Miami (FL) @ Virginia Tech (+2)
I don't buy the Miami resurgence. I think Oklahoma's gonna go all Boomer Sooner on them in a few weeks, with or without Sam Bradford. Jacory Harris seems almost as likely to do something moronic as he is to do something dazzling (noteworthy evidence in favor of this position: his threat/promise to wear a pink suit to the Heisman ceremony should he be invited). And against Bud Foster's turnover-happy Hokies, Harris will be given all sorts of opportunities to wear the metaphorical pink suit of ignominy.
On the other hand, I don't buy Virginia Tech's offense. At all. Tyrod Taylor simply isn't very good at quarterbacking the football. He's Jacory Harris without the style. Eh, that's not fair to Harris. More accurately, he's Brian Randall without the skill.
What we have here is a dilemma, boys and girls. ACC Football, it's flawwwwtastic. After much consultation and several coin flips, we like Miami to go to Lane and pull out a win. We also like ESPN to go all in on the 'Canes over the next several weeks, with feature stories on Bernie Kosar's hair straightening, Lamar Thomas' post-Teague redemption and fall from grace, Randy Shannon's quiet confidence and gambling addiction, and Warren Sapp's Japanese commercial acting career.
Bonus Worst Game in America
Middle Tennessee State @ North Texas (+7.5)

MTSU has a win over Memphis in addition to Maryland, which North Texas features a freshman quarterback with the terrific name of Riley Dodge. As much as we'd like to go with the kid, the results on the field are pretty compelling. Raiders coast in Denton.
Illinois @ Ohio State (-15.5): Tough game to pick here. I'm morally opposed to picking in favor of Ron Zook, unless its a barefoot waterskiing competition. That guy is an animal on the open water. Off topic: Anyone remember when he nearly lost a foot during a waterskiing accident while the Head Coach at Florida? Yeah, well, he did and I think that anecdote is the perfect summation of his ill-fated tenure in Gainesville. Good times, gone terribly (nearly tragically) wrong. Anywho, I don't want to bet on Towlie here but I also don't believe in Ohio State. They lost a ton of defense last year and their one offensive palymake is Terelle Pryor. And, he is terribly overrated. He doesn't throw very well and he seems to shy way from contact which limits his effectiveness as a running threat despite his size and speed. Personally, I think he'd be better off saying fuck it, moving to WR and maximizing his significant physical gifts. But, what the hell do I know? I'll tell you what I know...15.5 is waaay too many points to give up in what looks to be the football equivalent of two down syndrome kids mud wrestling. I'll take Illinoize and the points. Remember folks: Ron Zook sees improvement and they are going to get things corrected.
Arkansas @ Alabama (-14): Anyone see the Arkansas-Georgia game last week? That was fun wasn't it? Its nice to see shootouts in the SEC from time to time. It balances out the AFC North style slugfests that we so often see when two top tier SEC teams square off (think LSU-Auburn of the mid 2000s). Well, I have some bad news. This isn't going to be one of those games. While the Razorbacks' offense is definitely legit, its defense is definitely shit. They couldn't stop Joe Cox last week and, believe me, Greg McElroy is much better than the Ginger Ninja. On the other hand, the Tide's defense is light years ahead of the shit that Willie Martinez is throwing out on the field in Athens these days (Seriously Willie, it might be time to start revising that resume. And umm, it might also be time to stop going by Willie. You are not British, black or under 10) and they'll prove to be a far stiffer test than the Dogs were. Bama has early round NFL draft picks in all three areas of their defense (Cody, Arenas, McClain, Hightower, etc.) and an evil little man caning them and feeding them raw hyena intestines Monday through Friday. Did I also mention that Bama has 4, yes 4, talented tailbacks that all play? Yeah, well, there's that too. Fuck all that bullshit talk about Miami. As of today, Alabama's the best team in the country, and as much as Nick Saban respects Bobby Petrino's ability to lie to and shit all over people who have trusted him and paid him exorbitant amounts of cash, thats not going to help Hogs one bit tomorrow. Alabama by at least 17.
Okay, boys and girls. That's all you're getting for now, unless TJ, TR, Zoltan or any other member of ever growing yet still unbelievably lazy staff decide to get off their ample posteriors and, you know, actually do their job. Be safe out there. Which, of course, is my way of saying. Get drunk and fight somebody...though not necessarily in that order.
1 – 200 of 320 Newer› Newest»What the hell has happened to TJ? He's been more absent and useless than normal these couple of days. Is he suspended without pay?
If so, its about damn time.
I remember last year when we all did picks (though they were NFL) consistently each week. I preferred that to this lazy, scrambled crap we've been throwing lately.
Hey, I just went to load Mark's picks in...and lookee that, one of you actually manged to hit publish. Kudos.
Sounds like Mark wants to wear the Captain's hat...and Tennille's blouse.
That was me. Because I got tired of waiting for your lazy ass. Even when I'm sick I'm still more motivated and capable than you. You ND loving, Yankee sucking bitch.
You calling me lazy is akin to Greg questioning my time managment skills.
And, um, I don't think I've paid attention to how much Corso is truggling on Gameday. Couldn't someone have nicely suggested he rest for a few more weeks?
No Captain's chair for me. I much prefer to bitch and moan from the back of the room. I'm also a little bitter that I effectively fought a cold all week long only to have it finally break me on a Friday afternoon.
Corso is definitely truggling.
Finally, is this Gameday a fucking 3 hour PSA for PSU? What the fuck? Not only is ESPN/Gameday at a crap game but now they're shilling for Paterno and the Lions. bullshit.
Actually, I think I will now be using "truggling" in daily conversations...
In other news, the flu is still running roughshod over the Gators. Tebow, Major Wright and Joe Haden all have the flu and are currently isolated from the team to prevent further infections. Great.
McShay looks like such a tool sitting in that cube breaking down tape.
He may look like a tool but his job is still pretty awesome.
I'd like to say how bummed I am that Matt Grothe is out for the year for USF. Not only is he massively entertaining (both good and bad) but he's been instrumental in building up USF's program. Its a shame he's going to miss his chance to take the Bulls into battle against both FSU and Miami.
TJ fixed the formatting! What a guy.
Agreed on Grothe. He was always worth watching, especially on the Thursday/Friday games.
Disagree about Jacory. I think the guy is fantastic. Poise and accuracy. That's what a QB needs and that's what he's got.
I'm a Jacory Harris fan, for sure. Its very easy to see why Shannon went with him over Marve. He has all the intangibles you look for in a QB. His arm strength is better (though not overwhelmingly so) and he's more mobile but (and I've said this before) he reminds me of Ken Dorsey in a lot of ways.
I just read Rob's picks. He needs to brush up on his North Texas Mean Green history. They've fallen on hard times but they had a pretty good small college program during the early 2000s. I'm pretty sure they made 3-4 straight New Orleans bowls during that stretch.
As for Harris, I think Rob's basing his analysis on one particularly erratic stretch from Harris during the FSU-Miami game. Aside from that (mostly the 32nd quarter) he's been terrific thus far.
How about the 2nd quarter and not the 32nd?
Nice goal line stand by the Bulls. Fuck FSU.
The Gameday piece on Harris made me like him even more. He certainly doesn't lack confidence, that's for sure.
Nonoe of those Miami Northwestern kids do. Something about growing up in Miami's worst ghetto seems to produce ample amounts of bravado.
And FSU is losing to USF while my FSU alum sister is stuck at her daughter's tee-ball practice. She just called me for an update and USF scored while we were on the phone and she responded by cursing out loud. I'm sure she's a hit with her fellow parents...did I mention she's a kindergarten teachr?
Ms. Lippy's car is green.
FSU's Oline is truggling.
Speaking of truggling, Mississippi State and LSU are knotted at 13.
Excuse me, Bulldogs up 14-13.
SEC football should never start at noon.
I'm gay for Kansas. Arsenal needs some goals.
sadly, one SEC game always starts at noon.
I too love Kansas. Especially since Todd Reesing is one of the last healthy marquee names on my college football fantasy team.
Hey! Look at that, FSU's FG attempt was wide right. Who woulda thunk it?
Most interesting slate of noon games so far this season?
Most interesting slate of noon games so far this season.
I'm really enjoying this debacle by FSU.
FSu has a defensive player named Mister Alexander? I really blew it by not following thru on the Miami/FSU made up names post...
That's Mr. Mister to you pal.
This is becoming a theme, but man do I hate Greg Reid.
Yeah, best noon window -- good quantity of non-marquee but decent games. That's kind of the theme of the weekend.
I think I saw a guy on LSU named "Russian".
USF is rapidly losing control of this game.
I'm sure you did Jerry. Even with that, he's still got the second best name on LSU. They have a freshman named Barkavious Mingo.
Miss. State just wont go away.
My opinion on Les Miles' coaching ability is well documented. Between last year and the sloppy start to this year, its beginning to look like his Zookian tendencies are starting to catch up with him and the LSU program. I'm probably jumping the gun here but this team has WAAAAY too much talent o play the way they've played over the last 10-12 games.
FSU is actively trying to lose this game with mental mistakes.
Like I said, actively trying to lose this game.
Chad Jones might be the nation's most underrated athlete. High level SEC baseball and football player. He also just happened to save LSU's ass (for the time being) in Starkville.
So...Indiana's beating Michigan? Suck it, Swint.
FSU just took Ponder out on 3rd and 2 while down 10 with less than 3 minutes remaining? What the fuck?
Well, that was anticlimactic.
FSU...blow me.
Swint just made a mess all over his Forcier fathead.
Michigan's gonna win...BOOOO!
guilty as charged on my harris analysis. if you don't think my picks posts are anything other than an exercise in creative writing then in need to go back to the drawing board.
in other news, i've been away from the internet for 24 hours. barely survived.
Okay, Virginia Tech up 14-0 in the 1st quarter. Didn't see that coming.
I mean, I had Miami pegged for a let down and they have been terribly overrated by the reactionary media (which might be my least favorite trend in sports these days) but Tech's offense is so bad and Tyrod Taylor is such a crap QB that I didn't really believe they could beat Miami. Still a long way to go, but I'll damn sure take it.
You came back just in time Rob. I'm thoroughly enjoying my Saturday thus far.
Some shit ass weather in Blacksburg today.
Jacory...yikes buddy.
The rain is Blacksburg is eerily reminiscent of the weather in Auburn last week.
Awful special teams bits Virginia Tech in the ass. That's more than a bit ironic.
Bits, bites...whatever.
Jacory's making Rob look like less of an idiot. Not a lot of pocket presence so far today.
cody grimm is having a fairy tale game.
i'll be here all week. try the veal.
You know, its a shame Nick Saban's never been prosecuted for raping all those little Filipino boys.
I'm enjoying Oregon's throwback unis.
I heart Trent Richardson. I dont want to, but I do.
Rutgers/MD engaged in a to-be-expected cripple fight in College Park...
tyrod taylor is just not very good.
Of all the games on TV right now. Why in the hell are you watching that?
They said Wang.
Indeed. He executes the two handed shovel pass with aplomb though.
And Rob, are you telling me (thru your silence) that you don't have a budding crush on Trent Richardson.
Nice tackling Miami.
I'm watching the Yanks/Sox game actually.
It's quite fun...the Red Sox catchers couldn't throw out a guy if they were standing on the back of the mound.
Aikman, Staubach...
So, Pat Forde, how about Miami you ranking Miami #1 in the country?
Strong candidate for Bama of the Week: The guy in Harris Teeter at 4 PM wearing a Virginia Tech shirt and hat.
I actually don't have a problem with ranking Miami #1 this week, if the ranker consistently subscribes to a very fluid system based on what's happened over the course of the year. I don't think he's smart enough to understand the concept though.
sorry, mark. i'm just now realizing that i can actually change the channel on my tv and watch another game. A reentry is proving to be a challenge. and richardson is growing on me.
Alabama might be worthy of some #1 votes.
javier arenas is a bad man.
I don't have a huge problem with it either. I just became extremely annoyed with the national media's overreaction based on two games against ACC teams that we know little to nothing about. The 'U" is not back, not yet. They are on their way for sure but I'd really enjoy a little more perspective amongst the sports media. doubtful that's gonna happen though, not with the culture of immediacy that we currently exist in.
I like how Verne slipped in where Mark Ingam's dad is currently residing.
Bama's my #1 right now. They're very solid across the board.
Damn, I got bad info in a trivia game about Staubach.
As an SEC homer I have to say something. I've had various fans tell me that the 'SEC is no god this year' and various other things meant to justify the ratings of their teams from the Big 12 or ACC. Here's the difference folks...The SEC has a recent track record of success that can't really be disputed. The SEC has earned the benefit of the doubt. The ACC has not, not by a mile.
I kind of enjoy the Cal loss when they start sneaking up the rankings.
These 3:30 games might be done and dusted in time for the Gators kickoff.
Thats the hope, Jerry.
Can we get some Iverson high school football clips?
I like the one where he returns a punt 90 yards and then pulls out a gun and shoots the back judge in the end zone.
I enjoy the one where he knocks the mascot off the horse to kill the clock.
I get jokes. Even bad ones.
jesse palmer sticking in the knife on fsu. comical.
Texas is up 47-7 on UTEP. There's still a monute left before halftime.
I missed Palmer. I'm sure I would've enjoyed that.
Miami appears to have made some nice halftime adjustments. Mark Whipple is a good OC, from what I can tell.
the way oregon's played the last two weeks, is it time to start wondering how good boise state really is?
This just in: Terrelle Pryor is terrible.
Yeah. Though Oregon's win last week had a lot to do with Utah's incompetence.
Nice hands on the Miami tight end.
wow, danielson with a kyle macy name drop. i approve.
Rutgers has 2 defensive TDs and set up the offense in FG range. The team has 20 points. But they're winning a game that's actually really important for both programs.
flu update on ESPN2. Awesome.
Must be nice to be able to run 3 charter planes to a game.
"The literal heartbeat of the team"
This Gators game might be done and dusted in time for the 7 PM kickoffs.
That was kind of supposed to be a joke, but it's 31-0 now.
Shit...I figured based on what Mark said Tebow would barely play, so I benched him and played Clausen in our college fantasy league. The only good thing is Purdue has a subpar defense even by Arena League (R.I.P.) standards.
But Jer, at least Kentucky has -1 total yards right now.
So...Florida's pretty good, huh?
Sorry Mark, it's more like KY is a fucking trainwreck.
though it's against my superstitious nature, i reluctantly concur with mark that alabama may be pretty good.
I benched Ryan Williams (31 pts) for Hardesty and McKnight based on matchups. Montario has a TD already though.
Mark Jones gets a lot of names wrong.
By the way, THE Ohio University up 14-7 on the cousin bangers.
UK is a mess but the Gators are running the ball whenever they want and their Ds been pretty solid too.
And furthermore Tj, how can you have so little faith in Tebow? Have you been asleep for the last 3 years?
McShay with a straight out of Crompton shout out. Nice.
Robert Smith stealing my Straight Out of Crompton nickname. Asshole.
Oh, it was McShay? I'll accept that.
8 for 12 in the picks pool, with 4 to go. A couple more are looking good, and I missed the points tie-break by 1 point.
I'm sure you all care, but this guy (pointing thumbs at self) is pretty psyched. And half-drunk on a Yuengling -> white wine run.
Urban Meyer's refusal to play any of Florida's young WRs is quite vexing. It's driving me fucking crazy.
middle tennessee up 20-7 on north texas late in the 2nd quarter.
Worst hit Tebow has ever taken. Jesus.
Tebow was out cold when he hit the ground. Good god, just sit him and give Brantley some time.
i'd like to thank cbs sportsline for the spot-on information about dez bryant and armando allen and their status going into today's games.
Tebow throwing up everywhere. That's the concussion and motion, not the flu.
CBS Sportsline runs the worst, most frustrating fantasy leagues ever.
How much cash could you get for that sack of Tebow puke on ebay? I say 5 grand if they put it in the freezer right now.
You're playing against a guy starting Juice (not the good one) and Jahvid Best on his worst day of the year. Quit whining.
my embrace of fulham has resulted in the cottagers staring the relegation zone square in the face.
Tribe up 23-7 on Delaware in the 3rd. Boo yah.
Fulham played a very strong game against Arsenal today. I was nervous throughout and the Gunners were fortunate to escape with a 1-0 win. There's no chance Fulham goes down (not just based on today).
yeah, i know. but they haven't had much in the way of results since i jumped onboard.
Fulham is an admirable choice, but there's not a lot of action for the fan. Even qualifying for the Europa League will be difficult now with the way Man City and Spurs can splash money. Prepare for some mid-table mediocrity and pray for a cup run or an occasional win against a top team. Admirable though.
georgia might not be very good.
Jerry...I lost Michael Floyd and Rob Gronkowski for the season last week. I'm entitled to a little whining. Though, my whining was about CBS Sportsline's lack of a user friendly site, not my team. So, maybe you should mind your own business. I'm just saying.
north texas charging back from a 30-7 halftime deficit to put the cover in jeopardy. 30-20 late 3rd.
make that 30-21. 'cause i know you care.
My draft:
1) Kendall Hunter (injured since we started the league
2) Robert Griffin (OK, but..)
3) LeGarrette Blount
4) Florida D
Dexter McCluster, Golden Tate, Shay Hodge
It's a free college fantasy league, the first we've ever found. Much better alternative to Swint keeping score on an Excel spreadsheet for two weeks and then just stopping.
that's what you come back into the discussion on? really? dammit, teejay, you can do better.
I came back to guys fucking bitching and moaning about a college fantasy league. What the fuck is wrong with you?
okay, fair point.
I don't have time for your shenanigoats...I'm working on my anthrax letter for Charlie Weis.
And Jerry's roster is huuuuuurting.
Erin Andrews, wearing a Mr. T-level of necklaces tonight (and no, not a pearl one in the entire mix).
w&m 30, delaware 20. beating the hens is a good, good thing. i'm starting to wonder about this tribe squad.
My hurting squad is about to go 2-1 and put up the 2nd best score of the week. (loss to Mayhugh and 2nd place to Mayhugh this week...he has a juggernaut)
Yep, Jerrys roster sucks. TJs right, maybe we've bitched a bit too much...but CBS Sportsline really does suck.
Alright then. Fuck Jerry, I no longer feel bad for him. Coincidentally, I don't feel bad for UGA. Eat shit Mark richt.
Jerry, the media recognizes it's your leadership in the locker room that has allowed your squadron to overcome injuries, questionable first names and RB-face punching...
And I can't believe Mayhugh has the uber team. Pisser.
Maybe too cocky...Quizz just got in the end zone, cutting my margin to 4...but I still have McKnight in my pocket (ngs).
I say you should feel bad for me and then recognize my excellence in fantasy college management. Or recognize that most people in the league don't try and haven't heard of 69% of their own roster.
point of order. going into this week, my juggernaut led the league in scoring. my training staff is obviously substandard, but my ath-a-letes are top notch.
Mayhugh has 161 right now with Lance Leong (2 TDs last week) still playing.
even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and again. believe me.
Are we sure Charlie Weis isn't mentally retarded?
This game is boring as hell. I've switched over to the Pac-10 game on Versus.
mtsu covers. booyah. that might be the first correct pick i've made this year.
He's definitely physically retarded.
what the hell are texas tech and houston doing tied at 7 well into the 2nd quarter?
Well hello Iowa special teams...
penn state. not so fast, my friends.
it seems subjectively and objectively clear at this point that every conference other than the sec and big 12 is playing for fun this season, no? that's not really up for debate at this point, is it?
Ruffin McNeil is the sweatiest dude Ive ever seen.
greg paulus, 21-28, 271 yards, 2td as syracuse holds off upset-minded maine. don't underestimate how difficult it is to keep a motivated black bear at bay.
It's really unfortunate that Northern Iowa couldn't have made one of those FGs vs. Iowa.
If you think Ruffin McNeil is fat and sweaty from the front...just wait until he turns around.
so texas vs. the florida/alabama winner, huh?
kinda fun ending in west lafayette
that's some ambivalent irish defense
I'm about to go 11 for 16 in this week's college picks. I'm nailing the shit out of these picks. Too many goofy spreads out there.
And I don't see Texas making it through the Big 12 undefeated. Somebody will trip them up. All in all, looking like a very weak season for the NCAA. Very few teams look very good at this point in the season. Maybe there's an overlooked undefeated team that will show some cojones in October. No idea who that could be. Iowa? Cincy? Michigan?
3 fucking rushing touchdowns for texas tech? that's not cool. y'know, dorkily fantasy-wise.
Purdue may need some clock management lessons.
It's shocking how few people understand clock management. That was a good timeout by Purdue.
yeah, that timeout just cost them the game. jimmy clausen was impressive on that drive.
i want to learn - jerry, why's that a good timeout?
Maybe you could make the argument that the TO allowed ND to settle down, but they had as much time as they wanted to run 2 plays. If they spiked the ball with :40 left, they should've fired Weis on the spot.
totally agree that spiking the ball is an asinine play - a panic move. but that's what they were going to do. purdue timeout only helped purdue if they were completely disorganized.
looks like indiana/phoenix in the wnba finals. who you got?
Thinking it through, I'm not sure it's a good timeout. But it's not terrible timeout either. I think it could go either way.
ND had 2 plays left and :40 on the clock. They weren't going to spike the ball. It's not hard to get two plays off in :40. ND wasn't going to lose to the clock. The only way they would lose is if Purdue stopped them on 2 plays. So Purdue would want to conserve time in case ND scored.
The reason that I reconsidered my opinion was thinking about what would happen after a sack. If Purdue didn't call a TO and managed to sack Clausen, they would've won.
I guess I was assume competence from the opponent. If ND really was going to spike the ball, then it was a disastrous timeout.
Since I seem to be the guy who angered Jerry, I'll say this:
ND was in full on scramble mode, and seemed to have nothing on their mind but spiking the ball. With that in mind, Purdue decided to take a timeout and, in my opinion, bail out ND. I do not assume overall competence or clock management competence from Charlie Weis, I believe he's earned this.
The Saints average 330 passing yards per game, best in the league. The Bills give up 332 passing yards a game, second worst in the league. The Bills also lead the league in defensive penalties (19) and defensive penalty yards (167). Thus the Bills' gives the other team's offense 83.5 yards a game. Just to be nice I guess.
So the Drew Brees is going to run roughshod over the Bills today. Perhaps the Bills can kill the clock with Fred Jackson?
Unlikely. The Saints are surprising stout against the run, giving up a mere 56 rushing yards a game, and the Bills only convert 36% of their third downs. The Saints are surprising stout on third down, allowing opponents to convert only 33.3% of the time. So even if the Bills do go with 3-yards-and-a-cloud-of-dust, the Saints will likely stymie them.
But most importantly, Dick Jauron is heavily involved in this game, and he's a knucklehead.
Final score: Saints 51, Bills 24
we haven't explored the phenomenon of mitch albom's hair-over-ears styling in nearly enough depth.
One of my friends is obsessed with Albom's "hairstyle". He thinks he looks like a troll. Can't say I disagree.
I think part of me records Sports Reporters each Sunday just to see Albom's fact, I have definitely deleted the recording the minute I see Albom's Hair is not involved.
The person that dressed Cris Carter today should be shot in the head.
Brown stripes x 3 = eyesore.
My comment wasn't aimed at anybody here - just a lot of pent up frustration with the general inability to manage the clock. This particular instance probably wasn't the best example though.
The fact that the announcers were clamoring for a spike on 3rd down is enough to demonstrate the point.
I moved about 4 weeks ago and I needed a haircut so I tried a new barber. It went ok - I can't tell if he accentuated my baldness more than my old barber or if the pace of my hair loss is accelerating. The real problem came right at the end of the haircut. Just as my barber finished, I noticed another barber trimming his nose hairs with his scissors, and then he put the scissors back in the drawer. I guess this happens at all barbershops, but if these guys are willing to snip booger-laden nose hairs in front of the customers, what do they do with their barbering implements when no one is around?
I agree that few people have a good grasp of clock management in general and the specific scenarios surrounding it. It should be a relatively simple concept, especially if you coach football for a living. Sadly, thats far from the case.
The Jets are 2-0 for the 9th time in team history. And they're celebrating 50 years of Jets football. Just a terrible franchise.
I still can't believe, with 40 seconds left, FUPA was going to waste third down by spiking it. 40 fucking seconds...that's plenty of time to run two plays.
Two notes about last night's SNL: there is a faux commercial with Mayhugh written all over it, and some new girl on her first show dropped an F bomb. Good times.
OK, Skins are in the red zone...let the comical missteps begin.
Failed fade route, Betts up the middle for two...confusion and timeout...yep, going well for Zorny.
Yep...what a debacle...
7-0 Lions. I just heard a guy three floors away drop a humongous "mother fucker" on that catch.
Houston-Jacksonville is surprisingly entertaining.
Meanwhile, Tampa Bay is fucking terrible. Just an offensive abortion.
Donald Driver had one helluva catch in the first half of that Pack/Rams game.
Mark Sanchez would not have won the OBFT mustache competition with the crustache he's rocking today.
Campbell knows you're not supposed to dribble in football, right?
I just caught myself thinking "you know, this Lions team is better than people think"...and then I called myself a faggot for thinking that. That's what's going on at my house.
Dirty Sanchez accounting for all the Jets TDs today...mancrush fully formed. Step aside Jeter.
Percy Harvin with a 101 yd kick off return touchdown...
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