Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Who's the Man(dalorian)?

There's a lot of excitement in the Geekosphere about the first live-action series to be spun off from the Star Wars canon. None moreso, perhaps, than right here in our corner of the world. Observe:

Right on, Teejus. We knew you when.


Marls said...

To TR’s point, the pressure from the Big 10 on Rutgers to be competitive in revenue sports is going to enormous. Most of the conferences watched what the SEC did in basketball a few years ago to pressure their members into improving their programs. Two dogfight wins over UMass & Liberty and then getting fisted by the rest of you schedule is not going to cut it.

TR said...

That’s an aggressive verb, Marls.

zman said...

So you're saying there's only enough room for one program like Northwestern in the Big 10?

Marls said...

I’m saying that even Northwestern was pushed to get better. They made the NCAA tournament for the first time ever in 2017 and have had multiple 20 win seasons in the last few years. In football they have been bowl eligible 8 of the last 10 years and won 4 out of their last 5 bowl games. They are no longer allowed to just be there to keep up the league GPA.

Marls said...

My verb choice seemed oddly Rutgers/NJ appropriate.

TR said...

Is Tina Turner’s You Better Be Good to Me the best karaoke song ever, the worst karaoke song ever, or both?

Asking for a friend.

rob said...

tribe @ wofford this evening. terriers are 10-point favorites. fear the wrath of the tribe!

mr kq said...

Catching up from a few posts back -

1) 9-9 and went over?? FFS picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue
2) I must be a sucker, I always tip the NJ gas guys
3) I miss Marls

rob said...

tribe goes to spartanburg and beats wofford, 80-79, on a bryce barnes layup with 0:04 on the clock. 3-0 now, with all three games on the road. i don't know anything about anything.

Mark said...

Tina authored one of my go to karaoke songs. Not that one though, TR. I prefer Private Dancer.

Mark said...

Welcome back, Walter McCarty.

Anonymous said...

Technically speaking, "Private Dancer" was authored by Mark Knopfler. And recorded by Dire Straits in 1982, which would be a weird by probably cool version, if we could ever hear it. Which we won't, apparently.

Story here. Replete with MK's slag of Jeff Beck.

All of that said, Mark's point is not lost, especially if Private Jerry is in the crowd.

Mark said...

Damn you, Whitney. I knew one you guys would get me when I used “authored”. The word flowed well with my sentence structure. That (bitterly) said, I had no idea that Dire Straits recorded it. So, not a full damning of you.

Mark said...

Unrelated and random: Peyton Pritchard is going to play in the NBA. That’s something I would’ve deemed absurd as recently as 18 months ago. Not all that athletic but he’s strong, smart, never gets sped up, shoots it well and is a surprisingly effective finisher.

rob said...

hornets and heat in the building to watch nathan knight go for 21/11 this evening. third consecutive double-double for the commodore to start the season. speaking of guys who are gonna play in the nba.

Mark said...

How’s he shoot it? Just wondering what kind of NBA big he is.

TR said...

He’s the kind that goes from the summer league to the G-league to Greece.

rob said...

his range has gotten better, but he's not exactly a stretch 4/5. consistent from 15 feet in. 75% free throw shooter, good feet, good defender. tr is probably right, because he's not an elite athlete. lefthanded, which makes him interesting.

TR said...

Private Dancer could be fun. It’s all about having the right mix of people and really selling the performance
when you have the mic. The audience can smell the weakness. Many years ago, some friends and extended friends did karaoke in K-Town in Manhattan. We were getting after it pretty aggressively until a girl nobody liked did Roam by B-52s. She thought she had a great voice, but she just had a big voice. The whole song was one big needle-screech-on-vinyl sound. It set the fiesta back quite a bit.

Zman and I have discussed having Sonic Ambassadors at parties who make sure music is appropriate and keeps things flowing. Karaoke parties need those as well.

TR said...

Episode 5 of Season 4 of Big Mouth has a song about Florida that is really something. It ends by calling it America’s glory hole. Worth seeking out on Netflix.

Whitney said...

You gotta be pretty skilled to take on Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson like that. Better off aiming at easier marks like Courtney Love and Phil Collins.

Whitney said...

Hey, Zman, TR, and Dave-
Hall & Oates playing MSG 2/28. Yacht Rock!

Hey, Mark-
Just Oates (possibly the official tour name) is playing solo 11/19 at the Maxwell Center for the Performing Arts. Not rock!

If you can, guys, also catch some solo shows by Jimmy Messina, Andrew Ridgeley, Flavor Flav, and, of course, Art Garfunkel.

RIP Sonny Bono

Marls said...

Hall and I will not stand idly by while you California vagina sailors stab the American airwaves in the balls with your shit ... music

rootsminer said...

Seems like Marls has effectively fisted the discourse here.

Whitney said...

Way to go, Marrrrrrrrrls

Intended like the guy on The State yelling at Carrrrrrrl

Here at 14:49

Also in this episode is Barry Lutz and Monkey Torture, a bona fide classic

Marls said...

We are the leading blog for fisting related sports content. It’s a niche market here but huge in Germany.