Memo to China: Stop exporting tainted/poisonous/deadly products. It's really hurting your rap. Seriously, tainted toys, dog treats, toothpaste, pajamas AND chop sticks? You'd think in a country with one billion people they could find 20 or so qualified safety inspectors. Then again, you'd think an elite D-1 college football team could find an adequate kicker, but we all know that ain't the case.
I don't necessarily want to club Dusty Baker, because frankly it's too easy, but last night during the Tigers/Indians highlights Gary Sheffield's injury was mentioned, to which Baker replied "That's why they really need Monroe to step up". Hmmm, would that be Craig Monroe Dusty, a guy the Tigers designated for assignment a week ago? How about just 5 minutes of prep time a night you clown?
Speaking of Baseball Tonight, the Rangers 30 run offensive explosion left Tim Kurkjian sounding like a 12-year-old girl who'd just met Zac Efron. Calling in, Kurkjian was so excited his voice rose to decibel levels only audible to dogs and Kirsten Dunst (sorry, no idea where that shot came from).
Back to Sheff for a moment...it's so nice to see karma in play. That's right Sheff, karma just kicked you square in the nuts. And I love it.
I was perusing baseball-reference.com the other day, as I am apt to do, and I found what I consider a very enjoyable tidbit on new Oriole J.R. House's page. This is listed under page sponsorships:
"Voted among SI's Top 50 sports figures in WV history, J.R. is the best high school QB to ever play the game. After battling back from injuries, J.R. is ready to soar. A strong Christian, find out more at: http://www.athletesinchrist.org."
J.R., perhaps Jesus Christ can help you finally hit a curveball.
Finally, in honor of Geoffrey's impending nuptials (less than 36 hours away), here's your requisite YouTube clip of the day:
Most convoluted search ever?
"west nile bobby jones 2007"
nice zac efron name drop. i have daughters, that's how i know his name. you, sir, have no excuse.
He's dreamy.
Wait, Gary Sheffield's karmic retribution for being a dick for 15 years is getting injured after he leaves the Yankees for the rootable Tigers? Not so sure that's how it works.
There is nothing "rootable" about Gary Sheffield, no matter what uni he dons.
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