The suddenly competent William & Mary men's basketball team takes on Towson at the TribeDome Saturday at 2pm. I will be doing my part (even carting a couple of chilluns to the Burg) to urge on the green and gold. Delly sandwiches at noon. Be there or be . . . someone with even the slightest vestige of a social life.
It's also on Comcast SportNet if you want to TiVo it for after you get back from your cocktail party/oyster roast/buddy's wedding/arraignment/stint in rehab/trip to Lowe's.
Up first for the Tribe cagers, however, is a date with the Huskies tonight. (Now that sentence really takes me back to the college days.) Tip-off's at 7 this evening.
our good friend mr. litos picks the huskies by 5. he's been remarkably anti-prescient when it comes to the tribe over the past few weeks. which is why we love him.
I'm not really sure how we can be of help:
"hotel rwanda lesson plans"
The fact that you use the word prescient, especially with the normally unused "anti" qualifier, is why I keep coming back.
But to clarify one thing: I am equiprescient.
How can you tell what searches bring people to your blog?
The site meter button on the sidebar...the Alfonso Ribeiro searches never end.
Big win for the Fighting Wrens of William & Mary!
Down 12 at half, they stormed back with a early second half surge, then continued to narrow the gap until grabbing the lead late and hanging on to win, 55-53. Nice.
Evened their record at 8-8, and they're 4-2 in the CAA. Frankly, I don't even know what to think about such a run of success. "Unprecedented" isn't accurate, what with that inexplicable team of a decade ago, but it's still bizarrely . . . not horrendous.
That's what happens when opponents don't bring their A-game to the Nest! (aka W&M Hall)
Thanks for the parenthetical explanation, Greg, but technically it's Kaplan Arena now. As much worse a name as that is than William & Mary Hall, I think it's perfect for the college -- a basketball arena that shares a name with a test preparation program. Ideally suited for the brainiac crew increasingly populating that campus.
You know where you are, Towson? You're in the "Study Hall," baby! And you're gonna faaaail!!
If you want to get really technical, it's Kaplan Arena at William & Mary Hall.
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