Big Bite was ordered, beers were consumed, hoops upon hoops were enjoyed, and we passed out on the comfort of several of the ample couches arrayed across the basement.
Saturday morning came, almost certainly on the late side, and Clarence and I packed up our things and headed upstairs. We never made it. The reasons are lost to history, but we feel certain that they have something to do with a) another Big Bite call, b) the beer run that Danimal and our friend Ron made, and/or c) the fact that we slept so long that the next round of games were beginning.
And so on that Saturday, we watched the ACC semis, the Big 8 semis, and the Big East Final between Ray Allen and Connecticut and Allen Iverson's Georgetown team. It ended like this:
(Jim Calhoun's reaction at the very end is priceless: "We won! We won! We Won! Oh, Fuck, John Thompson looks angry. Sadface.")
At some point that day we invented a drinking game (the group had swelled to at least 5 at this point) that involved each of us drafting two players and making someone else in the room drink when our player did something excellent and drinking ourselves when our player fucked something up. Replays counted, and were pernicious.
Sunday morning coming down would have been good advice, but we likely wouldn't have followed it. We were, as the saying goes, pot committed. In 1996, we didn't have cell phones, and while I assume Clarence and I called our girlfriends (both of us, at the time, were dating the women that would become our (first) wives), I can't be certain of that. It really wouldn't have mattered, as we'd crossed a line late on Saturday. We smelled the finish line, even as it was obscured by the combined funk of the clothes we'd worn, gas we'd emanated, food we'd half-finished, and showers we hadn't taken for three days.

Finally, after nearly 48 hours of basketball, beer, and Big Bite, we witnessed Iowa State win the final Big 8 basketball tournament, 56-55, when Kansas' Jacque Vaughn missed a running hook at the buzzer. We hung around for another hour or so to watch as CBS unveiled the NCAA Tournament brackets, because of course we did.
Only then did Clarence and I head up the stairs, through the kitchen, and out into the cool evening to breathe fresh air for the first time in days. We didn't say much on the ride home, but we didn't have to. We both knew what we'd done, and though we don't talk about it much anymore, every time the calendar turns to March, and talk turns to bubbles bursting and Championship Week, we both catch ourselves smiling just a little, and fighting an odd craving for chicken wings and pizza. We were heroes, my friends, if only for a brief moment.
We shower a lot more now, though.
Ahhh.....the Cave...ridden with couches each of which could comfortably fit your Buck's and Gheorghe's of the world. Rob must have looked like a little person in those things, or rather a littler person. That basement sucked me in, literally, becoming a resident a mere 2 months later.
That Big East tourney was special: Kittles, Iverson, Allen and John Walllace were all studs. A group of us were in Cancun for Spring Break and spent an inordinate amount of time in some enormous gawdawful sports bar watching b-ball and worrying about what the sun would do to Zman and Sammy's skin.
Related note - I was at a work lunch a month ago hosted by a private equity firm. The partner walked in to thank us for attending. With him was John Wallace. Wallace sat next to me for the entire hour. He appears to be doing very well for himself and has some funds invested with the firm. At the end of the meeting, we talked hoops - that Big East tourney, to be specific. We also talked about the Knicks. I told him I hated Jim Dolan and he said he did too, and that all ex-Knicks hate him. He said Dolan's "band" played a charity function Wallace was involved with in the winter, and Dolan repeatedly stopped his set to yell at the attendees to be quiet. Wallace was a very good dude. Not sure if I shared that story before.
you had not, tr. that's good stuff.
danimal, who else was there that weekend? i remember ron, and i think townsend, too. anyone else?
When Dolan "played" this event to raise money for pancreatic cancer, Cablevision employees trying to unionize protested him. He's such a douche the the employees felt it was worthy to protest a charity event to raise attention to what an a-hole he was being.
So this band is apparently playing Jazzfest. The rest of the band is a group of seasoned session guys who must be being paid exorbitantly to shelve their self-respect.
Booing a band at Jazzfest seems morally wrong on many levels, but he deserves it.
Not that anyone here cares, but I officially divorced myself from the Knicks last offseason and have not felt an iota of regret, even during their strong start.
rob = Bowie?
TR = baller?
What an odd world we blog in.
Was 96 the Mercer/Employee #8/Delk/McCarthy season?
Yes it was, Z. And don't forget about Mark Pope!
Also, that insanely talented Mississippi State team Rob mentioned featured another member of the Knicks draft class that featured John Wallace. Dontae Jones. And their starting PG that year (whose name escapes me) was convicted of murder just a year later. SEC basketball, y'all.
The Knicks had three first round picks and got three guys who made the Final Four -McCarty, Wallace, and Jones. Too bad none became stars.
Or even serviceable rotation players for them.
Teej - Great Danes looking pretty decent on defense.
And I'm pretty impressed with the commentating team of Picozzi and LaPhonso Ellis.
About to go meet Teej and Mrs. Teej at their hotel. And so begins the weekend of watching basketball and drinking booze with the Teej.
Rob....probably twalt....corky perhaps. Tom and I lived in incester at the time so I would imagine we would have come into the big city together.
Len is sure stealing Chapel Hill's sunshine.
so good
This UNC meltdown is immensely enjoyable.
c'mon terps
this charles pierce grantland piece on the 1973 providence hoops team is some fantastic writing:
and the footage of ernie digregorio is worth clicking the link all by itself.
Tim Bradley is getting his head taken off by Pacquio's former sparring partner right now. Some compelling early rounds.
These guys are going to be exhausted after the first 2 rounds. This thing should not go even half way. It looks like a Rocky fight.
Mark, as the only other boxing fan around these parts (at least that I know of), I IMPLORE YOU to watch the Bradley fight from beginning to end when you have the chance. Highly entertaining, high drama.
I just set my DVR to record it on HBO West.
'Bout to tear up downtown Melbourne for Paddy's Day with Mark and crew
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