Friday, October 01, 2021

Dear Evan Hansen

Dear Evan Hansen, 

I want to start by saying I will not look to press charges. Impersonating a teenager and attending high school is certainly a crime that you committed, but I will let it go, given extenuating circumstances. I am surprised you haven't been arrested yet. You have five-o-clock shadow at times. When I look at you, I think of SNL's Kyle Mooney. And I think you could be his older brother. But that's not why I'm writing. 

I'm writing to you because my wife decided that my sons and I should watch your movie last weekend. We attended the movie as a family and my wife and I were glad we did. Some issues highlighted in the movie are tangentially relevant to my family, And the messages about social media, compassion, depression and noticing/acknowledging other people really resonated, especially with my kids. It even got dusty once or twice in the theater. So kudos for shining a light on some really important topics. 

I'm also writing to you to apologize for almost laughing at times during the movie. You are a very good singer and dancer, Evan, and the production quality of the movie is great, but there is a ton of unintentional comedy. The faces you make when you sing are both cringeworthy and mesmerizing. On our drive home from the movie, the dialogue in our car was split between the message of the movie and the way that you made my kids laugh out loud at the wrong times. Sorry about that. I think you have a bit more Napoleon Dynamite in you than you want or realize. 

I'm also writing to you with some anger for what your production team did to Amy Adams. I have a crush on her. At least I did, up until this movie started. Why did the production team insist she look so terrible? That was unnecessary. This is Hollywood, Evan, not a movie based on real life. She played a princess once! I didn't need this. The picture below is actually better than she looks at any point in the movie. One review asked "Why does Amy Adams always seem constipated onscreen?" I don't like constipated princesses, Evan. Nobody does. 

Best of luck and maybe practice singing in front a mirror, pal. 

Sincerely, your best and most dearest friend,



rob said...

based on the amy adams bit alone, i refuse to see this film. i will not have anyone besmirching her.

T.J. said...

oh, are we fighting to see who loves Amy Adams more? if so, throwing my hat into the octagon

Whitney said...

And then it happened. Kid Lester took the flat cap off his noggin and hurled it into the center of the ring.

rob said...

get in the ring, motherfucker(s)

rootsminer said...

Quite the circle jerk going on here this morning.

zman said...

Everyone needs to plan on being in DC on March 27, 2022 for Gheorghe Muresan bobblehead night.

T.J. said...

yes, z

tiny dictator brought this to my attention yesterday on twitter dot com

plans for Gheorghefest 2: Electric Gheorghaloo are now in the works

TR said...

3/27 is a Sunday night. Not ideal, but not a deal-breaker.

My rider will state that I demand a luxury box, like we had for GF1.

zman said...

Amy Adams fades guys who tweet.

zman said...

I can't wait to see what else is on TR's rider.

T.J. said...

TR, I think that's a must.

Whitney said...

Sunday night is a Melvin for G bobblehead night. Shlara, can you please pull some of your old strings and get a Saturday lined up?

Marls said...

That weekend is the Sweet 16/Elite 8. Sports gambling now legal in VA could make for a good Gheorghefest weekend.

TR said...

When is Marls going to own a pony? Seems inevitable, right?

Marls said...

G:TB fractional racehorse ownership.

Juan Carlos said...

Marls, remind me what part of the horse you own.

Mark said...

I too love Amy Adam’s but not as much as some of you. And using Sunday as an excuse to bail on Gheorghefest 2 is horseshit. Especially since we can gamble at a sports book during the NCAA Tournament that weekend too. (Yes, I know I missed the original Gheorghefest but my kid was born about two weeks prior).

Whitney said...

hi gheorghies!