Here's the latest in my COVID-caused quest to watch 100 music documentaries. Or at least "a bunch," to clarify the metric.
Five more down. Not that many, but none of them were abbreviated, and in fact, one was a big 'un. I'm still loving the genre, although anything more than two music docs in a row starts to get a wee bit monotonous, so either turning off the tube or switching to something sports or idiocy-related is a help. But there's so much good stuff out there, and that keeps me tuning in.
Sound City (2013)

Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns (2003)
Rob and I traveled to Silver Spring, Maryland exactly one time together. In 2003, we went to the AFI Silver Theater to take in this documentary. He and I have each seen They Might Be Giants live a number of times -- well into the double-digits, and many of times we saw them together. Terrific, fun, band. The stories in this one are amusing but not shocking, which, if you know the band, is... not shocking. The production herein is slightly lower-grade than some of the other documentaries I've seen, which is just perfect for two guys who used to perform with a guitar, accordion, keys, stick, vocals, a drum track, and no other performers onstage. But the Johns are great humans and great performers, there are goofy segments interspersed, and this was well worth another viewing after 17 years. Best scene was when the Johns talk about each other -- a rare getting of the chills in an otherwise quirky little piece. And Dial-a-Song was the coolest thing ever.
If I Leave Here Tomorrow (2018)
Gone with the Wind: The Remarkable Rise and Tragic Fall of Lynyrd Skynyrd (2015)

Unlike TR, I do love this band, and have since high school. Jam band folks prefer the Allmans, rock-song aficionados go the route of Lynyrd Skynyrd. The story intrigues, and while nobody is going to follow suit and watch these back-to-back like I did, it was worth doing. Different takes on the same events were interesting, and more is better when you dig a band. And Ronnie was a fucking tour de force.
It Might Get Loud (2008)
For the unfamiliar, this was Jimmy Page, The Edge, and Jack White getting together to talk about guitars and guitaring, play some stuff, and have some fun. Backstory content was included, and that might have been the best part. Three generations (or eras) of rock and roll are represented, three upbringings, three styles, and it's all good fun -- for the music geek. Folks external to that category might be slightly less enthralled. Random amusement: The Edge playing and singing the Ramones tune "Glad to See You Go" from his revisited high school locker room. Fun fact: Jimmy Page played on Shirley Bassey's Goldfinger theme song.
More soon to come!
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We reached 20 posts again this month. Fine work, team.
Putting Our Stamp, Totally Convincingly, On Unlimited New Things
(and creating new acronyms)
I don't dislike Skynrd. I like them, in fact. I just don't love them like a pantheon band. Somewhere above Deep Purple and below the Allmans.
I wanted to like the Page/White/Edge doc more than I did.
Very excited for the Parks and Rec show tonight. They're doing something on the show at 8 PM before the new episode at 830.
WWOZ JazzFest radio back on. 2nd weekend.
I felt like Jimmy Page came off well in that doc, The Edge seemed preoccupied with his gadgets, and Jack White looked utterly out of place.
new parks and rec?
i've been listening to techno music lately-- to drown out household sounds while i get shit done. aphex twin "cheetah" and boards of Canada . . .
The Edge isn't used to talking, what with having been next to Bono for 40 years.
Widespread Panic set at JazzFest 2008 up now...
458 more NJ virus deaths. Sweet. 1.3% of the state has now tested positive.
Guy I read has been busying himself with videos of music covers. Here's a group called Fossils and Foxes pulling off a pretty stout version of CSN's "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" -- a beast of a tune to replicate.
My 10 y/o and I went 3.25 miles today. Pace is slow (~10 min/mile), but he’s stretching his distance and it’s as good a bonding experience as there is. He would have crushed the 1-mile fun run our town has each June, but that was cancelled. Sigh.
for the third day in a row, i sat down this morning at my desk around 830, rose to make coffee around 930, hurriedly made lunch just before noon, rushed to make another cup of coffee around 2:00, and finally stood up, done with work, around 645. my pandemic productivity is off the charts.
Today was not my most productive pandemic day. But it is my Dad’s 75th birthday and I got to celebrate social distancing style on his back porch with him so that’s a win.
Making coffee at 930 one hour into the work day. As a coffee guy and early riser, that is alien, freakish to me.
Happy 75th to Sr. Hughes. Memory there for sure.
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