I tuned into NBC.com's coverage of the U.S. Open just in time to hear Johnny Miller say of Tiger Woods, "Maybe he can shoot a Johnny Miller round." I'll give him credit - it's hard to pull off back-patting of that difficulty without straining something.

triple bogey for duval on #3. dagger.
Looks like Glover's going through a rough start today.
Mahan closing the gap.
Duval is steadily morphing into Daly. All he needs now are the occasional DTs and loud pants.
these guys are really golfing their balls in a lousy fashion today.
nobody's paying attention to retief goosen, but he's only 6 shots back with the leaders cratering. hmmmm.
Favorite Glover: Lucas, La'Roi, Danny, Savion, Crispin, or Steven(aka Steve O)?
I'm leaning Crispin...
nobody was paying attention to goosen for a reason, apparently.
Timbo - I have to take for St. John's cager, and now Argentine League All Star, Anthony Glover. Mainly because he supposedly referred to himself as Anthony "G-Lover".
so as much as the powers that be wished it, seems that eldrick won't be winning. that +4 stretch over the last 4 holes on thursday will get big press tomorrow.
I just found out that every Von Erich brother except Kevin is dead. That's 4 of 5 that didn't make it to 35 years of age. Not strong odds.
whoa. phil just eagled 13 to get into a share of the lead. whoa.
Ricky Barnes is not afraid to bogey any hole he's playing. At this rate, he'll be lucky to finish the tourney at +4.
gotta feel for ricky - his worst nightmare is being televised live to millions.
Yeah, he's handling things about as well as Ricky Bobby did.
At least it's on a Monday.
Rob, are you watching? I'm just reading a blog that's 10 minutes slow (not this one). Sounds like Phil's been playing it safe for most of the round, but he must really gone for it on 13.
been watching via nbcsports.com, but my connection's spotty. had to go to a meeting for a few minutes. what the hell did duval do?
glover could certainly blow this, but it looks a lot like phil whiffed another one down the stretch.
It would be nice to see Barnes birdie 17 like he did yesterday. Would put even more pressure on Glover.
glover with iron off the tee at 18. he's the anti-phil.
give barnes a bit of credit. he went -1 over the last 7 holes. course, he was +7 over the first 11.
Hey Guys! I'm back from Key West and working my way thru the second day of a 48 hour hangover. I was as bad off yesterday as I've ever been. I had to make myself puke on at least two different occasions in order to remotely survive the pain my body was inflicting on me (the second time I ended vomiting in front of a mom and her 3 kids as they turned the corner in time to see me blow chunks one last time...sorry kids).
On top of all that, their was a wreck on US 1 in the Keys yesterday that resulted in a major detour. I arrived home at 11:45 pm last night after a measly 10 hour drive (it's normally 6 hours).
Did I mention I leave for Chicago on business tomorrow afternoon? Yeah, well, that too. I should be sufficiently recovered to attend the Cubs-Sox game (Yes Rob, I'm going to a baseball game...by choice) on Friday afternoon though.
Missed you guys:)
So no one knows where the South Carolina Governor is?
Have they checked South of the Border? That place is quite large...you really could get lost in there.
apparently red line and green line trains collided this evening in d.c., with fatalities. how does that happen?
kinda fun in omaha - lsu ties the game with 2 out in the top of the 9th. ping!
Two things..
1. I few Jet Blue cross country this morning and go to watch the entire final round of the US Open--live TV on the airplane is awesome
2. Did you see W&M's release? asparagus...seriously?
WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (AP) -- The College of William & Mary in Virginia is looking for a mascot and ideas have ranged from a feathered horse to an asparagus stalk.
The school said Monday more than 400 nominations have been submitted. William & Mary for decades was known as the Indians, but the school changed its nickname to Tribe in the 1980s.
The NCAA ruled in 2006 that the college could keep the Tribe nickname but its feathered logo was demeaning to Native Americans and had to go.
The school's athletic teams will still be called the Tribe, but the college wants a mascot that may -- or may not -- match the nickname.
The asparagus stalk supporter notes that if served with cheese, the vegetable represents the school colors.
The school's president will make the final decision.
hell, yeah. asparagus is awesome.
asparagus = super-pungent urine.
I like where the Tribe is going on this one. Green and gold(en) indeed...
It does rain a lot in the Burg.
The asparagus stalk is the single most phallic vegetable there is. Somebody come up with a "Mary" vegetable to go with it and I think we have our mascots.
Dried pear half?
Asparagus and cheese? Those W&M kids are so zany and witty.
I was in Germany in April/May of 2008. One village where we spent the day was advertising an upcoming Asparagus Festival. It was called "Spargelfest 2008" and featured Germany's white asparagus (side note: it is unbelievably delicious - much better than anything you get in the US).
So the posters, of course, featured giant cartoon drawings of the white asparagus stalks. They couldn't have resembled penises any more closely. It was hilarious (and a little creepy). Almost made you think twice about ordering Cream of Asparagus soup.
i know i'm behind-- but the best movie scene without dialogue is at the start of 2001, the bone to space station transition . . . although you need to be stoned to make ti through the rest of the movie.
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