Here's hoping this picture makes Whit and Wheelhouse Jerry feel just a little bit better. Coincidentally, this is exactly my sentiment upon starting another work week:

(h/t to Surviving Grady)
Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
USA-Italy kicks off at 2:30 PM today. It will be a miracle if the US squad can survive this tourney with its dignity intact. They play Italy, Brazil and Egypt over the next week.
someone please to be live-blogging
But Rob, the start of the work week must come as a relief after your weekend as Mr. Mom...
yes, that's why i'm making the mark teixeira gleeful dipshit face all day.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Egypt's just scored 2 goals in a span of about 30 seconds to tie up Brazil at 3-3. Unbelievable.
If Egypt wins (or even ties) ?I'd like to suggest the headline "Pyramid of Success" to our friends at TWWL.
They're not going to. An Egyptian stepped on a Brazilian's foot deep in Egypt territory with time about out. That kick resulted in a controversial (but correctly called) goal-saving handball by an Egyptian who looks a whole lot like Jerry. Ensuing free kick was scored. 4-3.
The flopping, wincing, and near-tears fake injuries on both sides has been hideous enough to remind me why I sometimes turn off international soccer. Pathetic. Say what you will about baseball, Mark, but there's none of that queer crap in the sport.
Well...Geoff jinxed Egypt. Really not that surprising when you think about it.
You're right Whitney. I've never seen a player dive into an inside pitch and play up his "pain" on the way to first. Baseball is pure.
You're making that comparison? That rarely happens. Oh, maybe the Cardinals do that. Fucking LaRussa.
I was just looking for a reaction...thank you.
the mike vick to washington drumbeat is beginning to pick up some volume. please, danny, make this happen. from a purely trainwreck perspective, this would be phenomenal. steinbog might pass out.
so no live-blogging, then? bastards.
US loses 3-1. Unsurprising.
Can somebody explain why Eric Devendorf is staying in the NBA draft when he's almost assured of not being drafted? Why not go back for one more year of co-ed sex and Big East ball and the hopes of being a 2nd round pick in 2010? Did Boeheim politely push him out of the program?
I predict he will get herpes and/or shot while playing pro ball in Russia.
Teixeira is a gleeful dipshit but this guy isn't?
What I've heard is that yes, Boeheim has encouraged Devendorf to pursue life beyond Syracuse. I imagine the assualt charge was the last straw. Interestingly, its been said that Boeheim took the same approach with TJ's boy, Paul Harris.
Does it get any better than this dialogue between Artie Lange and Joe Buck:
When (Joe) Buck said cheekily that his favorite web site is, Lange interrupted: "What's your second favorite site,"
Too bad Artie will likely be dead very soon...
i had my sirius receiver stolen out of my car recently, so i've been missing the brilliance of Stern/Lang and Left of Center for around a month....thank you for that, TR. Thank you.
Ummmmm, its not Monday anymore Rob. Get off your ass and do something.
TJ's boyhood idol has fallen from grace: Mel Hall accused of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old. Nice, Teejay.
Jesse Barfiel said I should beat Josh as pay back.
Didn't Mel Hall have a similar problem at some point earlier in his life? I mean, I know Luis Polonia was a kid toucher but I thought I remembered something about Hall too.
FYI - Mel Hall was the veteran who used to bring a young Jim Leyritz out on the town when he was a rookie in the early 90's. Mel and Jim were big fans of booze and strip clubs. Leyritz talked about it in length on Opie and Anthony one day. The interview occurred well before he Leonard Littled somebody.
TR have you read Dan LeBatard's recent story on Leyritz in the Miami Herald? If not, check it out. Definitely worth your time.
Nobody commented on the unsolicited ad we got today... I'll bite.
Whether you're seeking Muslim,Christian,Catholic, Singles Jewish ,Senor Dating,Black Dating, or Asian Dating,You4Dating is a Right Place for Members to Browse through, and Potentially Find a Date.
"Senor Dating"? How does he get an individual shout-out? Did he pay an extra few pesos?
Coincidentally, the black and Asian folks get a nod but Hispanics are omitted. Maybe it WAS intentional.
Separating the Christians from the Catholics... is this site hosted in Belfast?
And somewhere in nirvana, Buddha shakes his head, looks over at Vishnu and says, "Whiskey tango foxtrot?"
Whit--I'm glad that you clarified the "webmaster" post as "unsolicited." I was afraid that GTB was becoming a victim of the economy and had to resort to taking sketchy ads to stay afloat.
On another note--the NBA draft is next week! And, according to the SportsBog, FOGTB (friend of GTB) Jonny Flynn was in for a work out with the Wiz today.
We're about due for a 300-comment day!
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