Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ghustice League, Assemble

I call to order this meeting of the Ghustice League, and offer to Mark and Zman a mission. Find Jay Shells and offer our assistance in his endeavors. From Fast Company:

Graphic designer and urban interventionist Jay Shells decided that New York City locations, memorialized in rap songs by the likes of Mos Def, Nas, or Jay-Z, should get the recognition they’re due. His guerrilla signage project has installed official-looking signs with rap lyrics at the exact locations referenced. "Cause I want to be on 106 and Park pushing a Benz," rapped Kanye West. Now, a sign says as much, posted at, you guessed it, the intersection of Park Avenue and 106th St. (the Harlem location where BET once had a studio).

We don't have to limit our efforts to rap, of course. I'm certain Clarence and I would enjoy figuring out where Oppenheimer Road is, and posting an Old 97s lyric, among numerous other songs and places. Everybody sign up for something in the comments. We'll make assignments soon.


Mark said...

This is awesome and I fully support it. I bet Rob didn't even know he was making a hip hop reference with his Justice League reference in the title of this post.

Also, to your Junior Cadougan point. I remarked earlier this week that Junior Cadougan had an awesome name but its not even the best name on his own team due to Vander Blue, whose name sounds like a Prince song.

rob said...

geoff making news in a progressive online outlet:

rob said...

i thought maybe there was a wu tang or other rap assemblage that might apply, but i'd be lying if i knew what i was talking about

rob said...

if i *said* i knew what i was talking about.

ah, fuck it.

T.J. said...

Are Beastie Boy tracks covered by this guy? If not, that would be fun.

Mark said...

The Justice League is a collective of North Carolina based rappers, the most famous of which is the group Little Brother which consists of Phonte, Big Pooh and 9th Wonder. Now you know.

Mark said...

And Little Brother isn't very famous but they are very good. I'd suggest the albums The Listening and The Get Back.

rob said...

big pooh! of course.

Mark said...

I've been laughing at this all day. So I'm just going to leave it here:

zman said...

The Minstrel Show is a classic must-have Little Brother album.

zman said...

Jay Shells must be old because I recognize all those lyrics. The Jeru and Guru signs made me smile.

Clarence said...

Yacht Rock tonight, peeps. I just had a piña colada.

rob said...

i think we're gonna insist you write a review of this one, my friend. better have someone take notes for you.

T.J. said...

Three Sheets!

rob said...

q: what do clarence and my aged cat have in common?

a: they've both pissed in a pile of my clean laundry.

T.J. said...

Cuse lead now up to 12...Marquette can't make a bucket

rob said...

can't get that kind of analysis just anywhere, folks

T.J. said...


T.J. said...

That Bud Light couch commercial is incredibly dumb, even by Bud Light ad standards.

Clarence said...

Rob, that is awesome. Kudos to Mo the cat.

T.J. said...

Clarence, will you be donning a yacht rock-specific outfit for tonight's show?

T.J. said...

Adios, Marquette

Clarence said...

Blue blazer, white Oxford, orange anchor ascot, captain's hat, possibly an Afro wig, and a huge buzz.

T.J. said...


Marls said...

Manuel.....I need more blood

rob said...

future mayor of one of america's largest cities, ladies and gentlemen. he'll be campaigning on a full recounting of his sordid past under the theory that the voters will embrace his honesty and candor. kinda like abe.

rob said...

according to facebook, clarence is at a place called pounders. because of course he is.

rob said...

kevin kolb inking a deal with the bills tonight, according to adam schefter. poor zman.

Mark said...

I continue to root for Wichita State. Love their unis. Wouldn't move there if you paid me.

rob said...

it's not even a fucking state

rob said...

but i agree with mark's geographical disdain. i don't think i've ever even been to kansas.

Danimal said...

Butt Pounders

Danimal said...

Just saw a pic of Clarence on fb..or as fb calls him, someone else.

zman said...


zman said...

Hee haw!

zman said...

Hee haw!

T.J. said...

someone check on zman. i think he just had a stroke.

TR said...

We could post a sign on the intersection of Houston & 3rd, referenced by Ryan Adams in New York, New York.

Oh wait , we can't, because no such intersection exists. Weak poser move, Mr. Adams.

T.J. said...

Ohio State gettin' worked

rob said...

we could post the lyrics of that indie lumineers tune that features canal and bowery...except that it's been ruined for me because it's played 11 times an hour on my kids' favorite station.

T.J. said...

uh oh.

T.J. said...

C'mon Wichita St, get ur shit together

Mark said...

Shockers are fine. Hopefully Brand Jordan will start selling me their shorts soon.

T.J. said...

Still nervous for them right now

Mark said...

Done. I'm going to pretend Florida doesn't have a game tomorrow for a few more hours.

T.J. said...

Tomorrow's games should be fantastic. CANTWAIT

Mark said...

TJ's right. Tomorrow's game have a lot of potential.

zman said...

Kein Kolb!? He got benched for John Skelton! He sucked despite throwing to Larry Fitzgerald! Two years for $13 million! Perfect.

Clarence said...

Hi, Gheorghies!! Happy Easter!!

Clarence said...

Oh, lord. I need a resurrection. Ouch.

T.J. said...

special thank you to Clarence for providing today's filler...