In this installment of Bite Me, Randy Newman, we celebrate the Lilliputian amongst the Brobdingnagian on the rosters of the Patriots and Giants. Kevin Faulk, Sinorice Moss, and Kevin Dockery may all measure a mere 5’8”, but their contributions to their respective teams’ success stand at least 5’10” in stocking feet.
Moss and Dockery, though undersung and overlooked by their mountainous teammates, both look spiffy in Giants costumes, and occasionally turn in a fine play or two. Moss caught 21 balls during the regular season, while Dockery got on the field in 14 games. Huzzah, indeed.
It is Faulk, though, to whom we doff our wee cap and celebrate most fervently. The diminutive change-of-pace back caught 47 passes during the Patriots’ romp through the regular season, and was a critical move-the-chains element of their offense. He played a significant role in their 21-12 AFC Championship win over the Chargers, snaring 8 balls for 82 yards. Tellingly, he also recorded 9 fair catches this season, proving that he understands the discretion/valor equation. Little dudes are almost unfailingly smart, in football as well as life. (Note – this last assertion is anecdotal, but sure seems to be true from where I sit. Down here.)
This corner of G:TB is pulling for the Patriots for a handful of reasons, though we’ve long since ceased rooting for the New England 11. Boston is our ancestral homestead, and a significant number of my tiny family members still call the city home. A Patriots win will please them no end and add to the current conventional wisdom regarding the Hub’s sporting primacy. So that’s cool. Also, the spectacle of 19-0 has a certain attraction – even as I’m generally inclined to root for the underdog, NFL perfection is an awe-inspiring feat. I’d like to be able to say that I saw it happen. And if we can’t root for selfish reasons, why root at all?
That said, history will never know what acclaim the little folks would have reaped had Darren Sproles and his 5’6” frame turned the corner on Junior Seau.
Did You Know??? Rob's wee New England relatives all get together every Super Sunday for some touch football, Kennedy Compound style. That they play on one of those Electric Football fields is what makes their game so unique.
don't underestimate the therepeutic value of those vibrations, freako.
tribe rpi sits at 168. whit may need to consider a strategic amputation.
There's still time for the predictable Tribe tumble or my fitness program to kick in. Or said amputation.
Seriously, where's the Prank Gambling blog? I forgot about the Tribe RPI bit... love it.
we don't have enough prank bets at the moment. i'm planning to post a permanent link at the top right, but we need more volume. all we've got right now are the hibbert 100-year bet and the rpi vs. weight bet.
OK, let's roll with some more college hoops angles...each pick a final four ? Just roll the dice on teams ending up in the same region?
And how about some early Nats action (all 6-pack bets):
1) A stint in the clink for either Dmitri, Millege, and/or Sr. Dukes in 2008.
2) Christian Guzman has a sub-300 OBP.
3) John Patterson starts 25 games.
Who wants it?
I'd be willing to bet that either Milledge, D-young or Dukes gets a DUI, domestic/sexual assault or bar fight charge brought against them prior to the All-Star break.
According to my projections, "Kevin Faulk is the Underrated Key to New England" will be a Tier 4 Super Bowl Story and should be receiving a flood of mainstream press on Monday.
tribe goes to philly and tops drexel in overtime. this is getting a bit out of hand.
Rob, your boy Scott Drew and Baylor just won a 5 OT war with Texas A&M last night.
With Shaq once again injured, I'm pretty sure Kansas and/or Memphis could beat the Heat right now. Seriously.
get on the bearwagon now, boys.
I wonder if the guy who runs the Shaft Fan Club is concerned we're stealing all his traffic:
"black private dick who's a sex machine to all the chick"
Yep, there's already two of these sites...and he's not even officially the coach:
down goes federer. hey, how 'bout that?
If you had bet $100 on Federer losing, you would have won $2400.
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