

Put these three together and what do you get?

This video, which is technically safe for work but doubtlessly inappropriate and thus probably requires you to turn the volume down a bit and ideally you'll watch it in a place where no one can sneak up behind you.

Enjoy. And if you don't watch out you might learn a thing or two.


Dave said...

happy birthday, rob.

it seems like yesterday we were beating you senseless with a broom on monroe . . .

my how we've grown (some of us)

Dennis said...

Feliz cumpleaños, Rob!!

Dennis said...

To celebrate your birthday, I will be partying with 50 thousand of my other good friends at Nationals Park tonight...To Rob and Strazz!

By the way, huge thanks to friend of G:TB, whose name rhymes with Schmikel Schmirls, for the tix...

Marls said...

Happy birthday Bobert. Enjoy your discount at Denny's.

T.J. said...

Jesus christ...how many rob bday posts can we do?

zman said...


Dave said...


the vibram shoes really HELPED your heel injury? that doesn't seem possible. I am also forty years old, and i don't truck with practical footwear jokes.

Mark said...

You know what sucks about Rob's bday? That midget had owed me drinks for 2+ years and my first chance to collect will come mere days after his 40th bday, so I have to buy him drinks now. Motherfucker...

rob said...

you know what else sucks? i don't seem to get masn2, so i can't watch strasburg.

rob said...

disregard, found it

Mark said...

I wasn't paying you any mind to begin with.

mayhugh said...

Strasburg looks like the goods.

mayhugh said...

11 freaking strikeouts. Not too shabby, young buck.

T.J. said...

I just got home from softball, bus based on the 101 mps heater the kid is throwing in the sixth this Strasburg fellas seems legit.

T.J. said...

Damn you Mayhugh.

Beck said...

Happy Birthday big brother.....from someone who is actually shorter than you.

mayhugh said...

And they might get this kid a win too. Nice night so far.

T.J. said...

Willingham SMASH

rob said...

did he just strike out 7 in a row?

T.J. said...

Ok. After that half inning, I am 100 percent in the bag for Stras-jesus

Mark said...

I only saw him throw 3 innings in ST but it was against a decent Cardinal lineup and I had amazing seats (which obviously make a huge difference on your perspective) and I was thoroughly impressed by Strasburg.

Oh, it seems KG is alive. Really fucking alive.

rob said...

hi gracie! tell your mom to use her own account.

Mark said...

To tack on to my thought on Strasburg, Wainwright was the other starter for the game I attended and their was no comparison b/w he and Stras.

Mark said...

14 Ks and 0 walks is pretty fucking impressive. I mean, if you're into that sort of thing.

d-train said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
d-train said...

dave - the vibrams were purchased on the rec of a friend of mine who is a physical therapist and big into long-distance triathlons...she too had a foot injury.
i had not heard of them prior, which was just a few months ago. i'll just tell you that while wearing those, you, or i anyway, inevitably walk differently - no more heel striking which where my injury originated. wearing those for a few days will get you a lot of odd looks, questions, but for me, a recovered heel.

Geoff said...

Hmmmm...I ain't much for fancy book learnin'...but...

Riding "a wave of tea party support," ex-state Rep. Tom Graves (R) won the GA-09 special runoff to fill ex-Rep. Nathan Deal's (R) term, beating ex-state Sen. Lee Hawkins (R) 57-44% (Atlanta Journal-Constitution).

d-train said...

lots going on out there in cawleefonya too....interesting stuff
igor's girl, the human beaver, is still in the thick of things also. get some igor!

Geoff said...

I had a 30 minute sit down with Carly F a couple weeks ago and she is extremely impressive...and better looking in person than you'd expect.

/name dropping

Dave said...

i suppose now is the time to get the vibrams-- there's no way i can teach with them on, but i can wear them all summer. they freak me out though, something about the giant toes.

Geoff said...

I think you should get the Sketchers Shape-Ups. Everyone looks cool in those.

d-train said...

geoff - have an old friend from incester who works there in your same circles...she has said the same about carly (not the good looking part though)...meg whitman is way hotter.

dave - yes, get them for your summer, especially if you're looking for some extra attention, which i'm sure you are. you can run in them too - i just wouldn't do anything more than a few miles in 'em (me personally)

zman said...

They give 110% in Georgia ... or is that 111%?

zman said...

Or 101%. I was told there would be no math.

Geoff said...

Yeah, she is really sharp, and answered some down in the weeds questions with ease. And for a multi-millionaire former CEO, she didn't come across as having a huge ego.

Also, Jon Runyan (yeah, the former Eagles OL) won the NJ GOP congressional primary last night.

zman said...

Is anyone else surprised that a guy who was once considered the greatest QB of all time can't find a better endorsement deal than Sketchers Shape-Ups?

zman said...

I'm sure someone's already done this research, but name recognition has to be a huge factor for voters. "I've heard of John Runyan so I'll vote for him." Or "I've heard of George Bush. I voted for him in '88 and '92, so I'll vote for him again in 2000!" Eddie Murphy made a whole movie about it.

Geoff said...

Yeah, I'm sad for Joe Montana. You don't see John Elway doing ads for Crocs...or horse toothpaste.

Geoff said...

Yeah, name ID is huge, though more so in the general election than in a primary. Because so few registered voters participate in primaries, those who do generally know the candidates. Still, Runyan won in large part because of his name...because it sure as hell wasn't due to his keen ability to articulate the issues. We met with him as well...and he is not splitting atoms in his spare time.

zman said...

I enjoy Marino's work for Isotoner. And Jim Kelly's work for GLH Spray-On Hair. I could do without Ditka's Levitra ads.

d-train said...

don't forget Fran Tarkenton - that guy will schlep anything.

T.J. said...

Happy June 9th folks.

Squeaky said...

I won't be so quick with the Elway doesn't do stupid ads. When I lived in Denver he owned a few local car dealerships. He would do the dumbest tv commercials. Think of all those terrible local tv car ads and multiple the stupidity by a factor of 100. He must have lost his ass in those dealerships because once he sold them to some big corporation he still had to do the stupid tv ads.