Lots of much better writers than we will type eloquent about the importance of
Jason Collins' public acknowledgement of his homosexuality. Since we don't really do eloquent, we'll leave it at this: it's about time an active player came out. We fervently hope that this becomes a complete non-story as quickly as possible. Judging by the public's reaction, a mixture of support and 'what took you so long' with a pinch of bigotry couched in appeals to reverse political correctness (looking at you, Tim Brando), it seems a pretty good bet that gay athletes will soon be no more unusual than white NBA players - a minority, but not a lonely one.

If he or she is in Washington, DC's best sports bar, chances are really good that loneliness won't be an issue. The Washington City Paper conducted its annual Best of DC poll recently, offering readers an opportunity to weigh in on the Capitol's finest fare.
In the category of Best Sports Bar, the natives eschewed local faves such as the Crystal City Sports Pub and Grevey's for a dark horse entrant.
Washington DC's best sports bar, apparently, is
Nellie's. Located at 900 U Street, in the shadow of Howard University, Nellie's is a bit off the beaten path for DC sports fans, but it features authentic Griffith Stadium seats, a vintage scoreboard, and perhaps the only world-famous drag brunch hosted in a sports bar.
Nellie's, as it turns out, is a sports bar with a twist. Or a rainbow wig, whichever. It's aggressively...normal. People go there to watch games, drink too much, gather with their teammates, cheer on the local sides, and generally revel in the communal experience that's one of the most vital and enjoyable parts of being a sports fan.
I assume the folks at Nellie's are proud of Jason Collins. But they're probably proud of Bryce Harper, too. And the sooner we get to the point where the latter matters way more than the former, the better.
See you all at Nellie's.
Are Brando & Broussard ignorant, unenlightened, and sad. In my opinion, yes. Bigoted? Not sure I would go that far. Feels like a slur just to shout down somebody I disagree with. Wouldn't that make me a bigot too?
i see your point, but i think bigotry and intolerance kinda go hand in hand. this goes beyond disagreement, i think, to a fundamental lack of respect for gays.
Fair enough. Brando's comments bother me more than Broussard's. He just comes off as an old, clueless dipshit upset that his white, Christian, southern worldview is not universally embraced.
We had this idea back in 2001, but the world wasn't ready for it.
Butt Darts?
met the chief justice of the minnesota supreme court this morning. so if you ever get in trouble in minny, i got your back.
Wishing Nellie's was there when I lived six blocks from that spot. Would have gone to Stetson's less.
Too bad you didn't have the Chief Justice connection a while back. My buddies Jerry Lundegard and Wade Gustafson had a bit of trouble with some guys in Brainerd, ya know. You betcha.
That's "don'tcha kno" Clarence.
Ohhh, ya, I stand corrected, Marls. Ya got that right. You're darn tootin'.
It's quite likely that I'm the only person here watching Outside the Lines right now, but this Bosch guy couldn't look more slimy or guilty. What a sleazeball.
I saw a little of it whilst at the gym. He looks like half of the professional population in Miami. So, yes, a total sleazeball.
That's bulkshit KQ. Most athletes making millions of dollars put their health in the hands of a doctor with a degree from Central America Health Sciences University in Belize. I think Dr. James Andrews has a correspondents certificate from there.
Hollywood Upstairs Medical College
Ho, mersimp son.
I need a Jesus Shuttlesworth Jesus piece badly.
Hey, Gheorghies -- speak English.
Hola Jhorjhies
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