Massive thanks to Team Gheorghe and all my friends who decided to celebrate this decrepit old man's birthday on a Zoom call yesterday. If you're gonna have a pandemic party, go big or go home.
And boy oh boy did one FOGTB go big. Folks, I think Kato Kaelin and I are besties now.
Sunday, April 05, 2020
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Who ponied up for the Kato shout-out? That’s pretty amazing.
And the David Byrne website is cool. Thanks for forwarding it on, Dave.
We are all resting after 2+ hours of family yard time: horseshoes, slammo, shooting hoops, Frisbee, and a ring toss game I finally screwed into a tree.
Señor Sizzler called it ‘the best fifty bucks I ever spent ‘.
I may have a ‘close shave’ themed guestie for the coming week. I’ll compile and send it to editorial staff.
one of the best parts of the kato video was watching teejay's reaction to it. i'm certain he sprained a rib laughing. was the zoom recorded?
late. have one.
The Z**m was indeed recorded
The z**m was glitching on my end during the Kato vid yesterday. I didn’t realize he liked teej that much!
Teej, they're showing all 456 episodes of Law & Order in a row. (I know, it seems like they do this all the time.) It’s on Season 4 now. The team is really starting to hit its stride nicely.
What’s the all-star L&O lineup? It has to start with Briscoe and Logan, right?
If you like stand-up comedy, Tom Segura’s new Netflix special Ball Hogs is awesome. He’s dirty as shit. It’s really funny. Love that dude.
I also saw the Rush doc on Netflix. Really great deep-dive on them, and I didn’t know the whole back story. Didn’t know any of it, to be honest.
the only thing worse than listening to rush is a deep dive documentary about them . . .
I'm in an angry mood because my children-- who normally enjoy quality TV-- pronounced the first episode of "the wire" as "boring."
RIP Snotboogy
It's Briscoe/Logan, for sure.
Briscoe and Logan or Curtis or Green are all terrific! My kids can’t believe the show ran so long and that SVU is on 21 seasons now! I watch all the crime drama stuff—drives them crazy.
Do y’all watch Schitt’s Creek? We love it! Hilarious.
We haven’t seen Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul—considering...which should you start with, though, or does it matter?
Our life is filled with strategic board games that often turn into yelling and snarky arguments—very competitive nerds in our fam—and movies we fight about what to watch—laughed through “The Big Lebowski” and quirky “Napoleon Dynamite” recently.
Husband and I both doing church online—oy! I do not enjoy being on camera and very worried about our people. But we carry on.
My daughter is making fabric masks for everyone—so proud of her! She rocks on a sewing machine...made a bunch for her uncle who works in hospital, her grands, cousin who is a doc, church members, teacher, etc.
And husband trying to help his 89 year old mom learn to use an iPad over the phone—pretty funny on our end bc she’s nearly deaf, so he has to yell.
Hope y’all are staying well and relatively sane!
McCoy, Schiff, and Van Buren are locks. It’s mainly a question of the assistant to Jack McCoy. Angie Harmon was always nice to watch.
Dave - if you get them to give it another go, look out for father of KQ, Tom Quinn starting in episode 2. Detective Patrick Mahon. Has a bit of an Ed Asner thing going on.
Claire Kincaid or GTFO
Serena Southerlyn can be on my case team anytime. I was going to say she can work on my briefs whenever she wants but that seemed classless.
Donna, that is awesome about your daughter. Inspirational. It's helpful for me to focus on stuff like that these days. There's plenty of greatness to go around and block out the horribleness.
Speaking of greatness, while most gravitate to Serena Southerlyn, Abbie Carmichael, Claire Kincaid, or Jamie Ross, the one you may not want to sleep with but you shouldn't sleep on was ADA Robinette. Very solid.
Dave - here are my top 5 Rush album recs for you. We'll all chip in and send you these cassettes for your birthday.
5 - Farewell to Kings
4 - 2112
3 - Fly by Night
2 - Hemispheres
1 - Moving Pictures
Thanks, Whit. Yeah, she’s pretty awesome. Even if I am her mom. Only 12. Got her sewing machine Christmas 2015, at 8. My mom taught her, but she’s taught herself a lot! My mom was home ec teacher. Amazing cook, seamstress, etc. The sewing part skipped me—I have no patience for it! But our girl loves it. Designs clothes with no pattern, etc. Anyhow, it’s very cool.
Today is first day I’ve taken off really since this mess started. And it’s Holy Week. But I’m tired!!
I have congregation members’ son with the virus—but he lives in nursing facility. Only 51. Horrible story (before this all happened). And obviously can’t visit. Difficult. He’s doing ok, thankfully—hopefully that continues. Also have doctor in quarantine waiting on test results. Oy!
And some of my Myanmar people have relatives stuck in Myanmar now—can’t get here.
Sorry to rain on usual lightness and dipshittery of GhTB.—feel the need to say it somewhere. Don’t want to burden children.
Stay well y’all!
BTW—my husband is music guy, played in bands for years...he is not a Rush fan. Never been. He wonders if that makes him weird!
Never been a big Rush fan but I may need to listen with a fresh ear based on Dave’s dislike.
my nephew drove cross-country from his girlfriend's house in san diego to gainesville, where he's finishing up school at florida. last night at two in the morning, ten minutes from his apartment, a deer ran in front of his car and caused him to lose control. the car flipped three times and was totaled. miraculously, he walked away from the accident with bruises and scratches and didn't even get taken to the hospital. sadly, his dog was killed in the accident, which he's taking really hard. we're obviously thankful he's okay, because it could've been so much worse.
I don't think disliking Rush is weird. I've recently heard one or two Rush tunes that I kind of like, via my local low power FM, and it's made me briefly question my judgement. I quickly realized that just because you have a couple of songs I don't hate doesn't mean I like the whole body of work, even if it displays virtuosity.
Shit Rob, that's crazy. Glad he's ok, and sorry about his dog. My close shave guestie will document a situation that could have easily landed me in the hospital.
And Marls, I think Dave and I have fairly different musical tastes, but he's right on this one.
My favorite ER doctor is a yoooodge Rush fan so I listened to quite a lot of it in the early 90s. I don't get the love for Rush but I don't get a lot of things, like the commerce clause and pet tarantulas. To each their own.
Dave had a pet monitor lizard and HAS a tattoo of a big lizard clawing its way out of his shoulder. He rails at length about daylight savings time. He lived in Syria. He loved the band The Cult so much that he had their name/logo tattooed relatively prominently on his leg in 1989.
If that’s your barometer of the music you like and the critic you follow, follow him to freedom.
I often do.
RIP Pussy Galore
Speaking of questionable music, my 14 year old recently penned a song called 'Homies Eatin' Beans'. The damn thing is catchy enough to get stuck in your head, so that's something.
my friend neil is a great drummer. in high school, he made me listen to "fly by night" and all that other crap. while I like "closer to the heart" (especially this version and "subdivisions" well enough, I can't stand the rest of the catalog. geddy lee's voice is too high, the lyrics are usually a bunch of cliches strung together, and the drums sound a little antiseptic to me (I like Keith moon). i toss "rush" in the steely dan category-- I've really listened to them and try to like them because they are obviously very talented musicians, but I just can't get into them.
is "west wing" the same deal?
Dave, they teach Rush lyrics as poetry in classrooms in England.
See, Dave just tossed Rush into the Steely Dan category. Now I want to fight him.
See you guys at the Outer Banks Fighting Trip
I love the idea of Geddy Lee posting in blog comments critiquing Random Idiots.
RIP Al Kaline
Geddy Lee always hated even our best stuff, like “Dr. Seuss” and “Bloodfinger,” and don’t get him started on “House of the Martha Wood,” but bizarrely he loves “I’m a Glom.”
Magnum loved Mr. Tiger
I really don’t love Rush. Just liked the doc b/c I learned some stuff. Neil Peart lost his daughter in an accident and coped with it by driving 55,000 miles on his motorcycle all over North America. The band’s big break in the US came from an FM station in Cleveland that knew the first album would resonate w/ the blue collar citizens. Peart only got the gig b/c the original drummer was a diabetic and they didn’t think he could handle a US tour. The band in the US that took them under their wing on the road was Kiss. And Gene Simmons made fun of them for never partying or getting laid on the road.
Was nice to bait you all today. Time for a drink.
The tiger in the Bronx Zoo has coronavirus. You cannot make this stuff up.
i posted that shit on sentence of dave today. insane.
i would have liked to attend a rush/kiss concert. sounds like the same kind of polarized crowd as the salt'n'pepa/primus show we saw in daytona.
Don't forget Naughty By Nature and ugly Kid Joe in the same lineup
Happy National Beer Day, gheorghies
Dang. I celebrated a day early with my first beer in months last night. My wife was complaining about beer taking up room in the fridge, so I thought I'd be helpful. It was pretty good.
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