Saturday night I went to Norfolk's Town Point Park, a grassy downtown knoll that overlooks the Elizabeth River, for the annual Bayou Boogaloo. If not inherently obvious, it's a New Orleans themed festival that runs for three days.

Highlights, as usual, included Amanda's renditions of "Should I Stay or Should I Go" and "The Devil Went Down to Georgia."
The Rebirth Brass Band followed, delivering their same brass funk soul beat that they have for years. Always great.

But I only saw the first half of the show. At that point stepbro Ian called a water taxi, and a few minutes later a 20' outboard number pulled right up the the bulkhead about 30 yards from where we'd lucked into VIP section free beers at Trombone Shorty. For $6 a head, the water cabbie rode us across the river to Portsmouth, right to the nTelos Pavilion. From drinking an Abita at Shorty to drinking some nameless domestic light at The Avett Brothers in about 12 minutes. The Avetts walked onstage about two minutes after we walked into the general admission SRO pavilion floor. Well played, Ian.

The Avetts offered up their each-and-every-time-I've-seen-them frenzied energy and great sound. They simply bring a level of effort not generated by most bands, plus they've got more talent in their whole body than I have in my pinky finger. As Willy said, strike that, reverse it.
The Avetts cranked through excellent numbers new (Live and Die, Geraldine, Paul Newman vs. The Demons) and old (At the Beach, Murder in the City, Paranoia in Bb Major) with seamless vigor. I'm a fan. They bring it. They brought it.
So, a big night for music for me. Sunday did not relent.

[They do many originals and lots of more traditional tunes, but this one has great appeal to me.]
. . . and then there's tonight. This afternoon I'm headed up to DC. One of our Virginia Beach friends is cousins with keyboardist Chuck Leavell; for those not in the know, he was with the Allman Brothers in the 70's and has played with Clapton, the Crowes, etc. . . . and, since the early 1980's, the Rolling Stones. So our friend asked for four VIP tix to see the Stones tonight, and we got 'em. Giddyup.
Who the heck is Whitney?
wow - that's good shit. nice doin.
you chaps (rootsminer/"whitney") ever head to the fiddler's convention in va? thinking about making that trip next year with the fam - i've got sis that lives nearby. i hear it's good craic.
Dang, that's a streak, though I'd be royally pissed if I had to leave Trombone Shorty to see the Avett Brothers.
I saw Town Mountain on Thursday at a friends 40th bday party at Parkway Brewing Co. - not bad, especially with free beer and food.
Enjoy the Stones. They're still rocking pretty hard for a bunch of 70 year old geezers.
Solid run by this Whitney guy.
Danimal, are you talking about Galax Fiddler's Convention? I've been a couple times. I like Mount Airy (pretty close to Galax) a bit more, and I still hope to make to Clifftop in WV one of these days. One of my boys is getting pretty good at hamboning, and the other only stops whistling when he's talking or sleeping. Maybe I'll get a family novelty act together for the competition.
The best thing at the fiddlers conventions is to wander the parking lots in search of a good jam session. Watching bands come and play for 3 minutes each on the competition stage is pretty tedious.
rootsminer - yes, galax. mt. airy, i.e. mayberry? didn't know they had one. duly noted.
i knew some guys in college that loved hambonin, though i think we called it "hoggin" back then.
did rootsy just diss the avetts? 'cause them's fightin' words.
I think the Avetts are a little too mainstream/dad rock for a legitimate roots musician.
Danimal, Mt. Airy is always the first weekend in June.
Rob, that wasn't exactly a diss. Just sayin' I'd rather hear Trombone Shorty.
"Mary Pierce, down a set, although it doesn't appear that way."
Nadal just lost the first two sets of his first round match. I guess he was seeded too high...
it would be impossible for me to choose between shorty and the avetts. both of them place in my top 5 all-time favorite live sets. shorty's in there twice, actually.
Like I've been saying for months now, everyone is sleeping on Darcis.
I think Nadal is having trouble with uncomfortable underwear. He's grabbing and twisting the crotchal region a lot. That will always get you.
Jerry liveblogging tennis for the next fortnight is gonna be fun...
Folks from the Darcis camp are saying that he watched film from the famous UVA-Chaminade game last night for inspiration.
Nadal watched the 1st half of Rocky 4 and South Bend Central's semi-final game.
Darcis, up a break in the 3rd, looked like he wanted to choke, but ended up holding serve. I wonder what his 1st name is. I'm hoping for Hugo. But it's probably something like Thomas or Michael.
I know that only because the front page of says "Rafael Nadal is in big trouble at Wimbledon, down two sets against Steve Darcis."
Steve. Terrible. I'm watching with the sound off, so all I know is that he's from Belgium and that he pretty much looks like a Belgian.
The first round match to watch is (perhaps obviously) Hewitt/Wawrinka. I saw Wawrinka play Soderling at the 2006 US Open on one of those rinky-dink side courts where you sit about 10 feet from the sidelines. Wawrinka lost the first two sets and my father said to me "This Polack's done, let's go watch Nadal." Wawrinka is Swiss and he came back to win the last three sets in what was probably the match of the day. So we gave up our seats 10 feet away from the match of the day to watch Nadal overwhelm Luis Horna in Arthur Ashe Stadium, sitting in seats perched somewhere near the MIR Space Station. Random anti-zfather rant complete, the point is that Wawrinka is really good and Hewitt is a former Wimbledon champin and world #1.
Wimbledon = Darci's Playground
z's dad = anti-PO-lite
I had a midday meeting today. By the time it was over Nadal had been eliminated from Wimbledon. That was fast.
Steve Darcis is such a nobody that if you do a google image search you get pictures of a Cabbage Patch Kid and some famous tennis players.
zfather does not believe in political correctness. He still uses the same vocabulary he learned in the 1950's.
the odds on darci were in the neighborhood of 30:1. in football terms, what would that equate to, about 2 sets, 2 game favorite?
d. rovell tweeted that some fella put $500 down on him...won 15k. sketchy. anyone see the 60-min piece some time ago on gambling in tennis?
Getting paid to throw games is a problem in tennis but I doubt Nadal would purposely lose at Wimbledon. I don't gamble on tennis (or much else really) so I don't know if 30:1 odds are particularly long ... like my johnson.
C'mon z, why don't you just go all in and call it zjohnson?
And you're fairly correct in your assessment of my musical proclivities, though I don't really think of the Avetts as dad rock. I honestly always considered them more of a chick band. But as I always say, my tastes differ from most.
Hewitt in straight sets! Seeds are falling left and right.
For the record, Steve Darcis is not related to Marcy D'Arcy.
Being SRO on a NJ Transit train is certainly fitting of one of the lower levels of Dante's Hell. At least I'm not 3 vodka tonics deep w/o having eaten lunch, with a guy with a whitehead-like rash two feet away from me on an 85-degree train while I have to pee.
Oh wait, I am all of that. I mean I don't have a cheek rash, but I have all that other good stuff. Dirty Jerz bringing the pain. At least I'm half drunk.
Ouch TR, nice gritty depiction of dirty jerz. I raced an impending thunderstorm on my bike ride home, and won.
TR, you should get a job closer to home. Commuting sucks.
i feel tr's pain.
not really. just something people say.
Nadal's match is on. I think his knee is hurt again. Boris Becker is doing color commentary and he sounds like Barney from the Simpsons only German.
will zman or jerry be live-commenting wimbledon again tomorrow?
I don't have tv at work. Maye I'll come home and watch if sharapova is on.
i like 'watching sharapova' as a euphemism.
She puts on a show.
Nadal's knee must be a mess. He served off his front foot and ran around his backhand.
later in the match it gets really obvious that the knee is wrecked
I like when Zman nerds it up on Tennis.
Becker refers to Darcis only as "the Belgian."
Is there hockey tonight?
Wow. What a collapse.
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