A: i see your dennis johnson and raise you one george muresan and one tyrone hill (Dan Le Batard 1/28/08)
Also, not for nothing, what the fuck is a 'fluflu'? If we find out, you're on the list, too, pal. Tyrone Hill, though...yeah, that's pretty much right.
(Hat tip to The Big Lead, who seemed to think it was funny. We're watching you, too.)
For what it's worth, none of the names on that list can hold a candle to Scottie Pippen.
And Scottie Pippen can't hold a candle to Ken "The Animal" Bannister. He was a big unskilled bruiser that hung around the periphery of the NBA (mostly with the Knicks) in the 1980's. He had a collection of skin blemishes that made Dennis Johnson's skin look like Halle Berry's by comparison.
jeremy hiatt of early 90s vintage nc state tops the all-time all-division list.
LeBatard can't even spell it right...douche.
And for anyone that watched the Bedlam game last night, let's just say I was shocked when I saw the parents of Blake and Taylor Griffin.
seeing the senior griffins made their sons' looks make sense, though.
It sure did...and I immediately thought of Jeremy Hiatt.
Come on, LeBatard is forgetting Adam Morrison. Doesn't he remind you of that kid in high school that wore tinted glasses and was really into Anime? You know, the same kid who would have shocked no one had he come into school in a trenchcoat strapped.
I'm not sure I've ever heard the Adam Morrison/Columbine comparison...but I can work with it.
I once met Hiatt in Va. Beach during the PIT and, well, he's just as frighteningly ugly in person.
CAA gettin some love on the deuce...Patriot Center is rocking.
For the record, he spells it "Hyatt," like the hotel, not the rocker.
And here's a tidbit for you. Porn star for the ages Ron "The Hedgehog" Jeremy's real name?
Ron Jeremy Hyatt.
There's gotta be a connection there.
Why whitney? Does Jerem Hyatt resemble Ron Jeremy (sgs)?
Mark, I'm going to say something that might upset you. Ron Jeremy isn't the most handsome gent ever sculpted by our great Lord in Heaven.
The Ron Jeremy Hyatt name story is fairly interesting. He is the son of a doctor who lived an upper middle-class life on Long Island. A girlfriend sent in a photo of his super-dong to Playgirl when he was very young, including his real name and hometown. People then started telling Ron that he should take his light saber and get into adult movies. At the same time, his parents started getting all kinds of calls and mail from ladies who were intrigued by his schveckle. His dad told him that he shouldn't use the family name if he was going to be a porn star, so he dropped the "Hyatt" part of it.
I saw this when I watched a very interesting documentary on him. It's well worth viewing. I think you can get it on Netflix. He ends up looking even more pathetic than you would think (if that's possible). He's never had a girlfriend in his adult life, he still thinks he can become a legitimate actor and he's a narcoleptic. Also, he's so cheap that he will go to any event that pays him (nudist colonies, frat parties, etc.), and he doesn't own luggage. He travels by putting things in garbage bags. Even when he flies.
Gotta love Mason Nation.
They've played ten minutes at MSG and St Johns has three points. Hoyas up 21 to 3. Rick Majerus would be proud.
41-14 Hoyas at the half. Way to turn it on Johnnies.
and a 10-0 run for the hoyas to start the 2nd half. on the road. not that *strong* an effort by the johnnies.
johnnies made a nice run to get within 31 at the buzzer.
spoke too soon - hoyas hit the most anti-climactic buzzer beater in recent memory to get some breathing room at the end.
The Wiz were apparently not interested in competing tonight.
wow. that bucks/sixers score is unpleasant, too.
Tribe, 70 to 67 winners over JMU. I believe that's 7-3 in conference for the Green and Gold.
kansas state making things innnnteresting in manhattan.
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