As always, some of these amuse me, some frighten me and some just make me wonder what's wrong with the world:
- coorslight.com/denvernuggets
- bronson arroyo gives up 11 runs toronto blue jays
- lets give this another try
- tostitos black guy commercial
- "g g w k"
- scumbag millionaire
- pompatus
- what is missionary position
- jamie feick pictures
- did he just say making fuck
- present day pandemic
- arnold+remember when i promised to kill you last
- blogspot + "shudder to think"
- kiss me or you ganna lose (this was on arabic google, so someone probably lost a hand just entering that search)
- porn star tyrone hill
- Donovan McNabb sister
- terrence williams june 2009
- i hate kyle
- missionary position
- ryan atwood fluffer
- prince markie dee- typical reasons
- is this real tomato ketchup
- hammerhan bucking for a promotion
- hockey is awesome
- steve sax divorce
- flux capacitor fluxing
- "don't mess with texas" -video
- what is over under game
- tim meadows anfernee
Let's not lie. This list sucked. This feature sucks. At best, it serves as the NBA Finals Game 1 live blog in the comments. Though I'm sure the Cheech to my Chong might have a full basketball post in the hopper already.
"what is missionary position"
Well my friend, it is just about the most exciting, scandalous and unsavory sexual endeavor known to man.
It's amazing the Amish even know how to use the internet.
this list was the missionary position of the ghoogle genre.
I still laugh everytime I see "ryan atwood fluffer"
69% of this list is TR's handiwork.
Last night I saw a UHaul in Gilbert Arena's driveway. Let the rumor mill begin...
Why would Gil Arenas use U-Haul? Wouldn't he just call a bunch of professional movers to take care of that crap for him?
I'd guess he's kicking out his baby mama...but I'm racist so make of that what you will.
Sadly, I do not have yet another epic basketball post ready for tonight like I had originally planned.
I had a very full day today. Early morning meeting followed by a ton of various work-related tasks and then a tattoo appointment in the mid-afternoon. On top of that, I have the last game of my city league basketball regular season tonight at 7:30.
i heard a rumor that kq was at gilbert arenas' house last night. i'm a little bit shocked.
That's funny...I heard Magic doesn't have AIDS?
Any help?
Anybody remember the mini-debate conducted around here about Josh Heytvelt and his NBA prospects? Yeah, well, this probably shouldn't surprise anybody but, still, its pretty interesting:
Speaking of Gonzaga, several GMs were ranting about big man Josh Heytvelt. "He looked completely disinterested," one GM said. "He was awful. He had his teammates urging him to compete harder. It was weird."
OK Mark, you got me. I believe I said he'd be a decent pro, especially based on every other white stiff who gets a shot in the NBA (there might even be a gtb post alluding to thos fellows). I still say wait and see.
I wasn't even looking for that. I just thought the Gm's comments were amazing. Its rare when you see a GM call out a guy so completely. He should make the league, he's big, athletic and can shoot with range. Unfortunately, it seems like he'd rather be hanging out with the two of us than working out for NBA teams.
That's kinda of interesting actually, because (despite ur love of baseball) Dennis Eckersley basically called out Phil Hughes on Sunday as being a Heytvelt, in similar terms.
That is funny. I know very little of Hughes. Only that he was supposed to be great, his hype grew a little too fast, he got hurt and hasn't really regained the magic since. He does have an awesome name though.
Maybe we should invite him and Heytvelt to the next G:TB summit.
Tony Battie's already in the game and tossing up bricks...great.
I should really be sick of this Lincoln commercial, but I'm not. Not even close.
pau gasol is underratedly ugly. neckbeard is a nice touch.
well hello, jameer
Gasol's just luck Hedo is playing in this series.
Nice start by Jameer. I like how he's going about it. I don't know if he's doesn't quite trust himself yet or if he's easing his way back into the flow (he's passed up at least two 3's he normally wouldn't).
Either way, he's already been better than I expected. One thing we've all learned from this season (and a major reason that the Magic were willing to see what Jameer had) is that the Lakers CANNOT handle quick, aggressive point guards.
Jesus...the Lakers must've noticed something about Courtney Lee on film...
I think I'll pass on "Cougar Town".
gm advertising? that's...well, i don't know what that is. bizarre comes to mind.
jvg defending svg against some harsh criticism.
magic need to hit kobe. hard.
I was surprised Mark Jackson called out SVG so openly. As for Kobe, yeah, the Magic should probably let Gortat toke a crack at him. Other than that though, I think Pietrus is doing a pretty good job. Also, Kobe getting into a 'get mine' mentality early in the game isn't always necessarily the best thing for the Lakers.
I love Jameer Nelson but I think Van Gundy's playing him too much at this point. He's doesn't have his normal rhythm or his burst and he's hesitant when making decisions. All these things are understandable given his layoff from live action. I
I'm just very surprised and disappointed that Van Gundy went away from Alston so quickly. If you're looking to play Nelson a lot in this series, at least take you time working him back into things a bit.
Kobe's the most skilled player in the game. Just about all of those skills are on display tonight.
Black Mamba...good night...
Hedo, your balls are showing, bumblebee tuna...
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